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Seth Grossman live from Buenos Aires, capital city of Argentina. President is Javier Milei.
WPG Radio show. 11.23.24
Topics discussed:
Fact finding mission.
Trump immigration
America is a High Trust Society.
Judeo Christian
Millions defy law
Obama gave illegals fake asylum papers
Constitution Supreme Law Of The Land
Gov Murphy defy law. Sanctuary = Confederate
Current US DEBT – 36 trillion.
Wind Turbine crisis in Europe.
Atlantic County Utility Authority. Where to dump garbage? For past 38 years, they never picked new location.
Milei said he wanted people to determine for themselves whether they succeeded or failed based on their own work and their own choices. He said people should not depend on handouts from the government or special inside deals based on who you know. So it’s a fascinating experience. I’ve been here five days. I’d like to talk about him a little more.
However, you’ve been talking about President Trump enforcing our immigration laws. I think it’s very important to understand why we got immigration laws in the first place
Why We Have Limits On Immigration:
There are about eight billion people in the world. And the poorest people in America live better than at least half of those eight billion people. So there are about 4 billion people who can get a better life for themselves just by moving from where they are right now and coming to America. However, if all four billion of those people came here, they would destroy our way of life.
It is also important to understand we Americans have a better way of life than most people in the world. It’s not because we’re, exploiting anybody else. It’s not because we are some superior race. It is because we have this culture and system of liberty.
That’s what the motto of New Jersey is about: Liberty and Prosperity. We have prosperity because we have liberty.
We are what is often called a “high trust society”. Most Americans do the right thing because they want to do the right thing, not because they are forced to. That is because most Americans are moral. We have Judeo-Christian values. We have the Ten Commandments. We have “Love your neighbor as yourself”.
Because of that, we are free to make the most important decisions in our own lives. We know that we can achieve our goals by working hard, saving money, producing things for others to get paid. We become comfortable and wealthy this way, as opposed to stealing from somebody else to get wealthy. And voting for politicians who use government to take from others and give to us is also stealing.
It took years of work, sacrifice, and learning from mistakes to create this system.
So if we’re overwhelmed by 4 billion people who believe the leftist and woke propaganda that we are rich because we steal from others, they will sink our country.
So the issue is not whether immigrants committed crimes after they got here or didn’t commit crimes. We have immigration laws that say that only a few hundred thousand people can legally come to this country every year.
Now for the last 20 years, we’ve tolerated millions of people to defy that law and come to this country anyway. And in particular, President Obama and President Biden, the Democrats have taken these illegals. And not only do they fail to deport them, but they give them fake asylum papers that that pretend that they’re legal even though they’re not. And what President Trump has promised to do for his 2nd term, he didn’t do it this 1st term, but he’s promising to reclassify all the illegals as illegals and then use the military to systematically deport them. Now, we have a constitution. And article 6 of our constitution says that our constitution and all federal laws made under our constitution are quote the supreme law of the land. And every state governor and every state police officer and every local public employee, before taking office, they have to take an oath to, support and defend the, the constitution and all federal laws made pursuant to the constitution. And the constitution specifically gives the federal government the right to make these immigration laws. So when you have a state Democrat governor, whether it’s Phil Murphy or whether it’s the governor of New York or California, and they say we’re going to defy federal law. We’re not gonna allow the federal immigration laws to be applied or enforced. The the word sanctuary isn’t the right word. The the the word is confederate. They think they’re confederates. They think they’re like South Carolina in 18/61 saying, well, we don’t like president Lincoln. So we want all federal employees to get kicked out of South Carolina. And then, in 18/61, they started the civil war by actually having cannons, start blowing up. No federal employees on a place an island called Fort Sumter. I mean, this is where these democratic governors are leading us, and they’ve got to be rejected and repudiated, and we’ve got to enforce our constitution and our laws. It’s as simple as that. Well, now that you put it that way. Exactly. This, so so so meanwhile, that’s so that’s a major issue. But here I am in Argentina, to see how, and many people are calling Javier Malay the Trump of, Argentina. Many people are calling the Trump Trump or calling Trump the, Javier Malay of, of the United States. But what’s going on now, and I’ve been here for about 5 or 6 days, and and the the one thing that you notice is the what what inflation has done to this country. So the it used to be Argentina had normal money, where you had about 3 or 4 pesos to the dollar. Here I am where it’s it’s 1,000 pesos to the dollar. So, for me to have like I normally have 1 or $200 in my wallet. And, of course, all they have is these 1,000 and 2,000 peso notes. So they have a joke down here. They say, well, what what do you call a wallet in