Black Anti-Semite Beats & Stabs Jews In Lakewood. NJ Law Enforcement & ADL Warn Against “White Supremacists”!


Just over two years ago, NJ Homeland officials responded to two deadly attacks on Jews by “black nationalists”, by increasing threat level for “white supremacist extremists” to “its highest level possible”.   Last month, both NJ Homeland Security and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) again falsely blamed “white supremacists” for the rise of anti-Semitism in New Jersey after non-white Dion Marsh went on a violent rampage against Jews in Lakewood.

Last month, Dion Marsh traveled from Lakehurst to Lakewood to kill as many Jews as he could.  He picked Lakewood because most Jews there are Orthodox. They are easily recognized as Jews by their appearance.  Marsh began by severely beating one Jew and stealing his car.  Marsh then used that car to ram the cars of three other Jews. He then attacked the drivers and caused serious internal injuries to all three.  He stabbed one in the chest.  Marsh was later arrested at his home holding a machete.

Marsh told police he did it because “Jews are the real devils”.

Two weeks later the Press of Atlantic City published a front page article with the headline “Anti-Semitic attacks on rise in NJ”.  The article, using information supplied by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) specifically identified only four “extremist” groups as being responsible.  All four were groups that distributed “white supremacist propaganda”.

The article failed to mention that Dion Marsh is black, and was not influenced by “white supremacist” literature.  The article also failed to mention that the only recent physical attacks in New Jersey that actually killed and injured Jews because they were Jews, were done by “black nationalists”.  They included the deadly rampages in Jersey City and Monsey, New York during December 2019.

The article said nothing about systematic attacks on Jewish students at Rutgers University.  It said nothing of the rhetoric against Jews at yearly Al Quds Day events held throughout the state.

This is exactly how the ADL, New Jersey law enforcement, and the media responded to the 2019 attacks that killed three Jews and three others.

On December 10, 2019, just before the Coronavirus lockdowns, two “black nationalists” attacked a Jewish kosher grocery store and killed the two Jewish owner, a Jewish customer, and a non-Jewish employee.  It appears that the target of the attack was a Jewish day school with 50 to 60 Jewish children and their teacher next-door and upstairs.  It appears the attackers mistakenly opened the wrong door and entered the store instead of the school.

The van used by the attackers contained a half dozen firearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and various deadly explosives.  One was a pipe bomb with a killing range of 500 yards.  There was also evidence that the attackers had research an attack on a larger Jewish community center in Bayonne.

The attackers killed a taxi driver the previous week, and a police detective that morning.  It appears that the attackers rushed their attack after being surprised by the detective, and fearing discovery and arrest.  Further investigation showed that the attackers had been preparing for the attacks and acquiring guns, ammunition, and explosives for months.  The two attackers practiced shooting their weapons in Ohio.

The attackers wrote a manifesto expressing their hatred for Jews, and their support of Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan.

The attackers also had supporters in the black community.  Jersey City Board of Education member Joan Terrell-Page urged blacks to “be brave enough” to listen to the attackers message.  Terrell-Paige falsely claimed “brutes of the Jewish community” had “threatened, intimidated and harassed” blacks.  Many blacks who gathered afterwards at the scene of the attack said Jews had no right to be in their neighborhood, and blamed them for the attacks.

Two weeks later, a man from Harlem took a machete and drove his car 40 miles to Monsey, New York to slash as many Jews as he could.  He injured five and killed one.  He was not white either.

Shortly after the first attack, Michigan Congress Representative Rashida Tlaib released a tweet on her personal account blaming the attack on “white supremacy”.

Two months later, New Jersey Homeland Security officials responded to both attacks by raising the threat level “for violence from extremist white supremacists” from “moderate” to “high”.  They said “this was its highest level possible”.

Democratic Governor Phil Murphy directed NJ Attorney General Gerbir Grewal to speak around the state urging that action be taken against “white supremacy”.  Grewal spoke at Beth El Synagogue in Margate on February 25, just two weeks before the coronavirus lockdowns.  Grew bragged that one of his achievements in fighting “white supremacist extremists” was “persuading” the Star Ledger newspaper to stop allowing comments on its online edition.

That June, Stockton University President Harvey Kesselman issued a statement saying “we must all embrace Black Lives Matter”.  He also launched a police investigation to identify and punish unknown students who had apparently posted two “white pride” leaflets on a campus bulletin board.  He said “we will hold accountable Stockton community members who spread hate and division among us”.  Kesselman urged students to submit a “Bias Incident Reporting Form” if they saw any “racist” or “violent” posts by a member of the Stockton Community.  Two weeks later, a graduate student was threatened with discipline after displaying a photo of President Donald Trump in the background during a Zoom class.

What can explain such bizarre and ridiculous responses to such blatant Jew hating within the black community?  Is it because the Jewish ADL and New Jersey’s Homeland Security and law enforcement officials would rather help Democrats, than protect Jews?  Why else would they only name groups commonly (but falsely) associated with Republicans, while barely mentioning far more dangerous Jew hatred by those who support “woke”,  left-wing Democrats.

This makes it difficult for Jews like me to protect ourselves from the most serious threats to our safety.  Even worse, by falsely blaming the rise of anti-Semitism on people who are not responsible, Jewish groups like the ADL are creating new resentment, if not hatred against Jews. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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