Seth Grossman October 5 Radio Message: Un-American “Diversity”, Civilization Begins With Kids At Dinner, “Green” Energy & Big Electric Bills, Gang Murders 70 In Haiti, Millville Acts On “Homeless”, Wild West Shoot-Out In “Safe” Atlantic City Neighborhood.

Above Image: When Seth Grossman was the Republican nominee for Congress in 2018, the Philadelphia Daily News portrayed him as a caveman for saying, “Diversity is a bunch of crap and un-American. People should be hired and promoted based on their talent, character, work and achievement”.

Seth Grossman Radio Interview With John DeMasi on 95.5FM Atlantic City, NJ: meets for breakfast discussions every Saturday morning at the Banquet Room of Sal’s Coal Fired Pizza, 501 New Road by Groveland Avenue in Somers Point, NJ. Anyone who wants to talk about American liberty and how to apply it to issues of the day is welcome to join us.  This is where we decide which issues to post on our website, our Facebook and Twitter-X pages and in our email updates.  Just show up, pay for your own breakfast and join the discussion!

Six years ago, when I ran for Congress, I said “Diversity is a bunch of crap and un-American. People should be judged, hired and promoted based on their character, talent, work and achievement”. When you get into these arguments about gender. When you say Pennsylvania is a backward state because it never elected a woman Governor, when you say it is time for Pennsylvania to elect a woman Governor, you are really raising questions like this:

Are professional basketball and football teams bad because they don’t have Asian players? Why are there so few Jews? Why are there so few white on those teams? It comes down to people in this country are free to do what they want to do, regardless of what your race or sex is. Professional sports offer great opportunities for poor Black men to achieve fame, wealth and success. And so you see far more Black men working, training, and competing for positions on professional sports teams than whites, Asians or others.

And if you want to talk about playing the violin in a major orchestra, you find that far more Asian women take an interest in that specialty. That is why the string section of most major orchestras in America are made of Asian women. There’s nothing wrong with that.

If you want to know why there aren’t more women as Governors in some of these states, you have to ask, “How many women are attracted to politics?” Or “How many women are attracted to law or other professions or doing some of the awful stuff you need to do to be successful in politics?” How many Margaret Thatchers are there?  How many Golda Meirs are there?  So if you say we have to pick a woman, when only a handful of women compete for these positions, you are likely to end up with a less qualified candidate, and that is exactly what happened with Kamala Harris.

It’s not a matter of whether you are for women or against women. Everybody knows that Kamala Harris got as far as she got because she is a woman, and not because of her character, talent or qualifications. That is why she is far less qualified than men who competed for her position.

That’s how the world works. If you want to hire a fire fighter, you want a big strong man who can pull a victim out of a burning building. You don’t want a 5 foot 2 woman weighing 110 pounds to do that job. So you have to judge by talent, achievement and things like that, not race, sex or any other category in a diversity box.

In fact, when you keep hiring less qualified women or minorities for positions because you want to promote diversity, you put the spotlight on them. By doing that, you make things worse and reinforce negative stereotypes.

Click Here For Link To Full Post In Epoch Times on September 26, 2024:  The ‘Superpower’ You Can Teach Your Children, According to an Etiquette Expert | The Epoch Times

Grandparents are playing a bigger part in raising their grandchildren.  When Boomers like me grew up in 1950s, our grandparents just showed up once in a while and said hello and played with us a little.  But now that we are grandparents, we find that our children in Generation X and Millennials need more help from grandparents. Both mom and dad need to work and struggle to maintain the same standard of living that one parent working could support in the 1950s and 1960s. So a lot of us Boomer grandparents are now doing real parenting with grandkids.

I often talk of how our Saturday breakfast discussions with Liberty and Prosperity teach and practice basic skills needed for liberty and civilized life when we have open discussions, have people with different backgrounds and opinions conduct business in an organized way, raise funds, and persuade people to do what needs to be done.

However, I’m now in Florida spending the Jewish New Year with one of my daughters and two of my grandchildren. I’m finding out from my 4 and 5 year old grandchildren that civilization really begins with families at the dinner table. When I came down to visit my grandchildren 2 or 3 months ago, it was awful. The kids would not sit still at the table, they were throwing food around, they screamed when they felt like screaming, and it was just a bad experience.  And my daughter and son-in-law as well as I saw that as a problem. And so they spent the last two or three months focused on teaching their toddlers manners and etiquette at the dinner table.

Now, nobody starts eating until all the food is on the table and the food is blessed. If you want something, you ask for it politely and somebody passes it to you. You don’t just grab it. If you want to speak, you wait your turn to speak.  You pass food to others. You speak in a normal “indoor” voice. You listen to what others have to say. And  when you think of it, these are really the basic building blocks of civilization.

