“Road Diet” Traffic Jams In Margate & Ocean City Tied To Unsustainable $31 Trillion Debt In Washington, D.C.

Traffic backs up on Atlantic Avenue in Margate, and West Avenue in Ocean City, NJ a lot these days.  The main streets that connect these South Jersey beach towns to Atlantic City now have only one lane in each direction instead of two.

“Woke” Democrat “experts” in Washington and Trenton call this a “road diet”.  They bribe local officials to do this by re-paving their streets with federal and state money so local taxes can be spent on other things.  Hardly anyone in Margate or Ocean City wanted this.  Hardly anybody there even knew this was happening until new lines were painted on these streets!

The ultimate goal of the “woke” experts is to punish people who use cars. They don’t want Americans to be self-sufficient and free to drive, work, and shop where and when they want.  They want us to live without automobiles in dense, easy to control developments of small apartments next to where we work and shop–like in China.

Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution states:  The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States. . . to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states. . .  To establish Post Offices, and post Roads. . .

Our U.S. Constitution was specifically designed for our national government to spend money for national purposes that state and local governments could not do.  Article I Section 8 specifically “enumerates” those national purposes.   to fix local roads.  It specifically states that the national government can only tax and spend for national purposes.  The Tenth Amendment specifically states that any power not given to the national federal government is “reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”.

But who complains when what we want is paid for by somebody else?  We have ignored that part of our Constitution for years.  We have elected Senators and Members of Congress who had our national government pay for local schools, housing, police officers, fire trucks, dunes, wind turbines, and garbage trucks for recycling.  When money was wasted, we didn’t care because somebody else was paying for it.

Our Federal government is now $31,000,000,000,000 in debt. That debt is eight times more than what it collects in taxes each year. Will it default on its payments? Will it pay pennies on the dollar? Will it pay some people in full and completely stiff others? Will it pay back its debts with worthless “digital” currency? Let’s talk about it at our weekly breakfast this Saturday in Somers Point.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Guest Post

    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact sethgrossman49@gmail.com (609) 927-7333

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5 thoughts on ““Road Diet” Traffic Jams In Margate & Ocean City Tied To Unsustainable $31 Trillion Debt In Washington, D.C.”

  1. Okay… a couple of things.

    1. This is not new.. or surprising…. or good, or bad. It just… is.
    2. If the roads are revered back to two lanes each way, it will create havoc with tourists on their bikes (cars riding narrowly next to them + cars feeding onto the road + those crossing the street = recipe for disaster)
    3. Since you addressed the word “woke”, I’m going on the record and saying there is nothing more woke than cancelling products because you don’t like them for any and all reasons, similar to the Bud Light protest your friends started.

  2. This was just a random photo of light pre-season, mid-day, midweek traffic. Even so, one red light backed up traffic for three blocks in front of me, and three blocks behind me with cars from cross-streets unable to get through. During Memorial Day Weekend, there was a continuous two mile line of traffic from the beginning of Margate to turnoff to Longport Bridge. Meanwhile regular moving traffic in Ventnor and Atlantic City which are still two lanes in each direction.

  3. Hello reality here

    Memorial Day weekend is the busiest weekend of the year by far, with season move ins, weekenders, college kids all out of school and even families who send kids to overnight camp all in town. Of course, however you chose that as your reference point to make your lame point about traffic. The sturm und drang that you and others tried to make for years about the Margate road diet and traffic jams has proven to be a colossal exaggeration since it began. Nice try, though.

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