Jan 25, 2025 Seth Grossman WPG Radio: ‘Anchor Babies’ Can Be Deported With Illegal Parents. Trump Ends ‘Diversity’ Hiring 7 Yrs After GOP Leaders Condemned Grossman For Opposing It.

Topics discussed:

Immigration law.

Anchor babies. Childbirth tourism. Helps bring 30+ immigrant relatives.

Trump Executive Order.

14th Amendment.

Keep deporting in order to help solve problem.

500 illegals in Newark. ICE raids.

Mexican airspace blocked for deportation flights?

Secretary of State Marco Rubio: suspend foreign aid to all countries.

School disrupted when educating illegals.

Revoke ‘Affirmative Action law’ from 1965.

‘Diversity is a bunch of crap’. Seven years ago, fellow Republicans denounced Grossman for saying that.

Gov’t grants. Where’s that money coming from? Inflation.

Furniture store in Somers Point company gets $790,000 grant for solar panels. Senator Vince Polistina, Atlantic County’s Maureen Kern, etc photo ops.

Breakfast speaker today: Assembly’s Claire Swift will defend her woke, school / library vote.

Feb 23 fundraiser. Nj Gov Candidate, Bill Spadea.

Above Video:  Seth Grossman Speaks to Faith & Freedom Coalition on February 13, 2024: Why Mass Deportations Are Needed For US Survival.  Also, Click Link To Previous Post:  American Survival Requires Mass Deportations. Learn Why & How. https://libertyandprosperity.com/email-newsletter-archive/american-survival-requires-mass-deportations-learn-why-how/
JOHN DEMASI:  There’s going to be a resistance to Donald Trump, and it started already. A judge has already rebuffed Trump on the birthright citizenship rule. There will, of course, be others who resist, not only this rule, but other Trump executive orders. You you you get the picture. Let’s focus on this one. US District Court Judge John Coughenour in Seattle made a preliminary ruling in a case brought by 22 states including New Jersey. Judge Coughenour ruled that children born in this country were U.S. citizens, even if neither parent was a citizen or legally in this country.  He ruled that Trump’s Executive Order denying citizenship was unconstitutional.
New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin together with attorneys general from 17 other states are suing President Trump to stop him from end ending what is called birthright citizenship for US born children of undocumented immigrants. And, you know, I don’t want to tackle this one because a listener of mine, Kevin, he sent an email, and he asked me to send it to Seth. And Seth explained it beautifully. And so we’re bringing Seth on a little early to talk about this ruling and make sense of it.  Seth, good morning. Welcome to Talk With A Purpose. 
SETH GROSSMAN: Good morning. And, of course, we’ll be talking about this at our breakfast discussion that we have every Saturday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 at, you know, at the Sal’s Cafe in Somers Point, and it’ll be posted on libertyandprosperity.com website. But what you’re talking about are anchor babies and basically an anchor baby works like this. Women come from other countries either illegally or, they come on a visitor visa, like they’re a tourist. But they come when they’re pregnant and they have their baby here in the United States. So far that child becomes automatically a citizen. And once you have the baby, you know, when the the baby is still, you know, breastfeeding or whatever, they then hire a lawyer for that baby, to declare that baby to be a naturalized citizen. And then on behalf of the baby to have a guardian, petition the court to have both parents declared to be citizens as parents of a citizen. And then once they became legal, the the the illegal parents, whether on a tourist visa or just being here illegally, they then petition to bring all their other children in and their brothers and sisters, their aunts and uncles, and their parents. And so you’ll have that one baby will bring about 30 or 40 immigrants into this country, in addition to the immigration quotas. That’s called the anchor baby. So how do you deal with this? Well, Trump issued an executive order to say that from now on, babies born from mothers who are not legally in this country or who are on visitor’s visas are are not citizens. Problem solved. But it’s not, a problem solved because of these, two issues. We have this thing called the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution. And that was, really enacted after the civil war. You know, where black Americans were slaves and then, you know, we had an amendment, the 13th amendment declared that slavery was no longer legal legal in this country. And so the southern white Democrats said, okay, well, they may not be slaves anymore, but we’re gonna start, enforcing the law to, to arrest all these, black Americans on on all these, you know, trivial violations of the law, that we’re not arresting whites on. And we’re gonna lock up the, you know, these black Americans as as criminals, and then we’re gonna make them do work, in our prisons. In other words, they basically made them slaves even though slavery was supposed to be illegal. So 3 years later, America adopted the 14th amendment that