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- Join us for in-person breakfast discussions every Saturday morning in Somers Point, NJ.
- Support our yearly February Fundraiser at Josie Kelly’s in Somers Point, NJ at 2:00 pm at Josie Kelly’s. Featured Speaker: Bill Spadea. $75 Donation includes Cash Bar Buffet..
Feb. 1, 2025. Seth Grossman appearance on WPG Radio. Topics include:
11 basic principles of L & P.
AC resistance lead by Kaleem Shabazz, supports more Sanctuary State efforts.
Majority of Atlantic City Council wants more laws to protect illegal aliens. Defy federal immigration law.
Immigrant Trust Act or Confederate Rebellion Act.
Since 1920, limits on USA immigration.
Miserable conditions by AC Housing Authority.
Flooded with illegal immigrants.
NJ Atty General Matt Platkin: defy Federal authority.
14th amendment. Birth right citizenship. Anchor baby. 1898 Supreme Court decision.
Air crashes in Philly and DC overshadowed other big news over past few days.
Tragedy in Sweden. Terrorizing Christians. Hate speech laws. Fatwa = death sentence.
Whoopi Goldberg rant on THE VIEW.
DEI. Race. Sexual preference. Meritocracy.
White males discriminated against. Demoralized.
Evil of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Moms in the home.
SETH GROSSMAN: Good morning. Liberty and Prosperity meets to discuss all these issues over breakfast every Saturday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 at the Banquet Room of Sal’s Coal Fired Piza in Somers Point at Groveland Avenue and New Road. Anyone who cares about these issues and wants to actually do something about them is invited to come and bring us your perspective. Are we on the right track or the wrong track? If you agree with what we’re doing and want to help us and join us for breakfast. Or meet us us online at libertyandprosperity.com. Sign up for our free weekly emails on these issues.
The best way to help us now is to support our yearly February fundraiser on Sunday, February 23rd. Our featured speaker will be Bill Spadea, one of the leading candidates for New Jersey Governor in the June 3, Republican Primary Election. The other leading candidate is Jack Cietarelli who was the featured speaker at one of our previous previously our guest. But we’re not only inviting them to hear what they have to say, but we are also we have 11 basic principles to turn New Jersey around and we want to know if they support those issues. So it’s really going to be a two way process and I think it’s well worth the $75 for the cash bar buffet. I’m glad we’re having it on a Sunday this year so you can be there.
Above Video:Â Seth Grossman Explains To Faith & Freedom Coalition Why Mass Deportations Are Needed For US Survival.
Meanwhile, you don’t have to go to Washington to see the resistance to Trump. You saw the resistance on display in Atlantic City last Wednesday night. Kaleem Shabazz, a city council member introduced a resolution on behalf of a group called El Pueblo Unido that supports open borders. The resolution supports a proposed new state law that would make New Jersey even more of a so-called “Sanctuary State” than it already is. It would make it illegal for local police officials and law enforcement other employees to cooperate with federal employees to enforce immigration laws. They call that proposed new law the Immigrant Trust Act.
I called it the Confederate Rebellion Act . That is because we have a Constitution. Article VI of that Constitution clearly states that our Federal Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. It also requires every state, county, and local official, including every police officer to take an oath before the assume their duties. They must publicly swear to  support and defend the Constitution of the United States and all laws passed under that Constitution.Â
Since 1920, the United States has had limits on immigration and it’s bipartisan. We had those limits for a hundred years and there are good reasons for it. We have 8 billion people in the world and I’d say 2 thirds of them are poor and miserable. They is because they live in countries that do not have our Constitution or embrace our basic American culture of individual liberty, limited government and Judeo-Christian Bible based values like Ten Commandments and Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. We have wealth, comfort and safety in America because Liberty creates prosperity.
Some people think millions of people from those countries can instantly enjoy the American dream just by walking across the border and living here — without embracing our culture and way of thinking.
If you have hundreds of millions of people from those country come to America, it’s not going to make their life better. It’s just going to make our lives worse. Live in America will become just as poor, dangerous and miserable and most of the rest of the world for most of history.
I saw that at the Council Meeting in Atlantic City last Wednesday night. They had this long conversation about the miserable conditions of people living in projects run by the Atlantic City Housing Authority. And it came up that well, there’s no money to fix up these buildings. And there’s not enough low cost housing for everybody who needs it. But nobody mentioned the obvious fact that we are flooded with illegal immigrants from poor countries that do not share our culture.
