Seth Grossman WPG Saturday Morning Radio appearance. Calling from Guatemala. Topics for Discussion:
SETH GROSSMAN: Good morning. I’m calling from Jocotenango, Guatemala. It took me about a week to figure out how to correctly pronounce the name of the place I’m staying at. It‘s a very interesting country and I’ll be talking about that later.
IN-PERSON BREAKFAST DISCUSSIONS EVERY SATURDAY MORNING: But first, let me remind everyone I’m here for, and everything we’re talking about today is posted on that website. And all the material posted on that site, and everything I talk about on this radio program come out the conversations we have at our weekly Saturday morning breakfasts in Somers Point. We follow what Ben Franklin did with his discussion group called the Junto 300 years ago in Philadelphia. Ben Franklin said that most ordinary Americans were better informed about public issues than most elites in Europe because we openly discussed them. He said when different political opinions collide, sparks of truth fly out, and political light is obtained.
We hold Ben Franklin open discussions over breakfast from 9:30 to 10:30 every Saturday morning at Sal’s Cafe in S0mers Point. Anyone who supports American liberty is welcome to welcome to attend. You just pay for your own breakfast.
WHY “POLAR VORTEX” INSTEAD OF “COLD WINTER”? I’m here in Guatemala visiting family. So let’s talk about the weather. I keep reading about how cold it is. However, the American media is still not saying we are having a very cold winter. They are still telling us we keep having these pesky “polar vortexes” that are causing us to freeze.
That is because they have to promote this fake narrative that we are all suffering from global warming. I keep getting these urgent messages from the United Nations on social media telling us to take immediate climate action, to prevent the catastrophic warming of the planet.
So it’s perfect timing for Trump to be sworn in when the weather is so cold that he has to have the inauguration indoors. But the “woke” narrative is that we have to fight this global warming. So I guess this cold weather for Trump’s inauguration is a perfect way to prove what total nonsense this climate change agenda is.
The earth’s climate has been changing for billions of years. If there is any warming going on, it’s not caused by people trying to keep their homes warm in winter or driving to and from work.
By the way, if the climate alarmists had their way, how much colder do they want us to be tonight? Anyway, it looks like Trump is going to help us junk that whole evil agenda.
Last week, I said I hope Trump and Congressman Jeff Van Drew will start by putting the final nail in the coffin of those ocean wind turbines.
I read that the clerk of Atlantic City certified the petitions signed by about, you know, 2,100 voters of Atlantic City to force an election that would deny permits to put in cables for those offshore wind turbines.
But hopefully, Trump will issue an executive order, and there will permanently put an end to those wind turbines.
EXPAND SALEM NUCLEAR, RE-OPEN LACEY TWP NUCLEAR, REBUILD MARMORA POWER PLANT AND COOLING TOWER: And again, we can’t ignore this issue. It is up to us to take the next step to expand the Salem nuclear facility by adding a third generator. We must demand the reopening of the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in Lacey Township. And we must rebuild brick by brick the power plant and cooling tower that was stupidly demolished at Beesley’s point by Milepost 29 on the Garden State Parkway. We need to push that energy agenda. We can’t just talk about stuff we don’t want. We really have to fight to get the things that we want, and need. And I think that, that that the Trump, you know, Trump and the people he’s appointed are going to be doing that, and we’ve got to help them any way we can.

LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY YEARLY FUNDRAISER WITH BILL SPADEA: We raise most of our money with a yearly fundraising event that we have every February. And this year it is a 2pm Cash Bar buffet on Sunday, February 23rd at Josie Kelly’s in Somers Pointe. Tickets are $75. Our featured speaker is Bill Spadea. He is a prime time radio talk show host from the Trenton area who is running for Governor. He is running in the Republican primary against Jack Ciattarelli and two other so far. This is ironic because Jack Ciattarelli was our featured speaker at our February fundraiser in 2017 when he was the underdog against Kim Guadano. She was the lieutenant governor under Chris Christie.
We do not take orders from any political party. We like to be on the cutting edge of conservative politics. Last year, our speaker was Atlantic City ballot harvester Craig Callaway as our speaker, You may remember that he attracted the attention of Jesse Waters and Fox News came down to cover the event.
Anyone who wants an inside view of what is going on in the New Jersey Republican Party this year should hear from our speaker Bill Spadea and talk to him at the event. As you know, both Republicans and Democrats in New Jersey pick their candidates in preliminary, Primary elections held in June. This year, the Primary Election for both Republicans and Democrats for Governor, Assembly, Mayor of Atlantic City and a whole bunch of other county local offices will be on Tuesday, June 3.

