10.1.24 Grossman Talks Republican Marketing, Attacks on Jews in America

Seth Grossman talks with Dan Klein and asks “why are Republicans not using the term ‘Republican’ in their messaging?”

Seth also talks about the attacks on Jews in America, and around the world, and more.”

Dan Klein:   Hey. We got Seth Grossman who joins us every Tuesday right after the bottom of the ABC news break at 2:30. Seth, of course, loyal listeners already know, is the executive director for Liberty and Prosperity, a non not for profit educational organization formed back in 2003 to basically educate the folks in New Jersey or anybody else, about the importance of the state motto New Jersey state motto of liberty and prosperity, and how when you have one, you always have the other liberty and prosperity. They go together. Without one, you can’t have the other. He joins us every Tuesday to talk about that as well as anything else that might be on the top of the trending list. Then no doubt, Rosh Hashanah, It’s on the eve of that, but now we have the conflict, Iran launching an attack on Israel. Under that umbrella, he joins us now. Seth Grossman, thanks for getting in. 
Seth Grossman: Thank you. And, of course, I’m I’m with, one of my daughters in South Florida. So, it’s a little difficult getting my notes together here, but I’ll try to stick to the main point. And the most important point is if you haven’t been to the libertyandprosperity.com website for a while, please go there because it’s been completely redone. It has a whole lot of new features. 
All of the radio broadcasts of when when I talk to you are now posted in the special, section as a podcast, and you can also read the transcript. If you’re in a hurry and don’t wanna listen to everything, just, read through the highlights. You could do that. 
Also, our new president is Brian Fitzherbert, who’s usually with Anne Baker on this station every Friday. And, his highlights are also posted on the website on the homepage. And we have, a lot of new writers. We have Dave Goloff with reclaimthenews.com where if you don’t like the media, you could create your own media, very quickly. It’s a very inexpensive and easy to use application.
We have Fred Willis who tells you everything that’s wrong with the fake climate science fake green energy and all that stuff. And we have a young copywriter called Dave Mineo who is writing some very, very good pieces on our website. And I’m sure he’s going to soon be writing stuff that will get national attention too. So I invite everybody to go to libertyandprosperity.com. 
If you like what you see, you know, click that blue Facebook, symbol, click that x or Twitter symbol, and share it with your friends because that makes all the difference in the world. And you’ll see, that there’s a big difference if we have 5 or 6 people sharing these posts, and we get to see maybe 10 or 15000 people a week. But if we have, like, 20 or 30 of your listeners, we’d start doing that, that would have a major impact with more than a 100,000, people, getting our stuff, and that would change the politics of this area. 
Dan Klein: Yes.  There’s no doubt. There is an amplification factor, Seth, when you say 30 people, if 30 people would just do the like, share, or otherwise with regard to some of the pieces. The pieces themselves are outstanding though, as you point out. And the thing is though, there is an amplification effect with digital media in that you may say to yourself 30 people don’t seem like a lot of people exactly. So get there right now and go ahead and share some of those great pieces. But the with digital media, that’s the thing about it. 30 people share it and it amplifies. It goes from 30 to whoever sees it and then other people share it and then it multiplies and multiplies, etcetera, etcetera. Seth Grossman:  Well, that’s how we got that expression “to go viral”. Because if you’re one person and you have maybe 75 or 80 friends and you share something and just if a handful of your 75 or 80 friends share it, you see how quickly it gets out there. Yep. And, it’s something that you you just don’t do if you feel like it. You really have to make a commitment to do it 2 or 3 times a week, and it will have an an incredible effect. And if you don’t like our post, or you think we’re missing some important issues, we’re always open every Saturday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 at Sal’s Cafe, Rowland Avenue and New Road in Somers Point. And, you know, buy a breakfast and and tell us what you think. And it it could very well be, we’ll agree with you. We’ll say, oh, gee. We didn’t think of that. And, we either change our post or add another topic that we weren’t doing before. 
