Leftists win when we are careless in talking about immigrants. If we criticize all immigrants for the actions of a few, we deserve to be called racists and hypocrites. That is exactly how bigots talked about our Irish, Jewish and Italian immigrant grandparents a hundred years ago.
We must be careful to focus on specific points like these.
- Oppose only foreigners who are illegally in this country—not legal immigrants. Most of the 40 million foreigners who came into our country during the past 15 years are here illegally. They broke laws to come to this country and they break more laws every hour they remain here. If our laws were enforced, they would be detained and quickly returned to their home countries. If America is to survive, we must firmly and decisively enforce our immigration laws.
- However, things are more complicated for most of the eight million foreigners who came here illegally when Biden was President. Although they came here illegally, they were advised to fill out forms claiming they were victims of persecution in their home countries and entitled to asylum here. Most of those claims are false. First, most have no evidence that they were persecuted for their religious or political views in their home countries. Second, most of them passed through many other countries to get here where they were not persecuted. If they were entitled to asylum, they should have applied for and received asylum in those countries. However, instead of being denied asylum and being sent back to either their home countries or other countries that allowed them to pass through, they were given “parole immigration” status instead. That means they are entitled to legally work, drive and live anywhere in the United States. We need a President to apply the law to revoke their illegal “parole” and to then detain and deport them.
- In 1920, America put limits on the number of immigrants who could legally come here each year. These limits had overwhelming, bipartisan public support after a fifty year national conversation that began after the Civil War. Before these limits were adopted, American cities had the same poverty, overcrowding, violence and division we have now. When immigration was limited to 100,000 per year in 1920, those problems quickly disappeared. Fewer immigrants made workers more scarce and valueable. Low taxes and few regulations allowed businesses to invent and invest heavily in new machines. This made American workers the most productive and best paid in the world. This is what created America’s “exceptional” middle class at a time when unions had few members and very little power.
- Most previous immigrants also either shared our Judeo-Christian Bible values. Those of different faiths admired and embraced them. They also embraced American traditions of wanting little from government other than equal protection of the “unalienable” rights of each individual. That is why they quickly learned English and enjoyed the same success and comfort as other Americans. Immigrants who do not embrace those values and who teach their children to reject them never assimilate,
- Immigrants who reject Judeo-Christian and American values are destroying our democracy. They do not support candidates who support and defend our Constitution and secure the “unalienable” rights of each individual. They want America to be like the countries they came from. They want to achieve success through political power instead of their own work and talent. Right now the Democratic Party is offering free food, housing, health care and other benefits to such immigrants in exchange for political loyalty and support.
- Mass migration out of failed countries guarantees continued failure in those countries. New Jersey’s motto “Liberty and Prosperity” is as true today as it was when it was adopted in 1776. It reminds us that Liberty, a culture and government that includes the Ten Commandments, Love Your Neighbor As Yourself, Limited Constitutional Government, and respect for the Unalienable Rights Each Individual is what creates prosperity. Every poor person in every failed country can achieve the American Dream in their own country, simply by getting their country to embrace our culture and our government. That is the message of our Statue of Liberty, which was originally named “Liberty Enlightening the World”. Failed countries can succeed only if the best and brightest in those countries stay there to bring liberty and prosperity there.
- Click link below for details:
Why They Named This Statue “Liberty Enlightening The World”. – Liberty and Prosperity
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(609) 927-7333