We can talk of failures in our public schools. But these things can only be taught by parents and other adults in families at home, at the dinner table.  You can’t have people distracted with smartphones.

Since my daughter and son-in-law focused on this for the past two or three or months, it has been a pleasure to have meals with my toddler grandchildren.

Grandparents can be very helpful in helping our kids do this. Civilized behavior doesn’t come naturally, It must be taught, and practiced and reinforced. Children will resist and fight you. You need discipline. Not freaking out. You need gentle, but consistent discipline and consistent reinforcement to get children to do what does not come naturally. There are anxious moments. It’s hard to do. There will be temper tantrums. There will be crying and screaming. There may be taking children away from the dinner table and sending them to bed without dinner. The important thing is there must be consistency until civilized behavior, which does not come naturally, becomes a habit. As painful as this is, it is necessary and parents and grandparents need to persist.

Use YouTube To Share Old Boomer TV Kids Programs With Your Grandkids! Also, last night, I did some babysitting so my daughter and her husband could have a night off.  In addition to the regular popular kids TV programs, I used YouTube to mix in some old school Boomer TV from the 1950’s.  That included some black and white segments from Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club with the Mouseketeers that I used to watch. I also included a Davy Crockett episode and Zippadee Doo Dah from Uncle Remus and Song of the South.  I forgot how good those programs were in shaping my character and that of other members of my Baby Boom generation.   I was pleasantly surprised at how well my 4 and 5 year old children took to them.  And yes, I did have my own Davy Crockett coonskin cap when I was nine years old.

Remember Fort Mims and Davy Crockett.  The Davy Crockett series began with the episode Davy Crockett, Indian Fighter. At first I was horrified at how this would come across to today’s generation of kids.  However, it was really enlightening. The episode began with the Fort Mims Massacre of 1813.  That was a critical event that has been completely erased from the history taught in our schools and Hollywood entertainment today.

Few Americans know this, but in 1813. there was mostly harmony between American Indians, now called Native Americans and European settlers along most of the frontier from Ohio, to Kentucky, to Tennessee all the way down to what is now Alabama. Many Indians left their villages and built farms and lived in log cabins just like whites. This sadly came to an end in 1813. However, it did not start with whites attacking and stealing land from Indians as we are taught today.  It did not start with the Trail of Tears that took place between 1830 and 1850.

It started with the Massacre at Fort Mims.  In 1813, the United States was again at war with the British Empire. A Creek Indian warrior named Red Eagle was formed an alliance of traditional Native Americans against all whites and Indians who had adopted European ways along the frontier. He formed an army which he call “The Redsticks” to kill as many as he could. The term “redsticks” described their wooden war clubs red with the blood of their enemies when they “beat their brains out”.  Red Eagle armed his Redsticks with modern rifles he bought from the British in Florida and Canada.  For months, these Redsticks attacked and murdered whites and Indians alike in their cabins. They also destroyed crops and killed cattle, sheep and horses in their fields. On August 30, 1813, Red Eagle and a thousand warriors attacked a settlement in what is now Alabama called Fort Mims. They overwhelmed the defenders and murdered more than 500 men, women and children there. The victims were whites, Native Americans, and mixed race men, women and children.

This massacre shocked Americans and Native Americans alike all along the frontier.  Tennessee leader Andrew Jackson was put in charge of organizing an army to hunt down and crush Red Eagle and his Redsticks.  That army consisted of regular U.S. Army soldiers, citizen volunteers like Davy Crockett and hundreds of Native Americans who opposed the Redsticks.   The Redsticks were decisively defeated at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in what is not Alabama.

The Fort Mims Massacre Led To The Trail Of Tears. Our schools and pop culture only teach of white attacks on defenseless Indians and the Trail of Tears. They fail to tell of how most of those attacks and injustices were triggered by the 1813 Massacre at Fort Mims. The old Walt Disney Davy Crockett TV series truthfully tells of how Andrew Jackson used the Fort Mims Massacre as an excuse to persecute and steal the land of Native Americans who had helped him. However, it also tells of how Davy Crockett stood up to Andrew Jackson and did everything he could do defend the rights of those Indians.

Fake Green Energy Mandates Causing Big Hikes In Electric Bills–Not Consumers. Not Warmer Than Average Summer.

Last Wednesday, top executives of Atlantic City Electric falsely blamed increased consumer demand and a warmer than average summer for the big increases in our electric bills this year.  Its amazing! Our politicians spend a trillion dollars we don’t have to get us to use electric cars, trucks and buses. They’re getting us to use more electricity than ever. Then they punish us with higher than ever electric bills because they say we’re using too much electricity!

Here’s what they’re not telling you.  I’m in Florida now. Electricity in Florida costs nearly 20% less than electricity in New Jersey.  This explains why many of our friends in Florida run their air conditioners ten months a year and still have lower electric bills than most of us here in New Jersey.

