When a Muslim used his truck to murder 15 people in New Orleans, Police and “experts” in the media struggled to think of a motive. One network news commentator asked “Why would anyone kill and cripple so many people he didn’t even know?”
However, in 2017, Zulfi Hoxha, a jihadi from Atlantic City gave the obvious motives for most of those murders. They include forgiveness for sins, redemption from failure, and purpose in life.
Every person has setbacks, disappointments, and failures in life. Young people often lack the experience and skills needed to address them. They often turn to parents, teachers, coaches, counsellors and clergy who help them persevere and succeed.
Most people also struggle to find meaning in life. Viktor Frankl explained this in his book Man’s Search for Meaning in 1946. He also created logotherapy to address this problem.
Judaism and Christianity offer solutions to both problems. They both offer forgiveness for past sins and redemption for past failures. They also give purpose and meaning to those who serve others, observe Bible commandments or live by teachings of Jesus or Hillel.
However, in 2017, Atlantic City’s Zulfi Hoxha offered young Muslims a purpose in life with a quick and easy path to forgiveness, redemption and meaning. That path was jihad and martyrdom through jihad.
Hoxha suggested that most young Muslim men in America, like himself, were sinners. What else could they be after being part of a society that blatantly violated sharia or Islamic law every day? As a result, these Muslims were condemned to eternity in “hell fire”. Hoxha also knew from his own experience that many young Muslim men felt they had little meaning or purpose here.
In 2017, Hoxha produced and posted a video called: “We Will Surely Guide Them To Our Ways”. In it, Hoxha offered this quick and simple solution: Take up jihad (holy war) and kill a kaffir (non-believer). It encouraged “lone wolf” terrorists to kill Americans by stabbing them, running them down with vehicles or throwing them off buildings.
“Liberate yourself from hellfire by killing a kaffir (non-Muslim),” Hoxha said in the video. “Are you incapable of stabbing a kaffir (non-Muslim) with a knife, throwing him off a building, or running him over with a car?”
Hoxha based his teaching on this Islamic “Hadith”. “Hadith” is Arabic for “report” or “narrative”. It describes words or actions of the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime. Because Muhammad was the last messenger from Allah, most Muslims believe that what he said and did during his lifetime are as important as what is written in the Koran.
Above Image: This “hadith” (report) by Al-Miqdam bin Ma’diykarib is called “The Book on Virtues of Jihad”. In Chapter 25, Muhammad declares that any Muslim who dies while fighting jihad is a “shaheed” or martyr. Jihad is a holy war by Muslims against non-Muslims. Every martyr is promised these six rewards:
According To A “Reliable” Hadith (Report), Muhammad Promised These Six Rewards To Every Muslim Killed in a Jihad Against Non-Muslims:
Forgiveness for all past sins.
Eternal life in Paradise.
Protection from all punishment after death.
a “Crown of Dignity” (Honor and Respect in the Community)
Eternal pleasure from 72 maidens.
Ability to intercede for and benefit 70 close family members.
Zulfi Hoxha grew up in Margate, New Jersey and graduated from Atlantic City High School in 2010. Afterwards, he became a follower of the Wahab doctrine. In 2015 Hoxha traveled to Turkey and then Syria where he received military training with the terror group I.S.I.S., the “Islamic State of Iraq and Sham”. There, he became a “commander” and changed his name to “Abu Hamza al-Amriki”. See Atlantic Article: A New American Leader Rises in ISIS – The Atlantic
Screenshot of 2017 Video by Islamic State terrorist Abu Hamza al-Amriki. He grew up in Margate, New Jersey as Zulfi Hoxha, and graduated from Atlantic City High School in 2010.
In 2017, Hoxha made several recruitment videos which were posted on the internet and widely distributed in America. One shows Hoxha beheading prisoners.
According to the Press of Atlantic City, one online video was titled, “We will Surely Guide them to our Ways.” It encouraged “lone wolf” terrorists to kill Americans by running them down with vehicles or throwing them off buildings.
“Liberate yourself from hellfire by killing a kaffir (non-Muslim),” Hoxha said in the video. That video showed him in battlefield fatigues, kneeling in front of rocket launchers. (See above screenshot) Hoxha said, “Are you incapable of stabbing a kaffir (non-Muslim) with a knife, throwing him off a building, or running him over with a car?”
See full Press of Atlantic City article: 2010 Atlantic City High School grad now ISIS commander | Latest Headlines | pressofatlanticcity.com
This teaching also attracted many non-Muslims. In 2016, Jack Letts left his middle-class home in Oxford, England to join I.S.I.S. (the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham) in Syria. After receiving military training, Jack went to Kenya to join a jihadi group called the Al Shabaab. There, at least one eyewitness claimed that Jack personally used a machete to behead non-Muslims. One year earlier, in April of 2015, terrorists from that group attacked Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya. There, they identified and separated more than 200 students, teachers and others who were Christians. Then they shot and stabbed them. Roughly 147 were killed and 79 were injured.
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director