The Disturbing Fraud of Dr Richard Levine

Levine. Kennedy.

Richard Levine is a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. He is a former Pennsylvania Secretary of Health.

Levine, who presents himself as a woman, is an pediatrician who has served as the United States assistant secretary for health since March 26, 2021.


Now known as Rachel Levine, he/she spends most of his time at various universities and medical institutions.

Levine, Woman of the Year.

Levine, a ‘Woman of the Year”, supports the (ghastly) procedure called ‘gender affirming care’ for very young children.

Just a few short years ago, a fraud like this would be in jail. Today, Dr. Levine is considered stunning and brave.

Levine took a prestigious job away from a biological female.


Have you noticed that local newspapers NEVER post his picture?

So please, enjoy these lovely photos of our favorite transgender.

28 thoughts on “The Disturbing Fraud of Dr Richard Levine”

  1. So in the past you said Levine “would be arrested.” Most people, especially the trans community, don’t want to relive those days of racism and discrimination. The only people wanting to relive those times are racists and old white boomers

  2. Christy Wellinghurst

    The irony of having a mentally disturbed male doctor as the Secretary of Health is a very sad “definition” of our times.

  3. Why are you so intolerant of others, Bob ? Inbreeding, most likely. How does Dr Levine’s situation affect you? Answer: it doesn’t.

  4. This dude is a BILOGICAL FATHER to two boys from HIS former wife.

    HE knows it’s best to not transition his boys into “women”

  5. “BILOGICAL” father. You’re certainly capable of spewing hatred and intolerance of others. You’re just too stupid to even spell it correctly. Bravo.

  6. The “distributing fraud” is people claiming to be patriots who think hatred of others who think/live differently than they do are frauds. And this faux “patriotism” is all inspired by their orange Messiah who certainly could care less about anyone other than himself.

  7. How much less could we care?
    Sorry, cheap shot, but we’re obviously in the shallow end of the gene pool in this comment section.
    The phrase is ‘couldn’t care less’.

    But honestly, those of us in the normal, moral majority are shocked, saddened, horrified that someone with obvious mental illness is hired to represent Health and Human Services. Richard is not now, nor will he ever be a woman. That’s just science. Not bigotry or hatred. Reality. He’ll never menstruate, he’ll never bear a child. That’s what women do. And the rest of us are bullied every day into acquiesing to this unscientific claptrap and bowing end scraping to this insanity.
    He shouldn’t be jailed. He shouldn’t be hated. He should be laughed to scorn and treated for the profound mental illness he bears so publicly

  8. I’m curious, Mark, what you’d say if someone who you loved was transgender? Intolerant folks like you will say it’s “a choice” made by someone like Dr. Levine. It’s not. No one would choose a much harder path in life including intolerant and hateful people like you judging them, and criticizing them. No one would choose surgery on a whim and the physical / emotional toll it takes on them. Your holier than though attitude only makes things worse.

  9. “holier than thou” it’s more a matter of aesthetics. If he (yes, he) looked at least somewhat like a woman, it would be tolerable. But this is just gross. There is nothing feminine about him. He could have decided to be a woman before he got married and had children, making him a biological father. He should cut his hair and go back to wearing pants. No matter how you cut it, he’s still a “Dick”.

  10. I’m okay with Lux Pascal who I met years ago in Manhattan. She looks feminine even if she doesn’t have all the right curves in the right places and her voice gives her away. And she didn’t wait till she was middle-aged and fathered two kids. But Dick, you ain’t no Lux.

  11. The pelvic bone will never change. The shoulder to shoulder measurement will never change. All the miss gendering videos I’ve seen show trans epic men coming across very angry like a toxic male, shouting their pronouns and the ones featuring trans men crying about anything, very emotional . Like a woman. Just saying men will always be male and women will always be female. The puberty blockers also block other areas your development. That’s why Jaz Is overweight. Her brain didn’t develop well and can’t recognize eating patterns so Jaz is always hungry and can’t stop eating.

  12. The latest outrage has Virginia Senator Danica Roem storming out for being addressed as “sir”. This whole thing is getting ridiculous. It’s not like changing one’s religion or nationality. For that matter, Rachel Dolezal changing her name to Nkechi is fine but she’s a white woman who formally identifies as black. It’s not like she’s doing it for kicks, like for Halloween. This is serious mental illness.

  13. JK Rowling (‘Harry Potter’ writer) says trans women “retain male patterns of criminality,” which makes them likelier to assault someone in a women’s locker room. Just yesterday, she said of Scarlet Blake “This is not a woman.” Scarlet Blake is a Chinese trans currently serving life for murdering a stranger for sexual thrill. At least they had the sense to put him in a male prison.