That is why we have a federal law that limits how many immigrants can come to America each year. And if you don’t fit within that limit and come here illegally, you need to leave.
However, last Wednesday night, Kalim Shabazz and a majority of council voted for new state laws that would make force even more state, county and local government officials to break their oath of office, and obstruct federal laws made pursuant to our United States Constitution.
I spoke out against this. I explained why we have federal immigration laws. I explained why they and every government official takes an oath to support our Constitution and all laws made pursuant to the Constitution. I also pointed out that the last time we had a whole bunch of local and state officials say well we don’t like the federal law. We’re not going to follow it. That was in 1860 when you people in the Confederate Southern States refused to follow federal laws that put limits on slavery and we ended up with a civil war. So this is serious stuff and, and it’s not all about Trump. It’s about defending the integrity of this country.Â
So again, you didn’t have to go to Washington to deal with this. It was right here in Atlantic City. . .
JOHN DEMASI: I didn’t hear about that, but, do you think this has any traction? Do you think it’s going to go anywhere? W
SETH GROSSMAN: Well, I don’t know if the state law is is going to pass/ However, Attorney General Platkin with the support of our Governor Phil Murphy back in 2018 issued an order directing law enforcement and all state employees to defy federal authorities when it comes to immigration laws. And if you read the 14th amendment, this is rebellion and insurrection. It is everything they falsely accused Trump of doing. They are the Confederates. They are the rebels.. They’re the insurrectionists, and we have to call them out for it.Â
 I don’t know with where the federal government is going to go on this. But there are various ways to approach this and I hope the Trump administration is going to do the full court press. They have to hold these local officials accountable. However, they also have to refuse to use our federal tax dollars to pay for this. Every federal official has to make it clear that not one federal dollar will pay for health care, food, housing or public schools for foreigners who are illegally in this country. When people in the Democrat cities see how much they’ll have to pay for illegal foreigners, they may not want to keep obstructing enforcement of immigration laws.
 And this actually goes back to what we talked about last week about anchor babies and birthright citizenship. You know, I pointed out that, there’s an interpretation of the 14th amendment that says that, you know, when an illegal immigrant or someone who overstays a tourist visa has a baby in America that baby is an American citizen. And, you know, there are some other some of your callers, you know, had very good arguments as to why the 14th amendment should not be interpreted that way. The problem is there’s language it says that any person born in the United States and quote subject to the jurisdiction thereof is an American citizen. And we have an 18 98 Supreme Court case that said that, you know, they are citizens. The every baby born here. So that may be a bad supreme court decision, but to overcome a supreme court decision that’s been there for a 100 years, you know, it takes time. And all I was pointing out is instead of just waiting till the case works its way up the court, we could take action right now by using traditional child custody law and just say if an American citizen baby, has 2 illegal immigrant parents and we deport the 2 illegal immigrant parents, even though the child’s an American citizen that child goes with the illegal parents to the home country with the parents until that child becomes emancipated and then he could decide to come back here. So we could walk and chew gum. We could fight, you know, that interpretation of the 14th amendment and we could also deport the anchor babies at the same time. It’s not one or the other. So, I just want to make that clear.
By the way, because of, the coverage on, on immigration and because of the tragic airplane crashes in Philadelphia and and in Washington DC, there were a lot of very, very important news stories that never even got reported because, you know, they just got swept off the front page by those events. And one of them is a tragic case in Sweden about a 38-year-old Christian refugee from Iraq named Salwan Momika. Momika left Iraq and fled to Sweden five years ago when radical Muslims were attacking and killing Christians in his town. However, when Momika got to Sweden, he was shocked to learn that Sweden had invited thousands of radical Muslims from Iraq and Syria to settle in Sweden. So Momik became a vocal opponent of bringing Islam into Europe. The Swedish government responded by arresting him and bringing criminal charges against him for hate speech. Muslim leaders in Sweden also ordered that Momik killed for openly criticizing Islam. Last Tuesday, Momik was shot to death in his home. So far, there have been no arrests. The Swedish government did not condemn the murder. So far, the mainstream media has not reported one word about this. If we’re not careful, the same stuff’s going to be happening here. What’s good is the First Amendment? What’s good is freedom of speech if you could be murdered at any time for saying something that some people don’t like.Â
Why was there no media coverage about this? Is it because the media dosn’t want to talk about this issue? Or was it because the plane crashes in Washington and Philadelphia filled up the newspapers and TV news.