Argentina? And and the answer is a rubber band because you can’t fit, you know, you can’t fit $200 of currency in your wallet. It won’t fold. You you have to have this wad of, a 1,021,000 peso bills in a rubber band, in one of your pockets. And it’s it’s it’s ridiculous. And, of course, now you adjust to it because you go to a restaurant and it’ll say something like, you know, and they use the same dollar sign for their money here. So you go to a restaurant that says $50,000 for dinner. So, you could adjust to it by just, you know, knocking off this the 3 zeros, and you know you’re getting a $50 meal. But what you forget is that, you know, 6, 7 years ago, you had people with their life savings where, you know, they would have enough money to live for their retirement. And when you had the inflation, and suddenly, everything you have in the bank is worth $1,000, a 1000 percent less. So, you know, you think you have a $1,000,000, you know, and you have $1,000 in the bank. So, you know, your your retirement can’t even last you a few weeks. That’s how it ruined the middle class of this country. And they’re slowly trying to build themselves out of it, and it’s very very difficult. Hello? Yeah. Oh, you’re you’re on, Seth. Oh, I I You’re you’re on a roll. I know. I I yeah. I know. I I want you. So, but but anyway, so as I’m sitting here watching, you know, living the effect of inflation, so I’m looking at the news from the United States. And, of course, the big story here is that the United States debt has reached, government debt has reached $36,000,000,000,000. That’s $36,000,000,000. And the total income of the United States government each year is 4,500,000,000,000. So basically, you have the debt of the United States government is 8 times its yearly income. And I remember when I was a lawyer and did bankruptcy cases, I knew that if you had a family making $80,000 a year, and if they had, say, 1 or $200,000 of credit card bills, if their debt was more than twice as much as their yearly income, they weren’t gonna make it. They could live on peanut butter and omelettes and not go out and and walk everywhere, and they would still not be able to get themselves out of debt. So they end up doing a bankruptcy and and stiffing everyone who loaned them money. So now it’s it’s almost as if we have a, a, the government’s like a family, that that has a yearly income of $80,000 and has credit card debt of $640,000. How will that ever get paid back? Well, there are only 3 ways that can happen. 1, you could just pay, everyone who has savings bonds or treasury bonds or any debt of the government just pay I don’t know if anyone has a government pension, pay them 10¢ and a dollar. That’s one way. The other way, is to just not have an army, not have a navy, not spend any money for the next 8 or 9 years, and that’s not possible. Or you’re gonna just have to take the money that we have and do what they did in Argentina and just make it, you know, just keep printing dollars. And so the money is not worth anything, but but not a single politician anywhere is is even talking about, you know, that that this is what we’re facing. It’s almost like you read these numbers and nobody cares. And and as in Argentina, nobody cares until they do. When when because this does not happen gradually. It’s suddenly you wake up one day, and and you find out that all all your life savings in the bank is worth nothing. And, and and we’ve really gotta prepare for that and talk about it. But so far, every time a politician talks about it, you know, they’re condemned. They’re saying, oh, he wants to take away food off my table and blah blah blah, and and we’re just in denial. But, here in Argentina, they’re waking up to it, and it’s it’s interesting. That’s why I’m here really to see how a country deals with this problem. So you’re on a fact finding mission? Well, it’s it’s a it’s a pleasant way to have a fact finding mission. I feel like I’m very wealthy as I I go around, you know, giving the the a cab driver, like, a $20,000 a tip with the money, but, but but this is what we’re doing. The other news that’s here, and I don’t know if this made the the news at home, but they’re having a wind turbine crisis in Europe. Because basically, for the last 3 weeks, the wind stopped blowing, or the wind speed has gone down, like, 80% for 3 weeks in a row. And all the electrical systems in Germany, the Netherlands, and, and and England, are falling apart. In fact, they have a German word, the Dunkelflaute. The British caught the, the wind low. And you you see all these emails from these engineers begging for permission to reopen all these, gas powered generators and nuclear generators that they closed down because, if they don’t, the whole economy is gonna collapse, and it’s a disaster, going on as we speak. Now has that been much in the news about the disaster of the wind turbines in Europe going on for the last 3 weeks? No. No. Not too much at all. And what’s interesting is we can’t even do. The Europeans are saying, okay. We made a mistake. Let’s crank out our plans. Again, let’s crank out our natural gas plans. Let’s restart our nuclear plans. But if that happened, if we got so dependent on wind energy like they did in Germany, Holland, and England, we couldn’t do it because we can’t say let’s crank up that Beasley’s Point plant again because we need the electricity because we blew it up last year. And we can’t say, well, let’s start up the nuclear power plant that we have in Lacey Township, you know, in Oyster Creek, because we destroy that. So it’s really not only inefficient, it’s just evil the fact that these wind turbine, these green energy proponents not only said let’s experiment with wind, let’s experiment with solar. They they actually spent enormous amounts of money to blow up the stuff we already