Click Here For Link To Full Post From Wall Street Journal on October 4, 2024:

The reason is that Florida makes 75% of its electricity with cheap, clean, and abundant natural gas from Pennsylvania.  New Jersey is right next door and can have even lower rates.  But Stockton University professors, and the Democrats including Governor Murphy all blocked South Jersey Gas from doing that. South Jersey Gas wanted to build an 18-mile natural gas pipeline underneath Route 49 from Millville to the Beesley’s Point Power Plan by Milepost 28 of the Garden State Parkway. That power plant could have used Pennsylvania natural gas to give us cheap and clean electricity for many years. However, these “green” opponents waged a six-year campaign of lies against the project. They falsely claimed it would poison the water and burn down forests in the Pinelands. As a result, permits to build the pipeline were revoked and Atlantic City Electric was forced to sell the land and blow up the power plant last year. Natural gas projects were also blocked elsewhere in New Jersey. That is one reason why New Jersey now has some of the highest electric rates in America.

We are blowing up our most reliable and productive natural gas electric power plants. We are not building any new nuclear plants, even though we can quickly and easily double the capacity of what we already have in Salem. The three nuclear power plants in Salem produce 42% of New Jersey’s electricity.  They are the only reason our electrical bills are as low as they are.  Another 49% is made with natural gas.  Roughly 91% of NJ electricity comes from cheap, abundant and reliable natural gas and nuclear fuel. However, we pay higher rates than Florida because the remaining 9% from wind and solar is outrageously expensive. If we re-opened or replaced the Oyster Creek nuclear plant and the Beesley’s Point natural gas generator, we would have some of the lowest electric rates in America!

Also, there is a little-known mafia called a Regional Transmission Organization or RTO. New Jersey is part of one, together with New York and Pennsylvania.  This RTO forces every electric company in these states to buy very expensive and very unreliable electricity from a very small number of so-called “green” power grids that use lots of wind and solar power.  And of course these so-called “green” energy companies spend a lot of money on lawyers, consultants, politicians, and Stockton University, and  fake charities to buy political support for ocean wind turbines that haven’t even been built yet.

This is why our electric bills are so high. That’s why those Atlantic City Electric executives were lying through their teeth when they blamed their big electricity rate hikes on everything but these things I just mentioned.

And by the way, that idiot running against Jeff Van Drew for Congress, Joe Salerno, the Democrat published a big opinion piece in the Press of Atlantic City last Thursday.  He said he was against nuclear power plants because they are too expensive and take too long to build.  As we pointed out last week, there’s in Europe called Finland, that has roughly half the population of New Jersey.  Last year they build one nuclear power plant in just one year.  As soon as they built it, they cut their electric rates in half, and now they have the lowest electric rates in Europe.  Meanwhile countries like England, France and Denmark that invested heavily in wind and solar now have the highest electric rates in Europe.

So if you want cheap, abundant, and reliable electricity in New Jersey, we need to build more nuclear power plants.

Click Here For Link To:  Grossman on Nuclear vs Wind – Liberty and Prosperity

And we also need to rebuild that power plant that we tore down at Beesley’s Point brick by brick and build that natural gas pipeline from Millville to Beesley’s Point to bring in that cheap and abundant natural gas from Pennsylvania. That would give us plenty of electricity and low electric bills in New Jersey, like what my daughter and son-in-law have in Florida right now!

Armed Men Kill At Least 70 People In Haiti, Including 3 Infants. 

Did this news story make it to the world news in the United States?  Why are we allowing hundreds of thousands of people from countries like this come into our country illegally, and then allowing them to become legal by calling them “asylum seekers” when they don’t qualify under any definition of asylum?
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Oct 4 (Reuters) – Gang members brandishing automatic rifles stormed through a town in Haiti’s main breadbasket region, killing at least 70 and forcing over 6,000 to flee, causing widespread shock even in a country grown accustomed to outbreaks of violence.
More people were severely injured in the attack in the early hours of Thursday at Pont-Sonde, in the agricultural region of Artibonite in western Haiti. Gran Grif gang leader Luckson Elan took responsibility for the massacre, saying it was in retaliation for civilians remaining passive while police and vigilante groups killed his soldiers.
If Millville Can Keep “Homeless” Off Its Sidewalks, Why Can’t Atlantic City Keep Them Away From Its Boardwalk And Other Tourist Areas?
Did you read how Millville, New Jersey is doing something about their “homeless” problem?

From Press of Atlantic City:  October 4, 2024. Millville Bans Sleeping On Streets And Sidewalks To Punish Homeless.  Click Above Or Below For Link To Full Article:

MILLVILLE — The city is looking to crack down on the homeless.

The Board of Commissioners approved an ordinance this week that would ban sleeping on streets, highways, sidewalks or in “quasi-public” places, like businesses or government buildings.

