Weekly Update – March 27, 2010

Weekly Update – March 27, 2010

BREAKFAST DISCUSSION THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2010 AND EVERY SATURDAY AT ATHENA DINER, NEW ROAD, NORTHFIELD: 9:30 AM TO 10:30 AM. (Also live two way talk every Saturday from 8 to 9AM on 92.1FM Radio, heard in most of South Jersey. The on-air call-in number is 856-696-0092. To learn more about us, go to http://www.libertyandprosperity.org.


1. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO GET OUR MESSAGE OUT!!! Please pay your $30 dues so we can continue our radio spots. If you own rural land near a well traveled road, please let us post a sign on your land. Can you guest-host the radio program on April 3? For more info, please contact Seth Grossman at grossman@snip.net or (609) 927-7333.

2. HEALTH CARE INSURANCE WAKE-UP CALL: Last Sunday afternoon, the House of Representatives voted 219-212 to approve a bill that will effectively make every doctor, nurse, lab technician, etc. a federal employee within four years. Every hospital, clinic, laboratory and medical insurance company, etc. will effectively be another agency of the federal government. A new European-style national sales tax will be needed to pay for it. If you don?t want to wait months or even years for certain treatments, you must do what Canadians do now—travel across the border and pay extra. Here are some lessons that should be learned:

a. Democrat Congressman John Adler did NOT defy the Democrat House Speaker Pelosi in voting ?no? on the Health Care Bill. He got permission so he has a better chance of getting re-elected in November. If his vote were really needed, he would have voted ?yes?!

b. We don?t need Congressmen who do us small favors from time to time. We need people in Congress who support and defend the Constitution on EVERY vote! When Congressman Frank LoBiondo complains that the Health Care Bill is unconstitutional, nobody believes him because he had no problem voting for unconstitutional restrictions on free speech, Cash for Clunkers, Cap and Trade, etc.

c. All Congressmen care about is getting re-elected?or getting fat government jobs if they get thrown out when they ?take one for the team?. The only way to change things is to vote out the whole team!

d. It takes work, time, money and discipline to win enough elections to throw out a whole team. Are you ready to do your part?

3. APRIL 12?LAST DAY TO FILE PETITIONS TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC OFFICE THIS YEAR!!! Only Republicans and Democrats get elected. This may not be fair, but that is the way it is. If you want to be a winning candidate for public office, you must file petitions before April 12 to be a candidate on the June 8 Primary Election ballot.

4. CAMPAIGN SCHOOL THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 27?9AM AT DOVER DELAWARE!! $25 Registration Fee includes lunch. Chris Doss of the Leadership Institute will be presenting the same program we sponsored in Mays Landing last January. I believe that every candidate for any public office greatly increases the chances of winning by attending a Campaign School like this. Most candidates who refuse to attend lose elections they might otherwise win. One candidate in Ocean City told me they were ?too busy knocking on doors? to attend. Here is what Steve Covey said at Page 287 of his book, ?7 Habits of Highly Successful People?:

?I saw a man working feverishly to saw down a tree. He looked exhausted, and I asked him how long he was at it. He replied ?Over five hours, and I?m beat! This is hard work!? I asked him if he would take a break for a few minutes and sharpen the saw. I told him the work would then go a whole lot faster. But the man was emphatic. ?I don?t have time to sharpen the saw! I?m too busy sawing!???

5. GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE BUDGET MESSAGE: Early signs of failure. Christie wants to waste $55 million by delaying state employee layoffs for 10 months, stiff the pension funds out of $3 billion, cut state aid to public schools and local governments to almost nothing in Republican suburbs, while continuing business as usual in Democrat Newark, Camden, Jersey City, etc. For details, see Seth Grossman column in Current-Gazette Newspapers at http://www.shorenewstoday.com/news.php?id=7953 or http://libertyandprosperity.org.

6. STATE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY DENY LOCAL VOTERS RIGHT TO REFERENDUM ON DIRTY TAX BREAK DEALS FOR INSIDERS. The Morgan Stanley-Revel Casino in Atlantic City is already an overpriced boondoggle with its $2.6 billion price tag. Local voters petitioned to stop the project from getting $400 million in tax breaks from state, local and county taxpayers. Should Liberty and Prosperity file ethics complaints against politicians who sponsored this legislation? Here are the facts:

a. The Casino Control Act (NJSA 5:12-138) states, ?No appplicant for or holder of a casino license. . . nor any person or agent on behalf of any such applicant. . . shall directly or indirectly, pay or contribute any money or thing of value to any candidate for nomination or election to any public office in this State. . . ?

b. Lloyd Levenson, individually, and his law firm, the Cooper Levinson law firm of Atlantic City, lobbied for permits and government financing for the Morgan Stanley ? Revel Casino project.

c. Lloyd Levenson co-sponsored a high-roller campaign event for ex-Governor Jon Corzine last year at the Borgata Casino. Afterwards, Corzine bragged about keeping the Revel Project alive.

d. The Lloyd Levinson law firm brags about its clout with politicians on its official website at http://www.cooperlevenson.com/practice_area.cfm?ID=11.

e. Between February of 2003 and July of 2009, Lloyd Levenson and his law firm, and various employees of his law firm gave $162,660.00 to the election campaign funds of various Republican and Democratic state legislators, including the following:

i. Senator Jim Whelan: $10,300
ii. Senator Stephen M. Sweeney: $1,000
iii. Senator Richard Codey: $3,200
iv. Senate Democratic Committee: $14,500
v. Assembly Democratic Committee: $27,000
vi. Democratic State Committee: $58,500
vii. Assemblyman Amodeo: $3,050
viii. Assemblyman Polistina: $2,000
ix. Mayor Lorenzo Langford: $2,600*
x. *2009 only.

f. According to the Labor Organization Annual Report (Form LM-2) filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, Senator Stephen Sweeney is employed as ?General Organizer? of the ?Iron Workers Union of the AFL-CIO?, with a yearly salary of $188,898. Senator Donald Norcross is employed as ?Assistant Business Manager? for the ?Electrical Workers IBEW AFL-CIO, Local 351?, in Hammonton, New Jersey with a yearly salary of $178,301. (Northfield Councilman Tim Carew gets $149,493).

g. During the 2007 and 2009 election cycles, the building trades unions, most of which have either members or affiliates with members who were employed, or who will be employed if the project continues on the proposed Revel Hotel Casino owned by the Morgan Stanley-Revel Entertainment LLC group, contributed approximate $2 million to the general and primary election campaign funds of candidates for the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly.

7. Parents at one large school in Galloway Township say NJEA Union teachers are refusing to help students after class, and complaining to students that they are not being paid enough. If this is happening in your kids? school, please let us know!

8. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS ARE APRIL 20. Many districts have no candidates on the ballot. For information on how to run a winning write-in campaign, contact Seth Grossman at sethgrossman49@gmail.com?.

“Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. is a non-profit, education organization. We are registered and recognized by both the State of New Jersey and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Our mission is to learn and teach why ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, New Jersey’s motto since 1776, is still true and relevant today — and how Americans can again be free and effective citizens.”

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Voting Members: $60 dues, Attend 3 business meetings per year, Work on one board approved project per year. Non-Voting Members: $30 per year, not attendance or volunteer requirements
Seth Grossman, Executive Director, www.libertyandprosperity.org,
453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ 08244, grossman@snip.net.
Tel. 609-927-7333.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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