had, so we can’t go back to what we had before even if we wanted to without a great expense, and that’s a real tragedy. Boy, you you’re just you’re just bringing up one thing after the other. And then, of course, we have our Atlanta County Utilities Authority, which, you talked about, you know, you only had one job. Back in in 1982, 1983, the the county officials knew that we didn’t we were gonna run out of of a place to, to dump our garbage. So the county freeholders at the time, or now they call them county commissioners, they couldn’t agree on where to put the dump. They had to build a new dump, otherwise, there is no place to dump our garbage, And it would cost a fortune to put it on trucks and ship our garbage 100 of miles away. And they knew that within 20 years, we’d have to have a place to dump our garbage. And since they couldn’t agree because nobody wanted a garbage dump in their town, they said, well, let’s let the Atlanta County Utilities Authority, let them pick the site because they’re not politicians, they’re not elected. They’re just gonna do what the best thing is and, and and let them make the decision. And that was 38 years ago. So I don’t know if you you noticed about 3 weeks ago, the county utilities authority admitted that not only, is our dump gonna run out and have to be closed down, we’re gonna have to dump our garbage 100 of miles away or dozens of miles away, and really crush us with these big tax hikes. But they they they never got around in 38 years. They never picked a location. They never, they haven’t even even planned to pick a location. And we’re gonna be toast, in in in about 2 or 3 years. And it’s no it’s like it’s no problem. No one’s accountable. Could you imagine, if if a private company had done something like that? Oh, yeah. Somebody would get fired, someone lose their pension, but there’s just no consequences. So the question is, what has the Atlanta County Utilities Authority been doing with all those 1,000,000 of dollars they’ve been spending, for the past, you know, 30 years when they should have been searching for a location to build a dump and build a dump because that’s their basic function. Number 1, they have a sewage system to get rid of the sewage water. Number 2, they needed a dump. Well, they’ve been building wind turbines, they’ve been building solar panels. They’ve been when somebody wanted to to build a more efficient way of dumping trash using a railroad in Pleasantville, they they had their employees pretend they were a civic group to to to make opposition to shut them down. They’re doing electric cars. They’re going into all the schools to promote the green energy. They’re having Earth Day. They’re doing everything but what their one job was. And we have all the details posted on our libertyandprosperity.com website. And I just hope that, that people will look at it. So the the final point before I go is we, of course, we have Thanksgiving coming up. And if you go to our Liberty and Prosperity website, we strongly recommend that you see what we post every Thanksgiving. Three things to talk to your children about. That that number 1, that that no Americans did not, murder the native Americans. There was intermarriage. There was war between the native Americans. But worst of all, diseases that were harmless to Europeans because millions of Europeans died in all these plagues 100 of years before. So we got immunity to chicken pox and measles and the common cold and so on. The Native Americans did not and that’s what would cause those deaths. So I see there’s a movement to not even celebrate Thanksgiving, to call it the Native American Heritage Day. They’re doing what they did to Columbus Day to, to Thanksgiving. It’s just a horrible thing. But go to our website and be prepared to talk to your kids and grandkids about Thanksgiving. And of course, the other thing that’s important to know is Thanksgiving reminds us that Americans rejected socialism. Because when the pilgrims first came to America, they all owned the land together, they would harvest the crops together, they’d put all the food in the common storehouse, and everybody would take what they needed. And guess what happened when we had that system? Nobody wanted to work, everybody wanted more stuff than they were entitled to, and they all almost starved. So and died off. So it was not just that the squanto, the Indian taught taught them how to plant the crops. It’s also because after 2 years of failed socialism, they decided to give each family its own plot of land. And wouldn’t you know it, when each family could get to harvest and keep whatever they planted, they’d be up working, you know, 6 days a week, day and night. They produce so much stuff that they were trading extra food for for, you know, you know, game and all sorts of stuff from the Indians, and they became wealthy within 5 to 6 years. So that’s another method of thanksgiving. And, in the final speaking of thanksgiving, the final thing is to keep liberty and prosperity on the air. The Tuesday after thanksgiving is called giving Tuesday. So if you haven’t donated to Liberty and Prosperity yet, or you haven’t paid your $30, 20, 24 dues, that would be a great way to go on the website libertyandprosperity.com, hit the donate tab and pay your money online or send us a check. So, I could be, have first position on the John DiMasi show every Saturday. Well, anyway, thank you very much. Libertyandprosperity.com, and it’s I know my my time is up. Have a great Thanksgiving, John. Okay, Seth. Don’t call for me Argentina. That’s the motto. Seth Grossman, Liberty and Prosperity. The website libertyandprosperity.com. The meeting starting right now at Sal’s Coal Fire Pizza. Check it out. Libertyandprosperity.com. It is talk with a purpose every Saturday, 9 till noon. WPG talk radio 95.5.