The Climate Is Not Worsening

On October 29 Senator Booker sent the following message to New Jersey residents.

Dear New Jerseyan,

Nine years ago, our region was devastated by superstorm Sandy. Across New Jersey, we saw power outages, flooding, and the tragic loss of 43 precious lives. The strength and destruction of this storm was unprecedented for our area. Unfortunately, it has become clear that it was also one of many disasters we were beginning to see across the country — hurricanes, blizzards, droughts, wildfires — made worse by the effects of climate change.

This week, President Biden unveiled a framework for his Build Back Better agenda that includes the largest investment in history to combat the worsening effects of climate change. We know the solutions, and this legislation will start us on the path to implementing them. In the process, we’ll create hundreds of thousands of good paying green jobs by transforming our energy system, fund the efforts of family farmers already leading on conservation practices, and make much needed investments that will help right past wrongs that have left some communities disproportionately shouldering the burden of our inaction on protecting our environment. The Build Back Better plan will cut greenhouse gas pollution, reduce energy costs for your family, give our kids cleaner air and water, and advance environmental justice.

We know that this is not a future crisis — this is a present crisis. We are already seeing the consequences of our changing climate. Just two months ago, we saw historic flooding in New Jersey from the remnants of Hurricane Ida. If you are still dealing with the effects, I urge you to go to to get connected to the assistance you need.

We know that the only way we will recover and rebuild from this disaster and help protect ourselves from the next one is the same way we will protect our planet — by coming together, working together, and succeeding together.


Cory A. Booker
United States Senator


Is Senator Booker correct that a worsening climate is occuring and the Build Back Better proposals will prevent it?  Hardly!

`Unfortunately, it has become clear that it was also one of many disasters we were beginning to see across the country — hurricanes, blizzards, droughts, wildfires — made worse by the effects of climate change.’

Are the number of storms and their intensity increasing, if so by how much? This is never identified. Facts do not support this claim.




`we’ll create hundreds of thousands of good paying green jobs by transforming our energy system,’

The Solar industry in New Jersey costs ratepayers $800 million per year in subsides for about 7,000 jobs. This means each job receives about $114,000 in subsidies.

What is the detrimental effect on jobs in other industries due to high renewable fuels costs and subsidy payments?  This is never mentioned.


`cut greenhouse gas pollution’

This is a backdoor way of saying Carbon Dioxide is `pollution’.  Since carbon dioxide is a basic building block of life on earth, does this mean life itself is pollution?


`reduce energy costs for your family,’

If wind and solar power reduce energy costs. why are subsidies required?  If wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuels, electricity prices should decrease as wind and solar increase grid penetration.  However, nowhere in the world have electricity prices decreased as wind and solar grid penetration use increased.  Germany, Demark and South Australia have increased wind and solar grid penetration to about 30% of installed capacity and have the highest electricity rates in the world.  Their electric rates are about three times New Jersey’s rate. What is known in New Jersey about reducing costs that is not known in the other countries?


`We know that this is not a future crisis — this is a present crisis. We are already seeing the consequences of our changing climate.’

We have heard these terrifying predictions for forty years and tomorrow always comes and our lives continue.


We are a group of about 200 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.  Thanks.


Seth Grossman, Executive Director

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