Dan Klein: Yes. That’s the great thing about the organization. As I said, been around since 2003 and, at the forefront of everything concerning liberty, really, and the constitution, Seth. You know, it’s, I I was thinking about it earlier today, you know, and I’m sure you got some things you wanna talk about, but it just seems like so many of the other side of the aisle, everything they talk about does not align with the constitution. They’re so out of step with the essence of what America is all about. And and the and, unfortunately, what’s also out of step is our Republicans who, they’re not against us. We we like you know, we are most of them are are their candidates agree with us and we agree with them, But they can’t be as timid as they are. They’re afraid to say who they are, or what they believe in because they’re afraid they’ll make somebody mad. If they make somebody mad, then they you know, they’ll lose some votes, they’ll lose some supporters, they’ll lose a campaign that they I I think that’s actually Seth, that I I I am interrupting you. I’m sorry because I think it’s important to focus on that. You did make a post. You sent a a piece out on the fact that only one candidate had the, courage to state they were Republican. I happen to agree with you. I think I I I think more Republicans, need to put that in instead of running away. They’re trying to they’re trying to be nebulous about it, Seth. You know, try and tag me. You can’t you know, what am I? Am I Republican? Am I Democrat? Am I independent? 
Seth Grossman: I think that’s a great conversation to have, the why it’s important to put that demarcation line in your name, Republican. And that’s why we we gave a shout out to Christine Master who’s, running for city council as in this tiny town of Estelle Manor, which is way out on the other side of the Egg Harbor River way to the west. And you’ll see her sign that says reelect Christine Mascare, vote Republican. It still matters city council. But, if I’m wrong, I’ll stand corrected, but I haven’t seen a single Republican candidate in Atlantic County having the word Republican next to their name. And and what kind of signal are they saying? I mean, these these candidates are going around. They say, well, it’s very important, that we have, Curtis Beshaw as our Republican, you know, candidate for, for US Senate. We Republicans have to stick together. And at one of our breakfasts, I said, well, I’m so glad that you’re telling us that here in a room with 20 or 30 people, but why aren’t you putting vote Republican, vote straight Republican? Have this team effort in your literature and in your radio spots, in your TV spots, in your signs, but, you’ll you’ll see 5 Republican candidates and they all have 5 signs with different colors on the quarter, and not one of them says Republican. And that’s not that’s not something that Democrats do, and that’s not something that, that that’s that’s not really a winning strategy. So we we’re pointing that out. And they’re not selling the message. They’re not selling the brand, and that’s why we have a lot of of of voters and electorate out there that are, you know, they’re unsure.
Dan Klein:  I really think that Republicans have done a bad job of, basically, and and maybe that’ll change tonight with JD Vance and the debate, Seth. You don’t know. He’s pretty articulate. Certainly, we do need somebody that can, you know, basically articulate what the Republican party is all about. 
Seth Grossman:   One thing that Democrats figured out a long time ago was Tip O’Neill as the Democratic, speaker of the house, years back in 19 seventies, 19 eighties, I guess it was. And he said all politics is local. So we have all these Republicans sitting around saying, gee, I wish we had a strong national leader who could save the country. And we keep saying no. All politics is local. It starts here. How can you expect national leadership if you can’t speak up on local leadership? And and by the way, we had a big issue now with the, Atlantic, County Library. If you go to the Atlantic County Library System website, what’s the first, thing they have on their website? Read a banned book. You know, they’re they’re urging all parents and young people to go read books that they claim are banned, and they’re, like, genderqueer, All these titles that are designed to sexualize children, make the abnormal normal, to divide families, and also to promote a a woke agenda. And and we’re always fighting, you know, this culture this woke culture that wants to take down our country, but we shouldn’t have to fight a woke culture in an institution like the Atlanta County Library System that’s run by a Republican County Executive, Denny Levinson, and a lopsided Republican majority on the board of commissioners. What’s going on here? Do they don’t may I know? Well, maybe they don’t know, but we’re telling them and and this will be a good way to see if these Republicans are doing what we expect them to do, which is to, fight the woke culture that that’s trying to destroy this country. I can’t being done by the Democrats. I can’t imagine that the library would be promoting anything other than reading. In other words, I I cannot