Brian Fitzherbert WPG Radio

Brian Fitzherbert fills in for Seth Grossman on WPG Radio, Talk with a Purpose. Oct. 12, 2024.

Brian Fitzherbert for Seth Grossman here at is the website. 
Things will be pretty bad if Donald Trump is not elected. . .  This is not anything new. When you think about this cobbled together, it’s quite horrifying. Obviously, right now, the senate is still controlled by Chuck Schumer and the Democrats, and the map is favorable to the Republicans. But should that not happen and the Democrats not only win the senate, but they take back the house and, God forbid, Kamala Harris gets elected, what is 2025 going to look like? Well, you can find all the clues of all the Democrats and what they’ve said on what they’re going to do. And the first thing that they’re going to do is they’re gonna nuke the filibuster. Meaning, instead of having 2 thirds majority in the senate to pass legislation, they’re just gonna break it down to 51. It’s a rules change. Obviously, Harry Reid started this with, federal judges, and then Mitch McConnell escalated it by doing with supreme court justices, to get that 51 for approval in the senate. And they wanna do this now with legislation. So that’s the first thing that they’re gonna do. They’re gonna nuke the filibuster so they can pass anything and everything they want with just 51 votes, meaning no Republicans if that’s if that’s the breakdown, have the house passed and have Kamala Harris sign that into, into law with any legislation. So what would be the next thing that they wanna do? They wanna make Puerto Rico and DC states, add them to statehood, meaning 2 more senators each and probably one more, congressman from each. Therefore, increasing the balance of power because those are likely to be Democrat seats, both in the senate and the house. And therefore, they increase their majorities, in both chambers. And then what would happen after that? What have they said? They wanna pack the court. Meaning, right now, we have 9 justices. Right? 6 to 3, quote, unquote, majority of conservatives even though it’s really 333. 3 conservatives, 3 moderates, and 3 liberals. And they wanna add 4. Well, that’s an interesting number. That’s one more than to get the majority on the court. So that would be 4 additional justices making it a 7 to 6 court, meaning 13 justices. Meaning, they can back up any and all things that they wanna push for. What’s the next thing that they would do? They pass legislation for amnesty for all the illegal immigrants that have come in, not just in the last few years under the Biden administration, which is somewhere between 12 20, but everyone. All the all the dreamers, all these individuals that probably dating back to my lifetime, the beginning of my lifetime, which you’re talk probably talking in realistic terms, probably 3 to 60000000 illegal aliens instantly giving citizenship and voting rights in places like Texas, meaning Republicans can remember when the state of Texas is getting. Which means the electoral college math doesn’t favor Republicans on any on any means. And then what would be the next step? They would federalize and nationalize elections, meaning ballot harvesting that we deal with here in New Jersey that is completely illegal in other states like Ohio would be the law of the land. To take that even further, what would be the next thing? There are 2 big pieces of legislation that they wanna pass, which is nationalized abortion, meaning up through the 9 month the 3rd trimester, and there’s no restrictions whatsoever. You can have an abortion wherever you want at time. It’s not a state’s rights issue like it is right now. And then the capper will be the wealth tax that they always talk about, meaning your unrealized gains. If you have a house that’s worth more than you paid for it, every year you gotta pay a tax on that. Same thing with your stock portfolio, your 401ks, your pensions, all that kind of stuff. Whatever the value is, you’re gonna pay a tax on that every year regardless if you sell any stocks, bonds, etcetera. So when you tie all that together, that summary that I just said, that is what we’re voting against and hopefully never comes to fruition if people don’t get not only themselves, but their friends, their family, their neighbors, their colleagues out on November 5th to vote Donald Trump. Boy, you you outlined that is incredible. What you just said in those couple of minutes, wow. I mean, if if Kamala does win the election, we’re in trouble. I mean, we’re in big trouble if if those things come to pass. It’s it’s scary. And the reason Really, it is. The reason that that is likely is the Democrats have done this before. Remember, 14 years ago, they sacrificed 63 seats in the house and a handful of seats in the senate to make sure that Obamacare, a first step, an incremental step to trying to nationalize health care in the United States, became fruition. They’re willing to do that. And the reason the Republicans have been blown the filibuster is because of escalation. And then, you know, for 4 years or 8 years, however, whoever’s in power, it’s very parliamentarian like Europe, which we don’t want anything to do with, that the laws change based on that. Because let’s say all that comes to fruition, god forbid, and then the pendulum swings back to the Republicans