said, quote, all persons born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and entitled to equal protection under the law. Meaning that whatever if if you couldn’t treat black Americans different from white Americans under the 14th amendment of 18/68. So you had it on the books. And then in 18/98, you had, a man, a a a man was born of Chinese descent in San Francisco. He moved back to China for a couple years, and then America had a law that said you couldn’t get in, it was illegal to have immigrants from China. So he came back and he was gonna be deported, but he took his case to the Supreme Court. And that’s when the Supreme Court said, if you’re born in this country and you’re subject to the jurisdiction of the laws, you’re a citizen and he had to stay. So that’s what we have the what the law we have right now. And you can’t undo that with an executive order. And that case is called the Wong Kim Ark case. And, you know, I don’t have to be a genius to know that case because it’s that case is taught to every 1st year student in law school as part of our basic constitutional law class. Now does that mean there’s nothing that you can do about it? Absolutely not. And this annoys me with a lot of Republicans, sometimes. Because whenever Democrats do something radical, like what Biden did with the student loans, and it gets knocked out in court, the Democrats are relentless in finding other ways to work around a bad court decision until they finally get what they want. But too often, Republicans, when they wanna do something and one judge somewhere says, well, you can’t do it. And the Republicans say, alright. Well, we tried, so we’re not gonna try anymore. But there’s a very easy workaround here, and that’s this. So let’s say you have an illegal mom, has a baby in the United States, and the kid becomes a US citizen, that doesn’t mean that the kid has a right to stay in America. That doesn’t mean that the kid has a right to get a have a lawyer appointed for him to to bring in, you know, 26 relatives. What it means is he’s a citizen, but just because he or she is a citizen doesn’t mean that he has the right to stay because we have basic principles of child custody law. Anyone who has anything to do with divorce or divorce court or anything in the system knows that a an unemancipated child, meaning a dependent child, you know, usually under the age of 18 or under the age of 21, that child lives with the custodial parent or guardian. And if the custodial parent or guardian is illegal and gets deported, then the US citizen child goes with a parent and gets deported with a parent, and that’s elementary child custody law. And you may remember we went through this when Bill Clinton was president with something called the Elian Gonzalez case, where you had a kid who was legally in the United States. His mother died, but the father lived in Cuba. And the father said, I’m I’m I’m the father. I’m entitled to custody. The minute the court declared that the father was entitled to kiss custody, the kid went to Cuba even though he was legally in the US. So if you are creative and if you’re determined, you could work around, that Anchor Baby, situation with the 14th amendment. And I really hope and expect that Trump’s gonna gonna do that. So what what what does he have to do at this point? Well, what he has to do is just keep supporting people and as who are here illegally, and and there’s no I I like when the, Democrat media says, well, you’re dividing families. No. You’re not. You know, they they also say, well, you have a a you know, US citizen children. Well, yeah. You have US citizen children, but you have illegal parents. And the children, go with their parents. And then maybe 10, 15 years from now when the kid grows up, he says, okay. I wanna go back and leave mom and dad, my my friends here, and move to United States. He has a right to do that then, by himself or herself. But it doesn’t mean that because you have, you know, 10 people in a family and one baby happens to be a US citizen, doesn’t mean you can’t deport the family. You do deport the family. And we have to get used to that because if we don’t get used to that, we’re not gonna enforce some immigration laws and we’re not gonna have a country. Boy, it’s just the beginning of the Trump resistance. It it really is. 2 days ago, you had 500 people were arrested in Newark, working illegally at some they they just set a place of employment. You know, what place of employment would have 500 illegal immigrants in one place? I mean, I but but whatever it is that happened, and, of course, the headlines was, well, there was a US military veteran there. Well, was he here legally or not legally? If he was legal, that means he, you know, gets to stay in the 499 people who are, illegal, you know, they have to go. We just have to get used to that. I I noticed that yesterday, Mexico denied airspace to a US plane that was carrying 80 deported immigrants to Guatemala. And and so, according to the headline, see, the Trump, deportation program can’t work. You know, Mexico is not gonna let, you know, let the planes land, not gonna let us use the airspace. But