“I’m going to support this ordinance, but there are problems with it,” Commissioner Joseph Sooy said during the meeting Tuesday. “It’s a first step. I believe that it doesn’t go far enough.”

A recent Supreme Court ruling cleared the way for the ordinance, city officials said.

In June, the nation’s top court ruled that cities can enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outdoors, even in West Coast areas where shelter space is lacking.

The Supreme Court case is referenced in the ordinance; however, the term “homelessness” is not mentioned in the ordinance. The issue of homeless in the city dominated the public hearing on the ordinance.


Breaking AC Breaks Alarming Story of Wild West Shoot-Out In “Safe” Chelsea Neighborhood In Atlantic City

From October 4, 2024 Article By Lynda Cohen In Click this link to original article:  EHT man held in Atlantic City shootout with son’s alleged attackers – Breaking AC

An Egg Harbor Township father is accused of taking justice into his own hands when he got into a shootout with a group of Atlantic City juveniles who allegedly attacked his son a day before.

Kevin Hollingsworth, 38, and his wife wound up wounded in the exchange of gunfire outside a pizza parlor around 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17.

Police previously announced his arrest, saying that he and a woman were injured in an altercation with another group. But details were not made public until Hollingsworth’s detention hearing Wednesday.

Hollingsworth’s 17-year-old son returned home early Sept. 17, battered and bruised, telling his parents that he had been beaten and robbed of $250 while in Atlantic City the night before, defense attorney Lou Barbone told the judge.

Hollingsworth talked to his best friend, a sheriff’s officer, who told him to go to the police, Barbone said. He also suggested the family find out exactly where the attack occurred, and possibly try to identify the suspects before heading to the police station.

But it was Hollingsworth’s decision to put a loaded handgun in his waistband before getting on his motorcycle and heading to the city that proved a bad decision, Assistant Prosecutor Paige Jedlicka argued.

Following in a car was his wife, Amanda Hollingsworth, and the pair’s son.

They got to Southside Pizza in the 4000 block of Ventnor Avenue, with the teen confirming the attack happened across the street, according to information released in court.

While Hollingsworth went inside the pizza parlor, his teen’s son told his mother that the four juveniles sitting at a table outside were his attackers. Surveillance video shows her using her phone to take a picture, according to the report read by Jedlicka.

The teens go to the other side of the street, where a girl approaches one of the teens only to stop abruptly and run away, according to the report. It’s at that point that the teen, identified only as E.H., is seen with a gun in his right hand by his side.

That’s when Hollingsworth allegedly drew his weapon, pointing it as the teen, and saying, “Go ahead, motherf—er. I’ll kill your ass right here.”
E.H. allegedly replies: “Go ahead, and get your son out the car so we can pop him too.”

Both sides agree the first shots come from the juveniles.  Both E.H. and another juvenile, A.R., fired, and are criminally charged, according to the information given in court. Their ages and hometowns were not discussed.

Amanda Hollingsworth was struck in the forearm. Kevin Hollingsworth was hit three times: in the left arm, left leg and calf.

The two run for cover into a closed barbershop nearby as Kevin Hollingsworth returned fire.

“If there’s ever a justification to produce a firearm, it is this circumstance,” Barbone said, adding that his client had just seen his wife shot and believed he was being killed.

“This defendant was the aggressor and instigator in this situation,” Jedlicka countered. 

She noted that Hollingsworth had first consulted with a friend — a sheriff’s officer — who said he should go to police.

“Rather than do what was suggested by friend in law enforcement, he drove past the police station to the pizza place, and decided to take matters into his own hands,” Jedlicka said. 

“If they wanted to provide some sort of evidence, they easily could have taken that photo from the safety of their vehicle and then driven directly a few blocks to the police department,” she added. “There was never a reason for an encounter.”

When police arrived, they found the Hollingsworths inside the barbershop. An Army green Glock 48 was found on a booster seat.

Jedlicka alleged that showed an attempt to hide the gun. But Barbone countered that Hollingsworth put the gun down as he fell to the ground from his wounds.

He was hospitalized before being taken to the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

The gun was legally purchased in Louisiana, according to Barbone. The charges, however, allege it was not legally owned in New Jersey, where the family has lived for two years.

Hollingsworth has no criminal history, and scored the lowest possible score on his public safety assessment for both dangerousness and failure to appear. But because of the gun charges, the recommendation was that he not be released.

Judge Jeffrey Wilson agreed.

“There’s a reason that you take a gun with you,” he said.

“I’m not trying to take anything away from Mr. Hollingsworth as to any parent coming to the rescue or the protection of their child,” the judge added. “But this was taking the law into his own hands and there were tragic results here. … To say that he armed himself just to go check out an address gives this court great concern.” Hollingsworth will now remain jailed pending the outcome of his case. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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