Will you be in Somers Point with us on Monday?

This might be the only chance for your kids to hear the truth about American history this year!

So please make a special effort to bring?a friend, your kids or
grandkids along.????We need a few more people to pick up
lists and make a last round of?phone calls.?? ??We are
still paying students to hand out flyers on Ocean City Boardwalk and Somers
Point food stores.??? If you can help in any way, please reply
by email or call 609-927-7333.??? Please print a few of your own
flyers from http://libertyandprosperity.org/richard-somers-day-celebration-flier-in-pdf/.
Then give them to some people you know this weekend, or post it on
church/synagogue/club bulletin board.

And of course, please forward this message to your list, and share our Liberty
and Prosperity Facebook?https://www.facebook.com/libertyandprosperity?messages.

Free public ceremony at the Somers Mansion, 1000 Shore Road (Intersection of
Shore Road and Ocean City Bridge) in Somers Point at 1:30 PM on Labor Day
Monday, September 2.? Fundraising cash-bar buffet after ceremony at 2:00
PM, at Gregory?s across street?900 Shore Road.? Tickets are available at door
for $25 per person, $35 per couple.?? But if you buy your tickets
now, we can plan better.

Seth Grossman guest appearance on radio?1020AM Ocean City.
Tomorrow, Saturday from 9AM to 10AM.? On air call-in number is
609-398-1020.??? Regular Saturday breakfast discussion at Shore
Diner, Tilton and Fire Roads (by Parkway Exit 36), Egg Harbor Township, NJ from
9:30 AM 10:30 AM.?? Buy your tickets and pick up your phone list

A public high school history teacher published a letter in the Current
newspaper blasting our ?September 2 ??Event to Remember ?Richard
Somers and America?s First War against Jihad? as ??so alarming and so

The letter was written by Conor O?Grady, of Vineland High School
North.??? He said we ?distort historical facts? to describe ?one
group of people? (Muslims) as ?the villains of history?.

Our event is described at www.libertyandprosperity.org, and describes
this forgotten history:??? From 1500 to 1800, Muslim kingdoms in
North Africa, allies of the Muslim Turks (who conquered what is now Greece,
Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Romania, and Hungary and besieged Vienna),?became
rich and powerful by capturing and selling more than a million Europeans and
roughly 15 million Africans into slavery.?? England, France, and
Spain could not stop them, and paid bribes or tribute to those kingdoms to keep
their people safe?? Only newly independent Americans shouted
?Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!? and built a navy to protect
our people in 1798.? Twenty year old Richard Somers of Somers of Somers
Point was one of the first to join.?? That navy went to North Africa
in 1801.?? Most ship commanders, including Richard Somers, were 23
years old.??? They amazed the world and crushed the fleets of
each of ?the Muslim kingdoms of North Africa?and brought an end to their
slave trade.??? Richard Somers and the entire crew of his ship
Intrepid were killed at Tripoli on September 4, 1804.
America?s first war to end slavery sparked the movement to end slavery in
America 60 years later.

Everything we say?is 100% accurate and documented by many independent
sources.?? Google?for reviews of books like ?Christian Slaves
Muslim Masters? by Robert Davis, The Stolen Village, by Des Eskin, ?The Navy?s
Barbary War Crucible? by William Fowler, and original?navy documents

But although our facts are right, the Richard Somers story is ?politically?
incorrect.? Telling ?how young, white Americans bravely fought and
died to end the terror and slavery of Muslims in Africa does not support the
?progressive? agendas?of ?multiculturalism? and “blame America and
capitalism for everything bad in the world”.

Important Special Election for U.S. Senate on Wednesday, October 16.? This
is a lot more than a contest between Republican Steve Lonegan, and Democrat
Cory Booker.?? Many established Republicans as well as Democrats want
to ?prove? that no conservative can ever win a statewide election in New Jersey.
We have less than 6 weeks to plan and work to prove them wrong.

Important Ballot Question on November 5 Election –? A ?Yes? vote will
amend the NJ Constitution to require yearly hikes in the minimum wage every
year.?? A ?yes? vote will ?kill business, kill jobs, kill
opportunities for young people, raise prices, and reward illegal,
?under-the-table?? businesses.????? We need your
help to reach business owners and tell the truth about this very bad

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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