again, we’re gonna now see how determined Trump is. Because if Trump is determined, that’s an easy fix. He could say, okay. Well, if Mexico doesn’t wanna take the illegal immigrants back, well, you know, all those legal immigrants who are sent in sending these cash payments to their relatives in Mexico, well, we’re not gonna we’re not gonna let them go either. And and I noticed that the first act of Marco Rubio was to suspend US foreign aid payments, to all countries until we get a handle on things. So when you’re tough and determined, you could solve these problems. Yeah. The boy, it’s it’s gonna be interesting. That’s for sure. Absolutely. And I know the headlines we’re talking about, oh, the the schools, these these deportations are gonna disrupt the schools. Well, 20 years ago, what what disrupted the schools more When suddenly you have a class of 25 kids in in a class, and then you have the children of 10 illegal immigrants who speak 10 different languages, show up in the classroom, and and turn it into a total chaos, and nobody learns anything? Did you see any headlines that said, oh, illegal immigration is disrupting your schools? No. No. You didn’t. No. Of course not. But if you’re fixing the problem and sending the kids who Who have no ties to this country, who can’t speak English, and can’t communicate and make education easy, right away the media is saying, oh, we have this this big problem. 
JOHN DEMASI:  Oh, boy. It’s it’s going to be interesting and fun too. 
SETH GROSSMAN:  Absolutely. I I guess probably the thing that was the most fun, when I read the 2 days ago that, president Trump, eliminated the, the executive order or or revoked the executive order for affirmative action that Lyndon Johnson put into effect in 1965. And, and what that meant, is in 1965, they had that thing called affirmative action. And and what the the Lyndon Johnson Democrats did, you know, they said, well, it’s not enough now that we have the civil rights movement, and blacks and whites are being treated equally. That’s not enough because there was discrimination in the past. And and so because there was discrimination in the past, if if we if we have, an area has 20% black population and, you have any kind of job or or business or government agency and there’s less than 20% blacks who are employed there or getting scholarships or whatever, we’re going to have affirmative action, and we’re gonna force businesses. We’re gonna force government agencies, to make sure that they have the proper quota and the proper racial balance. So, really, the affirmative action, be you know, was really a a type of diversity, the equity, the inclusion, nonsense. And and what it meant that if you had, you know, a lesser qualified member of some minority, whether black, Hispanic, you know, transgender, you know, some what what they call a favored category, that person would get hired even though that person may not be qualified. And and what you did, if somebody was a white male, you know, you could be 10 times better qualified than somebody else, and you would not even be considered for the job. So it was just a total evil thing. And when I was, running for congress in, 2018, I said so. I said this, diversity for employment, you know, for scholarships, for promotions, There’s a bunch of crap and un American people should be judged and hired and promoted based on their talent, their achievement, and their hard work. So, you you had this radical leftist group took a video of me when I made that statement at a debate, in Salem County, and, it went viral. And and every major Republican in New Jersey denounced me, and they said, we don’t want any you know, Roseman can’t come to our events. We’re not going to let let them have any funding. They wouldn’t even give me a mailing list so I can mail stuff to voters when I ran for congress in 2018. And that was John Bramnick. That was, Tom Caine Junior. That was Tim Guadano. That was Doug Steinhardt. So it’s just ironic that, instead of embracing, the common sense, stuff the thing that I said on diversity and affirmative action, they denounced me. But now 7 years later, Trump actually ended it and the whole country is cheering him for it. So what a difference 7 years makes. By the way, you you showed that picture on your website. They called you a caveman? Yeah. Yeah. They they wouldn’t call me a congressman. They called me a caveman. That was the Philadelphia Daily News. Yeah. Put me put a a cartoon character to of me on their front page. So, anyway, we have that going on. One thing I I I wanna mention, you know, every week I talk about these grants that are given by the government, and you’ll see it in the paper. And people say, oh, isn’t it wonderful that we’re getting, you know, $200,000 to to let, to improve the roads near a school because there’s a school side grant. Isn’t it wonderful that the government is paying Stockton University, you know, it’s $300,000 so they could make maple syrup at $5,000 a gallon and and stuff like that. And people say, oh, yeah. We’re getting money back to New Jersey without any idea as to where that money is coming from. And, of course, the money