Bill Spadea Guest Speaker. Jewish Members Observe Rosh Hashanah

Bill Spadea asked if he could speak at our 9:30 am breakfast this Saturday, September 16, while he is in the area. We agreed.

Bill said he wanted to talk about “numerous issues going on in New Jersey including the transgender issues, wind turbines and state infrastructure”.

Bill Spadea hosts the 6am to 10am Monday through Friday radio talk show heard on 101.5 FM in northern and central New Jersey and the Philadelphia area.  He also founded and runs the “Common Sense Club”.

Besides hearing what Bill has to say, this is a good opportunity for us to let the rest of the state know about the issues most important to us.

For more information about Bill Spadea, click here to visit his website:  Home | Bill Spadea

Bill Spadea Guest Speaker This Saturday As Our Jewish Members Observe Rosh Hashanah

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