Murphy’s ANCHOR “Rebate” Is A Scam. But Apply Now. You Already Overpaid For It!

Last summer, Governor Murphy and his Democrat majority in the NJ Legislature created a new vote-buying giveaway program.  They call it “ANCHOR”.  Every New Jersey family who owned their home on October 1, 2019 and who earned $250,000 or less is entitled to $1,500.  Every family who rented on that date is entitled to $450.  To get that money, you must complete and submit a form on or before December 30.   If you did not get “2019 ANCHOR Benefits” instructions in the mail, please read a summary of those instructions below.  If you don’t act promptly, you can lose that money.

The whole program is a typical vote-buying scam in many ways.  Murphy and his Democrats call it “Historic Property Tax Relief”, but that is a big lie.  The program has nothing to do with property taxes.  Only voters get money.  Business owners and visitors who also pay high property taxes get nothing.

There is no connection between how much money voters get, and how much in property taxes they pay.  Every New Jersey voter/resident who owned his or her home gets $1,500.  Every tenant gets $500.  This ANCHOR program does nothing to control or cut local, county, or public school spending.  Every business owner pays big property taxes and gets no relief.  Most either raise their prices or go out of business.  During the past six months, dozens of long time, successful businesses in South Jersey shut down for good.  They include Voltaco’s and Ward’s Pastry in Ocean City, and Gasparre’s Restaurant in Egg Harbor Township.  Clancy’s in Somers Point is still closed.

Owners of tourist rental properties get no relief either.  To stay in business, they raising prices and renting to louder and trashier group rental properties.  Others are just walking away from their properties and mortgages.

Some of the ANCHOR give-away program is indirectly paid for with massive federal spending.  However, the federal government is broke.  The dollars it spends are part of the trillions of dollars in borrowed, with no plan to ever pay it back.  Those dollars are simply printed with nothing to back it up.  Prices for everything we buy are not going up because of “inflation”.  They are going up because every dollar we earned and saved is now worth less.

We understand why Governor Murphy and Democrats promote the big lie that this vote-buying, give-away scam is “Historic Property Tax Relief”.  But why are Republicans doing it?  Why are Republican Assemblymen Erik Simonsen and Antwan McClellan also repeating that lie on their official Facebook Page?

Why are these Republicans repeating the Democrat lie that Murphy’s vote-buying scam is “Historic Property Tax Relief”?  Why do they repeat the lie that this scam is creating “Affordable Communities?

If you got your “ANCHOR” instructions in the mail, getting your money is very easy.  Simply follow those instructions.  You can file online or request a paper form online or by telephone.   If you are a homeowner, you need a User ID and PIN Number. If you are a renter, you don’t.  The only problem some people may have is locating their old 2019 New Jersey tax return to find out what their gross NJ taxable income was that year.  However, if you did not get the instructions in the mail by now, it may not be easy, and it may take time.

Whether you file online or use a paper form, you need to supply your name, address, social security number, and date of birth.  You also need to supply your taxable NJ income from your 2019 NJ Income Tax Return.  It is important to do that as soon as possible.  That is because you may have problems getting your User ID, PIN Number, or 2013 tax return.

Homeowners log into

Tenants log into

These websites tell you what to do if you didn’t get instructions in the mail and don’t have a User ID and PIN number.  You can use your 2018 Homestead Rebate PIN Number.  You can also call the ANCHOR Hotline at 888-238-1233 or Email  Or you can go to certain regional offices.  Unfortunately, many of our members say they are not getting responses to their emails, and that nobody is answering the Hotline.  When we get more information, we will update this site.

Some Democrats may claim that we should not apply for this money if we do not believe in the program.  This is ridiculous.  Everyone who lives in New Jersey is paying far too much to the government through taxes and inflation.  If Democrats are offering to give us back a few crumbs, there is nothing wrong with taking them.

Above Image:  Former Republican NJ Governor Chris Christie lavishly praised Democratic President Obama days before the 2012 election, and helped Obama narrowly win.  In return, Christie got millions of dollars in federal “storm relief” grants that propped up his state budget, bought “Stronger Than The Storm” ads in newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations that supported him when he ran for re-election the following year–and then for President!

This is as ridiculous as when many Democrats (and Republican former NJ Governor Christie) attacked Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis for applying for Hurricane Relief Aid to help people hurt by Hurricane Ian.  They say DeSantis was wrong to take this money, because he opposed previous Hurricane Relief programs when he was in Congress.  First, even though DeSantis and many Florida voters opposed many bloated “storm relief” programs by the Federal government, their taxes still helped pay for them.  Also, much, if not most of federal “storm relief” money for “Sandy” in 2012 and hurricanes in Puerto Rico was wasted and had nothing to do with the storm.  Much of the Sandy “storm relief” money paid for “Stronger Than The Storm” radio, TV, and newspaper ads that did nothing but help Governor Christie’s political campaign for re-election as Governor in 2013!  And for his campaign to be President in 2015! is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Guest Post

    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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