is coming from the federal government, which has a which is $35,000,000,000,000 in debt. And there’s a direct connection between the inflation and, you know, and spending money that you don’t have. And it and the inflation is not caused by the Federal Reserve. It’s not caused by, you know, this agency or that agency. It’s that every time you, spend money that you don’t have, you print up dollars that are backed by nothing, and everybody’s dollar is is worthless. So we have to get people in the habit of of thinking when they say, oh, this we’re getting this freedom. We’re getting a $680,000 grant so we could have a bus in Atlantic City to take kids to a shopping mall up in North Jersey. Isn’t that wonderful? That could be Well, the the latest headline, from, 3 days ago is, you had a business. I don’t wanna name the business, but you had a furniture company in Somers Point, got a $790,000 grant to, put solar panels on a roof. And because the Atlantic City Electric said, you know, this solar energy, it only comes when we don’t need it. And when we do need power, it’s not there. So they wouldn’t even let the, you know, this, this business hook up their solar panels to the to the electric grid because it was too unstable and too unreliable. But I had to pay extra for a a battery system just to have lights in a warehouse. Now could you imagine, it that it is, you know, spending $790,000 to to to light up your, a warehouse? Who would do that? If you want to use the sun to heat up a warehouse, you just have, like, windows to let the sunlight into your warehouse. But it’s absolutely nuts, and that money is coming from the United States Department of Agriculture. Well, what does the United States Department of Agriculture is created, you know, to help farmers? So why are they giving money to a furniture store in Somers Point? And it’s it’s it’s all coming part of the, it’s the money is part of a program with the Biden’s Green New Deal. So it’s just horrible. And and every every, republican should be saying this is disgusting, because this is causing inflation. This is the fake Green New Deal. But yet, when they had the, the ceremony, they give the check for the $790,000, there was, you know, Republican senator Vince Paulistina. There was, you know, Republican commissioner, Maureen Kern, and there was a Republican, you know, city council president, I guess, Janice Johnson. We’re all proud of this these grants, and these grants are destroying the country. And and that’s why I’m so happy we have Elon Musk. I I think I wanna make a personal tweet to Elon Musk to say, if you’re looking for your DOGE, a division of government efficiency, this is the number one check that I would I would stop payment on if I if I had my way. Okay. But but but again, how can you stop it if you have these Republicans act as cheerleaders for all this garbage? Yeah. That that’s a problem too. Yeah. Alright. You know, just 2 more things. If if you’re listening on Saturday, Liberty and Prosperity meets, from 9:30 to 10:30. And if you’re listing, I believe Claire Swift, is going to be a, guest speaker. She has to come to our meeting, and she’s doing that response to, her supporting that bill that, Scripp elected school boards of the right to pick what books are in school libraries and taught to children. It was really a horrible, leftist woke, anti American move that governor Murphy rammed down our throats, but yet Claire Swift voted for it. So she wants to explain why she voted for it, and hopefully, she learned a lesson because a lot of times these these legislators vote for stuff, and they don’t think anybody’s gonna notice. But one of our jobs of at libertyandprosperity.com is we do notice it, and we do post it on our website. We do post it on our email update. Well And and and and that leads my my final point of fundraiser coming up February 23rd. Now the, our guest speaker is gonna be Bill Spadet Spadet Stadia, who recently, is stepping down from his position as a talk show show host another radio program to run for governor in the Republican primary. And, of course, he’s running against, your 10 o’clock guest, Jack Ciattarelli. And and people are saying, well, why don’t we have Jack Ciattarelli? Why are we having Bill Stadia? And and one of the sad things we have to say is even though, Jack Ciattarelli has been basically running for governor for, for the past 4 years since he narrowly lost to Phil Murphy, in the polls, he only has the support of 26% of Republicans and 46% of Republican primary voters are undecided. That’s that’s a problem and, and one of the reasons we’re having Bill Spade as our guest is to sort of hear the other side what’s going on there. Well, I’m out of time. If it’s a Saturday or Sunday, that meeting happened yesterday, but Liberty and Prosperity meets at, at 9:30 in Somers Point. Libertyandprosperity.com. Alright, Seth. Thank you very much. Seth Grossman, liberty and prosperity, and the website libertyandprosperity.com. It is talk with a purpose every Saturday, 9 till noon, WPG talk radio 95.5.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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