Ancient Jews, Romans & Greeks Rebuilt On Higher Ground When Sea Flooded Coastal Cities.

    Flooding in coastal towns is nothing new. For thousands of years, people had many reasons to build homes and businesses as close to the water as they could. King Herod built a new port city called Caesarea with a massive artificial harbor called Sebastos in Judea (now Israel).  Cleopatra, the Greek Queen of Egypt built her lavish palace in Alexandria. The richest and most powerful families in ancient Rome built luxury houses near the beach in the resort city of Baiae, near what is now Naples, Italy. All three were built next to the Mediterranean Sea roughly 2,100 years ago.  All three are now popular underwater tourist destinations.
          All three of those sites are now popular underwater tourist destinations.  All three were covered by the Mediterranean Sea a few hundred years after they were built. Nobody knows for sure exactly what caused this. Earthquakes, shifting sands, or other events may have caused the land to sink.  Climate change and global warming may have caused sea levels to rise.  A combination of both may have put all three sites underwater.
          However, when these areas were flooded, the ancient Jews, Romans, and Greeks all rebuilt on higher ground further away from the sea.  They did not try to keep these cities in place by raising their homes and rebuilding on pilings.  They did not spend money on “infrastructure resiliency”.  They did not attempt to stop “climate change” or “global warmng” to stop the sea from rising.
          Caesaria and Sebastos (Israel):  Caesarea Maritima was built in Roman-ruled Judea (now Israel) by Jewish King Herod the Great during between 22 B.C and 9 B.C. In 22 BCE, Herod began construction of a deep-sea harbour named Sebastos, and built storerooms, markets, wide roads, baths, temples to Rome and Augustus, and imposing public buildings.[9] Herod built his palace on a promontory jutting out into the sea, with a decorative pool surrounded by collonades. Every five years the city hosted major sports competitions, gladiator games, and theatrical productions in its theatre overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.  When it was built in the 1st century BCE, the harbour of Sebastos ranked as the largest artificial harbor, built in the open sea, enclosing around 100,000 square meters. . .  Click here for full Wikipedia post:  Caesarea Maritima – Wikipedia


          Cleopatra’s Palace (Alexandria, Egypt): Queen Cleopatra (Cleopatra VII Philopator) was the last ruler of the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty and the last Queen of Egypt. Ascending to the throne at the age of 18, Cleopatra ruled Egypt from 51 BC – 30 BC before her tragic suicide. This coincided with the death of her lover Mark Antony and the loss Egypt’s independence as the country became another province of the Roman Empire. The City of Alexandria was Cleopatra’s capital of Egypt (founded in 332BC by Alexander the Great) and the home of her palace.  It was believed that some of Cleopatra’s city, palace and Alexandria’s lighthouse (a lost wonder of the world) were lost for ever, destroyed by an earthquake and tidal waves.However, in the 1990’s a French archeologist, Franck Goddio, discovered the ancient writings of a Greek historian named Strabo. Goddio was now determined to find this lost palace. After 10 years of planning Giddio’s team began to explore the lost, sunken island of Antirhodos. The team was guided only by the ancient historians descriptions but they began to find clues. In 1998 Goddio finally found the remains of the ancient city and Cleopatra’s spectacular palace. . .

Click here for full post:  Underwater Heritage in Alexandria: The Lost Palace of Cleopatra – Make Heritage Fun!


 Baiae (Naples, Italy):   Rome’s ultra-wealthy took weekend trips here to party. Powerful statesmen built luxurious villas on its beach, with heated spas and mosaic-tiled pools where they could indulge their wildest desires. One resident even commissioned a nymphaeum – a private grotto surrounded by marble statues, dedicated solely to ‘earthly pleasure’.  More than 2,000 years ago, Baia was the Las Vegas of the Roman Empire – a resort town approximately 30km from Naples on Italy’s caldera-peppered west coast that catered to the whims of poets, generals and everyone in between. The great orator Cicero composed speeches from his retreat by the bay, while the poet Virgil and the naturalist Pliny maintained residences within easy reach of the rejuvenating public baths.  It was also the place where the rich and powerful came to carry out their illicit affairs. . .

Click here for full post:  Ancient Rome’s sinful city at the bottom of the sea – BBC Travel

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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