This Tuesday -- JBS Stop UN Agenda 2030
Event Details
The United Nations, Communist dictatorships, and globalist elites want more than just a one-world government that they would control. They also seek full control of every detail of our economy,
Event Details
The United Nations, Communist dictatorships, and globalist elites want more than just a one-world government that they would control. They also seek full control of every detail of our economy, our lives and our children.
Their master plan for technical control is found in the UN’s Agenda 21, and its newer, even more oppressive Agenda 2030.
They commonly use terms like “Sustainable Development Goals”, “The Great Reset” and “Build Back Better” to describe what they are doing.
At first, they claimed their program was needed to stop “Climate Change” and respond to a “Climate Crisis”. Later they used the Coronavirus Pandemic to justify their plans.
Agenda 2030 is already being implemented in the United States and around the world. It includes new proposed controls on farmers and our food supply. It includes “Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)” standards that pressure individuals, government agencies, and major corporations to adopt socialist, leftist, and anti-American liberty policies.
We have already seen how this blocked the 18-mile national gas pipeline from Millville to Beesley’s Point and forced us to demolish the vital electric power plant there.
Although Agenda 2030 is presented as “nonbinding”, it is actually already a “soft law’”. Government entities are already using its mandates as requirements to be complied by individuals and businesses seeking permits to build or to start, expand, or maintain farms or businesses.
We invite you to “Choose Freedom. Stop UN Agenda 2030” Forum.
Presented by Jon Schrock, National Field Director of the John Birch Society.
Admission Free, But Please Order and Pay For Dinner Off the Menu to Compensate Shore Diner For Providing The Room.
Walk-Ins Welcome, But RSVP Appreciated So We And The Diner Can Be Better Prepared. (Room holds 40 to 50)
Call Steve Jones at 609-616-5321 or email
Sponsored by John Birch Society.
October 15, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Shore Diner
6710 Tilton Road