  14. We are either XX (female) or YX (male). This Gender Dysphoria is a real mental health problem. It’s not hatred. It’s not bigotry. These people need help! And if you look at the statistics of who is transitioning most, it’s males. They want to be women so badly and are suffering. But let’s ask the simple question; why? What has occurred in their lives to trigger something like this? They’re so deep in their heads that they can’t see the impact it’s having on others. My heart breaks for these people.

  15. Does anyone with a platform have the decency to identify the billionaires behind this non organic trend?
    Silicon Valley, Wall Street and the Medical Industry bill our insurance companies for close to a million dollars per teen they transition over their lifetime.
    Billionaire’s increase wealth via socialism

  16. Richard Fitzgibbon

    Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, all the other LBTG’s etc are from URANUS.

  17. The things that Dr. Levine is doing to children and teens is unspeakable. This is the most egregious form of institutionalized sexual abuse of children.
    I now call this Sexmed Torture. These profoundly dangerous people, like Dr. Levine, get a thrill out of putting their Frankenmedicine onto children and teens.
    I read an article, written by a woman who had worked in one of these clinics set up to “transition” children and teens to the opposite sex. One girl ,14, had been taking testosterone. She ended up having sexual intercourse with a boy. The walls of her vagina had thinned, as a result of the testosterone, and her vagina ruptured during the sexual intercourse. The pain was torture, and she almost bled to death. She had to be taken to an emergency room where they did emergency surgery on her, to restructure her vagina. Another teen girl had her breasts removed, and later wanted them back.
    What the general public, who have no training in medicine, do not understand, is that hormones are a delicate balance in the body. These physicians and nurses know the profound harm that will come to these children and teens, yet they do this anyway.
    Children were being sent to these clinics as a form of punishment. Any behavior problems these kids are having and they are being sent to “Transition” Clinics.
    I cannot believe that this is happening in the United States of America in 2024. I watch as all of these people gather around Dr. Levine. Anyone disagreeing will have their life destroyed. This is terrorism. Every Democrat, the 2 independents, and 2 Republicans, in the U.S. Senate, voted to put this man, Dr. Levine, into the #2 position of DHH for the whole country. Now, there are over 100 “Transition” Clinics doing this Sexmed Torture to children.
    I live in New Orleans, where Dr. Levine supposedly went to med school. I have barely expressed disagreement with this Sexmed Torture, and I have been placed on the Dark Web. My photo is there, and I get followed around wherever I go. I am being stalked by these child torturers.
    I am against this.
    Dr. Levine is a very dangerous man. Children and teens are at great risk. These medical practices being done to them is sexual, medical torture!
    This movement reminds me of The Rise Of The Nazis. These people are the new Nazis. The Nazis did medical experiments on their victims too. Anyone who opposed the Nazis was snatched up by the SS. Now, anyone disagreeing with this abominable practice, is investigated by the FBI.
    Stalking is a rape behavior, according to the study of criminology. It is a form of emotional rape. I am being stalked by large numbers of people, because of my opposition to this medical torture of children. I am being emotionally raped for standing up for kids and teens.
    Dr. Levine should be investigated. I have come up with a profile for him. I believe that he is and always has been, probably since his teens, or younger, a sexual perpetrator of children. I believe that is why he became a Pediatrician. Easier access to victims. I believe that he has killed all of his victims, so he might have perpetrated on terminally ill children, or his child victims died under strange circumstances. He has victims. They just aren’t here anymore. I am looking into unsolved disappearances, rapes, and murders of women and children during the time Dr. Levine was in New Orleans. I believe that Dr. Levine is a serial killer/rapist. Lots of serial killer/rapists have transitioned to become female. It has become a trend.
    Why did the Senate put this man into this position to do such great harm to children and teens? Do they really believe that this is right?? Have they been targeted, and told if they don’t comply, their lives will be destroyed? I cannot comprehend how anyone with the kind of education these people have, could possibly think this is right. So, it makes me think that the coercion is true. Is our U S. Senate being threatened by Trans Terrorists??? Dr. Levine needs to be investigated. Once they find his victims, he needs to be put on trial, once convicted, he needs to be imprisoned.
    I could be wrong about Dr. Levine. Was Dr. Levine a victim of Trans Terrorism himself, or LGBT Terrorism, and he finally cracked? He needs to be investigated by the FBI.

  18. He also caused the deaths of thousands of elderly in Pennsylvania during Covid when he locked them in homes and sent positive patients in, AFTER getting his own mother out.

  19. He also caused the deaths of thousands of elderly in Pennsylvania during Covid when he locked them in homes and sent positive patients in, AFTER getting his own mother out.

  20. He also caused the deaths of thousands of elderly in Pennsylvania during Covid when he locked them in homes and sent positive patients in, AFTER getting his own mother out.

  21. He also caused the deaths of thousands of elderly in Pennsylvania during Covid when he locked them in homes and sent positive patients in, AFTER getting his own mother out.

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