Check out this letter to the editor courtesy of the West Jersey Tea Party:
Letter to the editor: When Will Liberals Wake Up And Smell The Gulag
How many examples of the rights-crushing Obama administration do you need to stop your support of this illegal government?
Let?s start with the Benghazi affair. The New York Times (a formerly great newspaper) recently published and ?extensive and exhaustive investigative effort? into the Benghazi murder of four Americans. Everyone with half a brain knew this was nothing more than a whitewash for Hillary Clinton?s 2016 presidential bid. Then the judiciary committee, in a bipartisan finding, said the Obama administration lied to American citizens, liberal and conservative alike. In 2012, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice made the rounds on five national talk shows and made the claim that an obscure caricature of Allah was the reason for the attack on the consulate. Even those who were ardent supporters of Barack Obama smelled that fish and knew it was rotten. Question: Did the Obama administration lie to you?
How about the IRS scandal? First, Obama came out and said that he was unaware of the Office of Inspector General?s report and called the actions ?outrageous? and that he would hold everyone who was involved ?accountable.? Let?s see. Who was fired? Who did the perp walk? Can you say ?no one?? But the larger point, the one that is lost on most supporters of Obama, is that the IRS transgressions affect liberal as well as conservative groups. Now with the new IRS proposed rules, grass-roots organizations, liberal and conservative alike, will not be allowed to contact voters 30 days prior to any primary, will not be allowed to conduct lobbying efforts (like we all do) 30 days prior to a primary election, will not be allowed to conduct voter registration drives 30 days prior to a primary election. Question: Did the Obama administration lie to you?
The National Security Agency is cataloging my keystrokes as I write this, will follow the email when I send this, will listen to my phone calls when I make them, will check my credit card expenditures to see if I am preparing my family for disaster, real or imagined. And what did Obama do on Friday? Nothing. Remember when Obama beat his chest and said only a weak president would condone the massive data collection on its American citizens? Question: Did the Obama administration lie to you?
I know it has lied to me. It has lied to my children. It has lied to my neighbors. The last question I have for those who call themselves liberals and supporters of Obama and his administration is: When they come for you, who will be there to defend you?
Beverly Marinelli
Letters like this are very effective. ? When will you write yours?
When will they wake up? Only when they are firmly ensconced behind the barbed wire, fed skimpy slave rations, and being forced to perform labor that they refused to do as free people. Maybe then….