Politicians Are The Pinky, Weakest Finger of “The Powerful Hand” Strangling America Today — Israel’s Moshe Feiglin Saw This Coming In 1999

Moshe Feiglin is a Bible-based, libertarian writer, radio talk show host, and political leader in Israel. In 2000, he was a rising star in the conservative Likud Party.  In 2013, he was elected to the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) on the Likud ticket, together with Benjamin Netanyahu, who became Prime Minister.  However, in 2015, Benjamin Netanyahu used dirty tricks in the Party’s first Primary Elections to force Feiglin out of both Parliament and the Likud Party.  Feiglin spent the next four years forming a new party, Zehut (Identity).  Shortly before the 2019 Israeli elections, polls showed that Feiglin’s Party was poised to win a large number of votes and win enough seats in Parliament to strongly influence any new government.  This caused the national media, celebrities, and establishment politicians of both left and right to stop attacking each, and instead falsely label Feiglin and his Party as right wing extremists”.  They called Feiglin “The Most Dangerous Man In Israel”. They also attacked Feiglin and his party as “radical libertarians” for favoring the legalization of marijuana. Support for Feiglin plummeted and his Zehut Party did not win enough votes in 2019 to qualify for a single seat in the 120 member Israeli Parliament. In 2005, Feiglin published “The War of Dreams”.  It explains his views and what caused him to take an interest in politics.

Moshe Feiglin was born in 1962.  Like men in Israel, he began two years of compulsory military service at age 18.  Feiglin fought with distinction in the 1982 Lebanon War, served an extra year, and was promoted to Captain. Feiglin then ran a successful construction company.  In 1993, 31 year old Feiglin organized a grass roots protest movement to oppose the Oslo “Peace” process with Arab terrorists.  In 1993, Feiglin formed a political organization, claiming that only winning elections, not protests, could change government policy.  In 2005, Feiglin published this book, The War of Dreams.  This one chapter at Page 17, “The Powerful Hand” was prophetic in describing politics in America today. The Hebrew words written on the back of the T-shirt worn by the young boy at the top of this post mean “Lord Jehovah Is The King”.


From “THE WAR OF DREAMS” (2005) By Moshe Feiglin at Page 17

Karnei Shomron, Samaria, Israel

5 Sivan 5759 (May 20, 1999)

On Election Day, I was reminded of the Prophet Jonah.  We find the sailors, full of good will, frantically attempting to steer the ship to safe waters.  In the meantime, Jonah, who understands that the ship’s direction is being determined in a completely different place, compensates for lost sleep in the ship’s hold.  This article is dedicated to all the good-hearted sailors, who think their fate is determined on Election Day.

We can compare the forces currently ruling Israel to a powerful hand, gripping our nation by its throat.  The hand accomplishes this with five fingers–the elites.

The strongest finger is the thumb.  The thumb represents the cultural elite--publishers, writers, playwrights, actors, other artists, and above all–the media.  The culture finger is not only the strongest, but it is also the glue that binds all the other forces together.  Just like the thumb of a hand, it can freely move between the other fingers.  The thumb gives the other fingers the support they need to grasp whatever they want.  The cultural elite is our “thought police”.  It determines what we read (try to buy a copy of “The Rabin File” by Uri Milstein in any bookstore in Israel).  It determines what we watch on TV, what is true and what is false, what is legitimate and what is fanatical.  It determines what is dangerous and illegal incitement (hate speech/insurrection) and what is speech protected by “freedom of speech”.

The index finger is next.  This finger represents the security elite that controls the army, the police, and the Internal Security forces. The typical mediocrity of this elite group is irrelevant.  In Israel, it makes no difference who you are, or even what you did for the country.  What really matters is how high you have managed to climb in the security hierarchy.  This elite determines who is investigated, who is arrested, whose phones to bug, who must be beaten at demonstrations, and who must be ignored.

The middle finger is the tallest of all.  This finger represents the judicial elite, Attorneys General, and Government Prosecutors.  It is almost as strong as the thumb, but much more lofty and esteemed.  The judicial elite scorns the will of the people, as expressed by their elected representatives.  It imposes its personal values on the people through a pseudo-parliament (legislature) that overrules the elected parliament.  If anyone dares to criticize this elite, the thumb will move to crush him or her by portraying that person as a threat to the rule of law.  Unruly Knesset (Parliament/Congress) members are quickly brought to the attention of the Attorney General (again with the encouragement of the cultural elite and its pre-trial verdict).  When these hapless politicians opt for self-preservation, they quickly adopt the mind-set of the elite.  A prime example is Tzachi Hanegbi, once a lion of the Right, who has become a puppet, strung from the second finger.

The fourth finger is the economic elite.  Supplying the fuel that turns the wheels of all the other elites, it, in turn, is empowered by them.  A retired army general who toed the line when he was still part of the Security Elite, will be rewarded with an appealing job, the gift of the economic elite.  This is but a small example of the symbiosis that exists among the elites.

Finally, we reach the pinky.  This is the smallest and weakest of all the fingers — the political elite.  It has little power.  When it opposes the other elites, it always loses.  In order to survive, the politicians are totally dependent on the “good will” of the stronger elites.  No politician has ever dared to use the power that the pinky received from the people to attempt to combat the forces of the other elites.

When the Left takes power, it quickly implements the ideology of “Peace Now”, not because that is what the public dictated, but essentially it is what the elites dictate.  When the Right takes power, it also hurries to implement the ideology of “Peace Now”. . . for the same reason!

So, for all the sailors who thought that the elections were an opportunity to take hold of the ship’s steering wheel, and for all the frustrated voters, it is important that you know this:  The illusion that you have been fed — the fantasy that you can have influence — really boils down to just one choice — the right to choose the pinky.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333


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    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact sethgrossman49@gmail.com (609) 927-7333

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