MURPHY’S “ANCHOR” PROGRAM IS A CARNIVAL SCAM, NOT TAX RELIEF: Governor Phil Murphy is bragging about how much property tax relief his ANCHOR Program is giving us. This is a total shell game, a fraud, and carnival scam. It does not cut a dime of spending for our public schools, or anything done by county or local government. New Jersey spends more per pupil than almost any other school system in the country. Yet we are cranking out some 35% to 40% of graduates who can’t read or write or do basic arithmetic. The whole idea that we’re not spending enough money on public schools is ridiculous. So how does Governor Murphy give us tax relief if he doesn’t cut any spending, and lets government spending get even more out of control?
Murphy creates this ANCHOR Program that basically raises state and local taxes on business owners, to give checks to homeowners and renters who vote. It’s a vote buying scam. Property owners who vote get a break on their taxes, but all the businesses they buy from pay more. So all the people getting the checks for the 1200 or $1300 or the $500 saying, oh, boy, I’m getting this property tax relief. They’re paying for that every time they go to the store, every time they see a doctor, every time they buy anything. You end up paying the higher property taxes paid by New Jersey businesses in the form of higher prices that all these businesses have to charge for the higher taxes they pay. So Governor Murphy just made every business in New Jersey a deputy state tax collector! If that’s not election interference to buy votes, I don’t know what is.
Maybe it would better if property owners had to pay these higher taxes directly. Then they would correctly blame politicians for high taxes, and not businesses for high prices. Then they might understand that the system we have is not sustainable. We can’t afford these salaries. We can’t afford these contractors. We can’t afford these giveaway programs where every time you read the paper, oh, $680,000 for a luxury bus in Atlantic City. Or a $20,000 for a grant here or $50,000 grant there. It all adds up. We’re all paying for it, but it keeps going on because most voters think that somebody else is paying, and they don’t worry about it. The ANCHOR so-called “tax-relief” program is just part of that shell game.

REPORT FROM GUATEMALA: In many ways, there’s more liberty and prosperity here in Guatemala than in Atlantic City or Pleasantville. I happen to be staying in a in a resort area called Antigua, where it’s surrounded by volcanoes and lakes. It’s almost like a Guatemala Poconos. A lot of Americans here on vacation. A lot of Americans retired here because the cost of living is so low. Here are some observations:
I feel absolutely safe walking around here day or night. And it’s interesting because the place I’m staying, is almost like the Pleasantville of Guatemala. In other words, Antigua is the resort, and that’s where all the tourists are. That’s where they have the hotels, and the restaurants and the extra police and security cameras. However, I am staying in a small town called Jocotemango next to this resort where there is much less security and very few tourists. Most of the people who live in this town work in the nearby resort. However, this town is absolutely delightful. Everybody is friendly. Everybody is helpful. And, you know, since I speak Spanish, I’ve been talking a lot to the people. The random people I talk to are very informed. They seem knowledgeable and educated. It’s just an absolute pleasure to be here.
I would not think of having a vacation in Atlantic City and say, okay. I think I’ll save some money. So I’ll stay in a bed and breakfast in Pleasantville and walk around day and night and walk in and out of the shops and restaurants in Pleasantville as casually as I’d walk around the restaurants and shops inside of an Atlantic City casino. But I have no problem doing it here.
MOST PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN NEW JERSEY IS GOVERNMENT OWNED. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN GUATEMALA IS PRIVATELY OWNED. In New Jersey we have socialism for most public transportation. One government owned company, New Jersey Transit, owns and operates almost every regular bus line in New Jersey. If I want to take a bus from Margate to Somers Point or from Longport to Ocean City, I have to go about 15 miles out of my way. I have to take one bus in the opposite direction to Atlantic City. Then I take another bus to Pleasantville, and then back down through Northfield and Linwood.
If I’m an enterprising businessman, I’d want to run a bus directly from Margate to Somers Point or from Longport to Ocean City. However, that is against the law in New Jersey. Nobody is allowed to compete with the government bus company called New Jersey Transit. And if if say I would want to run a bus or a jitney from Somers Pointe to Longport or or from Somers Point to Ocean City, I’d be shut down, fined, and locked up as a criminal.
It wasn’t always like that. Roughly 60 years ago, we had dozens of private bus companies in New Jersey that took people where they wanted to go when they wanted to go. However, state and local governments hit them with so many taxes and regulations that almost all of them were forced out of business. This created a crisis. And the politicians came up with New Jersey Transit as the solution. New Jersey Transit did not have to pay any of the taxes or follow any of the regulations that put all the private bus companies out of business. And it was exempt from damages for most lawsuits. And it was protected from all competition. And it gets millions in government subsidies.
Here in in Guatemala, there’s still free enterprise. If you think there are customers who want to go from one place to another who are willing to pay, you buy a bus a van or a jitney and go into business. And so there are all sorts of buses running very often to and from almost every town and neighborhood. Without any government subsidies, you can ride the distance from Atlantic City to Margate for about 60 cents each way.
They also have these things called TukTuks. They are like rickshaws powered by motorcycles. They hold three people and cost between one and three dollars each way. And of course you have taxis and Ubers.
