Another Reason to Post All Government Salaries and Contracts Online


Our fourth liberty principle is “Post all state, county, local, and public school salaries and contracts on the internet.” ? Matier & Ross of SFGate recently blogged on another reason why every government salary and contract should be posted online, “Alameda County rewards boss: $400,000 … for life:

Alameda County supervisors have really taken to heart the adage that government should run like a business ? rewarding County Administrator?Susan Muranishi?with the Wall Street-like wage of $423,664 a year.

For the rest of her life.

According to county pay records, in addition to her $301,000 base salary, Muranishi receives: ?…

Abuses happen when the light of transparency does not shine on the financial dealings of government officials. ? It is human nature for those with power to be tempted to use that power to better themselves at the expense of the governed. ? It is so important for people to see how and where every dollar of their tax money is being spent. ? If your local or county government do not act in accord with our fourth liberty principle, demand that they do! ? Liberty brings prosperity.

(Shout-out to Nate N. for sharing this article with us.)

(Image Source -?

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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2 thoughts on “Another Reason to Post All Government Salaries and Contracts Online”

  1. I do not know which is more shocking; that people have the audacity to do this, or the fact that we do not throw them in jail. Fortunately, folks like Nate, Seth and myself have had enough and are demanding that at least we start start talking about these elephants in the room.

  2. Fred,thank You for your encouraging comments.Its people like yourself that care deeply as to the wrong direction our country is headed.We need to band together to be heard and strighten the ship thru government that is held accountable and abiding by the consttuition for the people.When govt fears “we the people” we have liberty and prosperity.When “we the people” fear the govt,we have tyrannyMy friend the latter is in place and getting worse by the day.Join us for breakfast any Saturday 930 to 1030 at Shore Diner and learn much more. Thank You NATE NATHANSON VP LIBERTY/PROSPERITY

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