 Whoopi Goldberg viciously attacked Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s Press Secretary, on The View last Tuesday. We don’t watch that program, but  a lot of women or a lot of people who have just nothing to do during the daytime watch daytime television. While we’re all out working to pay the bills millions of women with nothing to do during the day watch daytime TV shows like The View.Â
Anyway, at a Press Conference last week, Karoline Leavitt said there was no “wokeness” at the Trump White House. She said Trump was getting rid of diversity, equity and inclusion. She said Trump was determined to hire the best qualified people, regardless of race, sex, or other DEI categories.Â
By the way, can you imagine if the NFL or the, or any professional basketball team hired athletes, you know, based on those categories as opposed to signing up the players best able to win ball games? I mean, nobody would pay to watch games with players hired like that. The games would mean nothing, you know, because none of the teams would be playing with the best players.
Hiring lesser qualified people to do important jobs is dangerous. We are learning from these tragic plane crashes, you need qualified people to do these jobs. If you have less qualified people, people die, people get hurt.Â
But there’s even more damage and and I’ve unfortunately seen this in my own family. Because when you, you know, have a culture where you tell people be the best you can, learn a skill, learn a trade, Become better. Practice. Work harder. Try to exceed. Try to excel. And then when you take the people who do that, and then you say, well, I’m sorry. You can’t get that job because you have the wrong skin color, or you have the wrong gender, or you have the wrong preference. And I have a very close relative, who, you know, he had a special talent for fixing slot machines. And, he was probably one of the best workers the casinos had ever seen, but yet he can never get promoted because he was a white male. And he spent years years forced to train lesser qualified people to be his supervisor. And he did that year after year and and of course it’s demoralizing and it just, you know, it takes the spirit out of you. And when you you hear about all these needless deaths from suicide, from drug abuse, from depression, from all sorts of things. Many of these are caused or or it’s not like fighting the drugs. It’s people cause when people just give up. They they they turn to these things to escape because they can’t achieve what they really want to do. And that’s a part of the evil of this diversity, equity, and inclusion, that that goes even beyond having lesser qualified people do essential jobs. Well, that that’s another discussion that we could have for hours. Yes. Yes. It can. But anyway, so after, you know, the Trump’s press secretary said there’ll be no vote this year. So Whoopi Goldberg did on this whole rant against, Carolyn Levitt saying, you know, how dare she say that these women, we they got absolutely nowhere. They had no career chances. They had they couldn’t get paid. They couldn’t do anything they wanted to do because we had this discrimination. And it’s only because of this wokeness that, you know, people like Carolyn Leafitt could have the jobs they have. And that is just dead wrong because you and I grew up in the fifties sixties. Yes. And and there were women who wanted to go into certain careers and they were the pioneers, they were the trailblazers. Why heck you had Amelia Earhart was flying airplanes in the 19 twenties. But the fact is that at the time most women didn’t have those positions because they didn’t want them. Because they wanted to raise kids, they wanted to be at home, they wanted to be homemakers and those women who stayed at home produced our baby boom generation and we couldn’t get where we are without moms who who were there at home. We got home from school. So it’s not like women did, you know, were barred by law or discrimination. It was a culture. They just didn’t go into these fields and as soon as a lot of women did go into those fields, they did succeed. But to say that we owe that every woman with a woman with a good job, owes it to wokeness. That’s not true at all. It’s a big lie. Anyway, we gotta call them out on that. Well, certainly, I agree with you. And and finally, I’m I’m I’m out of time so I just wanna conclude with our fundraiser on Sunday, February 23rd. We have 11 points that we’ve been, discussing and arguing about the 11 priorities of whoever is running for governor or any elective office ought to consider. And they’re posted on our website. We’re gonna be, sending out mailings and making people aware of them. Because it’s not enough to say what you’re against. It’s very important to know what we’re for and why we’re for it. And I invite all your listeners to be part of our process of, deciding the 11 most important issues so we could demand that candidates of any political party take those issues seriously. And that’s at libertyandprosperity.com, but again, Saturday 9:30, breakfast discussion at Sal’s Cafe, Groveland Avenue and New Road in Somers Point. And have a great week. Okay. You too, Seth. Seth Grossman, Liberty and Prosperity, the website libertyandprosperity.com. A lot of good stuff on there. Check it out. I’m John DiMasi. It is Talk With A Purpose every Saturday, 9 till noon, WPG Talk Radio 95.5.