appreciate the fact that they might promote read more, don’t pick up a book, you know, the, you know, the old here, you know, this is the old, video, you know, it’s called a book. I could I could certainly appreciate them promoting reading, but as far as promoting any specific literature, I don’t think that’s really their function, is it? They’re they’re a depository for people to be able to go to and get a book. Well well, no. I think it is your job. It’s your job to promote the values that made America great. And and I could think of Oh, sure. Okay. On on on, you know, Ronald Reagan biography, the Calvin Coolidge biography, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass. You know, your black civil rights movement before it got hijacked by the socialist in the 19 sixties. You know, you’re Sarah Spencer Washingtons of Atlantic City. You’re Booker t Washingtons. All of these, George Washington Carver. All of these great black, Americans and white Americans who embraced, our our free system and went from rags to Richard Richards and had, spectacular success. Oh, shoot. Biographies of of of Henry Ford, the biographies of Andrew Carnegie, of John d Rockefeller, you know, the ones that the Democrats called the robber barons. But but think of, you know, who did more to promote women’s rights? You know, people who were, you know, clamoring and and and holding street demonstrations or the guys who invented the washing machine and, you know, ready to wear clothing and the dishwasher and all those appliances that that freed, women from a lifetime of drudgery at the house and and let them go out. I mean, we have to get you know, show how our American system created this paradise that that that no one, you know, in in civilization never dreamed of. Never existed. Our American system produced it, and yet we’re not teaching or or teaching our kids everything that was wrong with it. And we’re talking about a a a system that basically enabled the average person the average person to live well, to live better than kings and queens of days gone by. The people have lost that. They think, particularly generations that have just recently come, Seth, I don’t think they would they think that this is how it’s always been. I don’t think they realize how bad the world’s been until the United States of America came along. Absolutely. So I I think we we have to, to break now. I’m not, looking at it, but there but I like to focus on a few other things that are going on, especially, with what’s going on in Israel, which happened to Jews Alright. And how much in common Jews and Americans really have. And and you see that the more you see how both America and Israel and Jews are being attacked for the for for the same reason. Alright. So let’s are jealous of our success. Well, let’s do that.
Dan Klein:  We’re talking with Seth Grossman, the executive director for Liberty and Prosperity. More info on them at Liberty. And great news items, great information too at Liberty Endo. We got Seth on the line, and Seth was about to talk about the Iran strike in Israel today. And actually, really, the assault that’s taken place not just on Israel, on America, on Jews, and to a certain degree, Seth Christians as well. Right. Well, first of all, Wednesday night is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which is not like the Chinese New Year or any other New Year because it’s really a time of reflection, repentance, where Jews think of everything we did wrong during the past year and try to figure out a way to do a better job in the coming year. And it’s more difficult for Jews to openly be Jewish in America today and to observe holidays like Rosh Hashanah because when the boomers were growing up, everybody recognized that the high holidays and the 2 days of Rosh Hashanah and the one day of Yom Kippur in September were very important holidays for Jews, and and those holidays were respected. You didn’t expect Jewish lawyers to to show up in court. You didn’t expect businesses to be open. You didn’t expect Jews to go to corporate meetings and so on. But now for my kids, all these business meetings are are scheduled as normal. And, and and many, you know, Jews who are in the corporate world really sacrifice their careers if they don’t show up for a key meeting or if they, you know, they don’t do an assignment on that high holiday. So it’s difficult in that sense, which is something that that growing up, I I didn’t have before. And what it really comes down to is I thought that that was normal, and I didn’t realize how lucky I was to be in America at that particular time because America was really great for, for every culture. But the other thing that’s that’s happening with this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur holiday is the fear. The fact that, every time I go to a synagogue now, I see there’s an armed guard. I feel good about that, but, I feel nervous that why why are we such an endangered species now? When I take my grandkids to a Jewish day school and I say we have 2 or 3 armed guards there. And of course we have that because you have the Wahhabi and Salafi cult of a particular religion teaches that, you know, Jews are evil, were descended