DOWNSIDE: EVERY HOUSE AND BUSINESS HAS TO FILTER AND PURIFY ITS OWN WATER: Yeah. And and it’s not not a not, you know, perfect. There’s stuff that government should be doing, and it’s not doing here. For example, here the government doesn’t purify the water. So each homeowner, each business has to have their own water purification. That’s a downside. But that is where “government exercising just powers with consent of the governed” comes in.
PEOPLE IN GUATEMALA CAN HAVE A GOOD LIFE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. NO NEED FOR MASS IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES. There are so many opportunities here. You don’t have to move to America to succeed and have a good life. We have this wrong idea that if people in Guatemala can’t come to America, they will suffer horribly. No. Not at all. Where you have liberty, where you have prosperity, where the government keeps you safe, where the government protects your property, where the government gives you the opportunity to do what you want to do and and go into whatever line of work you want to go into, It works wonderfully wherever you go, and it’s working very well in Guatemala. So there’s absolutely no reason for immigration, to the United States if we think we’re helping people because we’re not helping anybody. We’re destroying our own country, and we’re taking the best and the brightest people out of these other countries, and we’re making them poor too. So we’re really screwing up the whole world with our immigration system. I hope that President Trump will help us fix this. It was his number one issue that got him elected in 2016. Things didn’t work out the way many of us had hoped. Hopefully, he learned his lesson. Hopefully, the people who he’s appointing now are going to do the job, and and because that immigration issue is it’s it’s a it’s a number one problem.
BAD HOSTAGE DEAL IN ISRAEL: ISRAEL RELEASES 30 PYSCHOPATHIC KILLERS FOR EACH KIDNAPPED VICTIM RETURNED. Meanwhile, Israel is releasing, nearly a thousand psychopathic criminal murderers, and sending them back to Gaza where they can do all their evil stuff all over again. In return, Israel is getting a handful of the 200 people who were, kidnapped on October 7, 2023. Horrible deal for Israel. Even worse, Israel is agreeing to get out of the Gaza territory to, so the Hamas could just take these psychopaths back, re equip them, retrain them, and send them back to kill a 100 or 1000 of Jews all over the world, in the future. So it’s a horrible, situation. And basically, Israel lost that war.
However, it is important to remember that Israel lost that war on the day it began. It lost the war when it allowed 250 Jews to be kidnapped in the first place. Think of the horrible situation it puts you in. Jews, Christians and Americans can never win this kind of a war because we value life so much that we will pay almost any price to save it.
Think of how other cultures deal with this situation. It is something that we, Americans, Christians, Jews can never do. Did you ever see the, that series, Shogun? The first version was with Richard Chamberlain about thirty years ago. And they just did a remake on one of the movie channels. In one scene, this top warlord Toranaga wants to test his son, to see if he is worthy of taking over the kingdom. So he orders his son to kill his wife and his children. It is shocking and barbaric to us. But Lord Toranaga has his reasons. He knows that some day, his son must make a treaty with his enemies. And as part of that treaty, his son will have to let his enemies hold his wife or his children as hostages. So to win a war against his enemies, Toranaga’s son must be prepared to kill his wife and his own children.
This is very much like what the Japanese did with their soldiers n World War 2. Families would mourn the death of their sons the day they enlisted in the army and treated them as if they were already dead. If he somehow came back from the war alive, it would be a good thing. But they did not expect it. But we Americans, Jews, and Christians could never be so callous towards human life, and that’s why we’re when we’re at war with people who don’t share our values, it’s just such a disadvantage. And it’s just such a tragic situation that Israel has enforced into this deal.
NATIONAL HOLIDAY FOR MARTIN LUTHER KING. BUT NOT GEORGE WASHINGTON: We are getting ready to observe Martin Luther King Day on Monday, January 20. You can see how our national holidays have been reshaped. Our holidays no longer bring people together to praise what was right in America. The story of George Washington is remarkable. He grew up as an orphan. George Washington was eleven years old when his father died. He struggled to support his family on their small farm. His ambition was to be an officer in the British army. But Washington was denied a military career in England because he was an American and did not have social and political connections in England. Washington plans, prepares, and has discipline. He ends up, becoming one of the wealthiest men in America. He puts it all in the line to lead an army of rebellion. He wins the war. They want to make him a king. He steps down. He doesn’t want to be a king. He helps us write a constitution instead. All these great things, and we don’t have a holiday to remember him anymore. We used to remember him on February 22nd. Now we have a Presidents Day where we could remember Barack Obama and honor Jimmy Carter and honor every president the same. We forget the greatness of George Washington, and yet we’re having a holiday for Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was also a great man, but nobody matches the achievements of George Washington. The fact that hardly anybody even mentions George Washington in February proves that our national holidays are no longer teaching Americans how to be better Americans. Our holidays are no longer uniting us, they’re dividing us. That is a problem. Maybe this too will change in the Trump era. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey. We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time. If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333