American Survival Requires Immediate Mass Deportations! Learn Why And How.

Above Image:  The Statue of Liberty in New York was not built to welcome immigrants and refugees. The “Give me your tired, poor, huddled masses” poem by Emma Lazarus was added to the pedestal years later. That was during an intense 50 year national debate on whether their should be limits to how many people could immigrate to America each year.  That debate ended in 1920 when almost all Americans supported new laws that allowed only 100,000 immigrants per year. That limit worked well until 1965 when it was increased to unsustainable and unenforceable levels. The official name of the statue is “Liberty Enlightening The World”. The people of France built it to inspire people around the world to follow America’s example. The original message of the statue was that people can live the American Dream anywhere in the world if they embrace our American culture of individual rights, personal responsibility, and limited government. 

Update:  On February 13, Seth Grossman gave this presentation to the Faith and Freedom Coalition at the Sharptown Church in Pilesgrove Township, near Woodstown, NJ.

Electing a new President to “fix” our “Broken Border” is a good start, but not nearly enough. So is building a border wall and fence. We must also undo the damage done since 1965. Difficult, but possible. And necessary. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

At a minimum:

  1. Total emergency moratorium for ALL immigration until we stabilize the current crisis.  That needs executive action by the President. There is nothing Congress can do as a legislative body other than to impeach a President, an “executive” who refuses to “execute” and enforce federal laws as required by Constitution.
  2. Immediate arrest, detention, and deportation of all foreigners who entered the United States illegally since Trump became President in 2018.
  3. Deport “Anchor Babies” with their illegal immigrant parents. “Anchor Babies” may be legal U.S. citizens under the 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution and previous U.S. Supreme Court decisions.  Amending Constitution and reversing court decisions are difficult and may take years.  However, it is well established family law that parents have custody of their dependent children. When illegal immigrant parents are deported, their “Anchor Babies” go with them.  Those “Anchor Babies” can only return to the U.S. years from now when they are emancipated. Hopefully, by that time, we can fix the “Anchor Baby” loophole.
  4.  Immediate hearings for all asylum applicants.  Immediate arrest and deportation of all applicants for asylum who fail to appear at their hearings, or whose applications are denied.
  5. Repeal of 1965 Lyndon Johnson/Ted Kennedy immigration law that increased legal immigration from 100,000 per year to unsustainable & unenforceable 400,000 per year.
  6. Train and assign state and local police and citizen volunteers to assist federal officials in detaining and deporting illegal aliens.  Grant them qualified legal immunity and insurance.
  7.  Prosecute and punish anyone who knowingly and willfully obstructs the enforcement of immigration laws.
  8. Once all illegal immigrants who arrived after January 1, 2017 have been deported, process all other illegal immigrants on a case by case basis. Grant qualified “Dreamers” priority – but limited to openings in immigration quotas for the year.

Click Here For Link To Full Post: “Mass Deportations Are Only Option.” Seth Grossman Speaks At Sharptown, NJ – Liberty and Prosperity

Also Click Below For Links To These Posts:

Ten Key Immigration Talking Points That Nobody Talks About – Liberty and Prosperity

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333




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    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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