At our February 1 Breakfast Discussion, all 18 present agreed to nine of the 11 goals for 2025 listed below. There was some disagreement on #7 and #9. What is your opinion? Please let us know before we make a final decision at our monthly business meeting this Saturday, February 8. Thanks.
Please comment below. Or attend a Saturday breakfast discussion in Somers Point. Or email us at We plan to vote on a final set of basic principles at our February 8 Business Meeting.
Above Video: On February 13, 2024, Seth Grossman spoke to the NJ Faith & Freedom Coalition and explained why mass deportations were needed for US survival. Also Click Here For Previous Post: American Survival Requires Mass Deportations. Learn Why & How.
- Deport Foreigners Illegally In Our Country. Revoke asylum “paroles” previously issued without evidence in violation of law.
- Honest Elections. One Election Day With In-Person Voting And Voter ID. Limit Mail-In Ballots to military, disabled, and those with documented travel plans. Register at least 30 days before Election Day.
- No Government Funding or Rate Hikes To Subsidize Unsustainable and Unreliable Solar and Wind Electricity: Expand nuclear power. Rebuild and replace the productive nuclear, oil, and gas power plants destroyed by demands of climate alarmists during the past five years. (Language added).
- End mandatory and government funded recycling. End restrictions on private, voluntary recycling.
- Constitution Solution. Limit federal borrowing and spending to national purposes “enumerated” in Article I, Section 8 of U.S. Constitution. Enforce NJ State Constitution by repudiating government debt borrowed without voter approval. (17 Approved. One Opposed)
- Repeal 2014 “Bail Reform” Amendment to NJ Constitution.
- Protect The Unborn With Persuasion. No tax dollars or insurance mandates for abortions or Planned Parenthood propaganda. Conscientious Objector status for doctors and nurses who refuse to abort pregnancies that do not endanger life of mother. Mandatory ultrasounds before non-emergency abortions. (One Dissenting Vote)
- Rethink Public Education. This includes letting parents apply their child’s share of public-school funds to private schools of their choice.
- Institutionalize those who deny the rights of others to enjoy clean and safe public parks, streets and sidewalks. (16 Approved. Two Dissenting Votes)
SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE for #9: “Restrict the freedom of “homeless” who deny clean and safe parks, sidewalks and other taxpayer-funded public spaces to others. Institutions for mentally ill. Jail for criminals. Shelters only for temporary poor”.
- Equally Distribute “Property Tax Relief Fund” of NJ Income Tax to Each Town or School District On Equal Per Person Basis. (Mike Doherty Plan)
- Vigorously enforce all Constitutional laws. (In 1868, Republican President Ulysses Grant said this was the best way to secure the repeal of “bad and obnoxious” laws). is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey. We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time. If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.If you agree with this post, please share it now on Facebook or Twitter by clicking the “share” icons above and below each post. Please copy and paste a short paragraph as a “teaser” when you re-post.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333