Recession is Real. Inflation at 40 yr High.

In two short years, the economy has crumbled. Inflation is at forty-year highs, government spending continues at unprecedented levels, and debt across all categories has climbed to record levels.

Retirement accounts and 401k’s have been hit hard and supply chains have been damaged by labor and material issues brought about by Joe Biden’s policies.

We are in a recession.

Famed economists know that a free economy is the path to liberty and prosperity. Socialism and central planning leads to poverty.

Keeping taxes low, minimizing regulatory burdens, and limiting government spending are the path to the American dream. But our current elected representatives and leaders are not exercising any of those principles.

Milton Friedman once said, “a society that puts equality before freedom, will get neither.” And Thomas Sowell said, “Socialism is a wonderful idea. It is only as a reality that it has been disastrous.”

America needs you. We all need to Do More Than Vote.

  • Brian Fitzherbert

    Brian T. Fitzherbert is the President and Treasurer of Liberty and Prosperity. Since 2019, Fitzherbert has been a regular guest every Friday on “Talking with Anne” on WOND News Talk Radio 1400AM and 92.3FM in the Atlantic City, New Jersey area. Fitzherbert revived the Atlantic County Young Republican organization and formed the South Jersey Political Action Committee in 2018.

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