from pigs and monkeys, and that just as as Jews on Rosh Hashanah, pray that we’ll be forgiven for our sins by repenting, by praying, by promising to do better in the future, that there’s a a cult out there that believes that they could get forgiveness of all sins and, eternity in paradise just by murdering, Jews or Christians or somebody else and getting killed in that jihad because, in that religion, they they that cult, they say that jihad is the the highest peak of Islam. Most Muslims fortunately do not believe that, but you have enough to do that you always have to keep your eye open when you go to a a Jewish place. It’s like if I wanna take a swim or work out at the Jewish community center, you have an Israeli flag, an American flag flying side by side. That Israeli flag, makes me a target or that makes the building a target to some people, and we always have to keep our our eyes open. And and it’s it’s horrible. Why do we invite people like that into our country? And and we could talk about that, the the failures of, the Jewish leadership, the liberal leadership, the so called progressive woke Democrats. But, but all these things have consequences, and and it’s just very, very difficult, to be openly Jewish in America today for that reason. Yeah. There’s no doubt about I mean, Seth, you know, there’s we’ve got a world of trouble happening almost everywhere we look. So what, with regard to, what’s going on right now, Seth, and Iran’s attack on Israel, what, you know, with the rockets that have been fired, what what do you anticipate that could develop as a result? I mean, obviously, then now Israel and Israel has already launched a ground invasion, targeting Hezbollah. So now, is that mean, Israel is gonna retaliate against Iran? Well, hopefully, Israel will do it in a smart way, but but the real battle is not really Israel versus Hezbollah, Israel versus Gaza. If you follow Twitter or if you follow Facebook, if you follow social media, you’ll see this deep hatred towards everything Jewish, against everything Israel that the world has not seen since the Nazis were exterminating Jews. And and I think they’re just, you know, 2 things that that we have to bring up and defend. You know, does Israel have the right to exist as a country? And you have probably, I’d say, 40 to 50 percent of college kids today say no. You know, Jews are living on stolen land. They stole it from the Arabs, so they they they ought to get out of Israel. And, of course, if Jews get out of Israel, where do Jews go then? Where will they be protected? But wait. I saw I I saw a piece from you that was posted where where you were pointing out that, you know, it was a malarial desert. The Jews bought it from, the, sultan of the Ottoman Empire at the time. If I’m not I mean, it’s all Exactly. Exactly. But the history is the history. So, basically, we have 50% numbskulls out there that don’t know anything, Seth. That’s the problem. Well well, that’s that’s what George Orwell warned us about 50 years ago, that the truth doesn’t matter anymore. The fact that when the Jews came back to Israel in the 18 eighties, most of the Arabs weren’t there because the, the Arabs who invaded a couple 100 years before, they had camels and they had goats, which anyone who knows agriculture, they destroy every blade of grass, every tree, turn what had been fertile land, not just in Israel, but as all of North Africa into barren desert. The irrigation system fell into disrepair, so the water just went into swamps with malaria, and so hardly anybody lived there. So the Jews went in in the 18 seventies, 18 eighties. They bought the land. They broke their backs planting trees, rebuilding immigration irrigation systems, watered the deserts, got rid of the malaria, built hospitals, built power plants, built schools, built roads. And after they did that, in the 19 twenties, 19 thirties, then the Arabs from neighboring countries also started moving in just like they move into Detroit and, you know, Hackensack and Patterson today. But yet that’s the truth, but what but the truth is no longer taught. In college, they teach the state history, and they actually say that the Jews came in and murdered the Arabs and stole the land just like the Americas. The Europeans, wiped out the Native Americans. Right. And and they’re basically saying that America is as illegitimate as Israel. And in a way, we’re we’re fighting the same common lies. We have the same enemies. Seth, we need we got a top of the hour ABC news break. You’re gonna stay with us and finish up with the other side? Yeah. I I’d love to. Yes. You can. Stay right there. Seth Grossman in the house, executive director of Liberty and Prosperity. More info on them at libertyandprosperity.com. Spell out that. And I’m looking at the site right now. Polar Bears and Human Impact by Fred Willis. Germany, grid issues. This one just posted today. Stay right there, Klein Time. Germany, embraced wind turbines and eco friendly energy, and it looks like they had some problems by doing that. So I hope you’ll, check out libertyandprosperity.com. 
  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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