and hopefully for a whatever amount of years that is. And then they have 51 votes to change things back. Then the law of the land changes every 4, 8 years like a pendulum, and it gets very, very scary. And it’s very it’s always about that 50% plus one. And that’s why, you know, the argument is, well, if the Democrats don’t do it in 20 24 when they if they win, will they do it in 2028? Will they do it in 2032? And the question, the political and the the philosophical question is, why don’t the Republicans do it first because they know it’s going to happen if the Democrats get power? And that’s something to question and whether or not we wanna have that change. But, again, that summary is highly realistic if Kamala wins and the Democrats maintain the senate and they take back the house because they’ve said that they’ll do it. They flat out have said that they will do it, and they’ve shown in the past that they’re willing to sacrifice political cycles and seats to make sure it gets in. Because once it becomes part of the lexicon or the government or the the law in the United States, it’s very hard to repeal. Use Obamacare as the example. Right? 14 years ago, how many times the Republicans ran on campaign promises to repeal? And then when it came down to it, lo and behold, the person who actually put the thumbs down was John McCain of all people. Yeah. Yeah. So I’ll tell you. You coming on today and, for Seth, it’s just a really, really scary stuff. It really is. And, boy, that really brings out the point of getting out there to vote, making sure that you vote, and making sure you get all your friends and relatives and all that to vote and vote Republican. That that’s really the bottom line here. Yeah. And everyone listening can ask themselves a simple question. Obviously, Reagan made this very famous. Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? And everyone who has a conversation with individuals look. I get the reality. There are people that hate Donald Trump no matter what. And a very unpopular suggestion that I’ve been telling people is, if you cannot get your friends, your family, your colleagues to see the light or see reality, that guess what? It’s kinda bad right now. And 4 years ago, we were all doing better off, then convince your friends and family to stay home. Don’t even if they’re gonna vote Democrat and they’re not gonna vote Donald Trump, and there’s no way, convince them to stay home. Do everything strategically you can so that tactically on November 5th, Donald Trump has every advantage to win. Because if you can’t convince your family, if you can’t convince your closest friends, how are you going to convince total strangers to advocate for a particular policy vision in Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? I mean, it comes it comes back home, and that’s why elections matter. New Jersey, obviously, we have them every year. But national elections, look what has transpired in the last 4 years because Donald Trump wasn’t reelected, and we’ve had Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for 4 years. We’ve had an economy collapse. We’ve had overspending by the government where Kamala Harris was the deciding vote as the president of the senate, vice president. Right? Made it both for the Inflation Reduction Act, which was anything but, and the American Rescue Plan, again, anything but. They always like to be cute with their names. Both those pieces of legislation, she was the 51st vote that jettisoned inflation. We have crime that’s out of control. We have the border that is clearly not secure. All these executive orders on day 1 that Joe Biden did to remove all the things that Donald Trump secured the border with her. You know, remain in Mexico. He stopped, the contracts for the for the wall. He did key for c’s. He did termination for convenience on these federal contracts and effectively sold off the material for pennies on the dollar and allowed all this to happen, which now what does that bring how does that affect your listeners? How does that affect me, you, everyone? The schools and the health care system are the ones that are impacted the most by this. Because if you have illegal aliens that are bringing their children here, you have to get ESL, English as a second language teachers, added budget to all these schools. You have all these illegal aliens that are using the emergency room as a primary doctor. They are not paying. Therefore, they go after those that can pay in the form of higher rates, whether it’s insurance companies or direct pay. All that has an economic impact that is devastating, and we cannot afford it. We already have a $36,000,000,000,000 debt and a $36,000,000,000,000 economy, which means we have a 100 percent debt to GDP ratio. That is not sustainable by any means. That Soviet Union type level of collapse if we don’t continue to grow from an economic standpoint and say no. All this has transpired through the few decisions, the policy positions of 2 individuals, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, that have led to this in these last 4 years. That’s why these elections matter. And, ironically, this year is November 5th. Remember remember the 5th November and everything in the lead up. And, yes, there’s so many ways that you can vote now, especially in New Jersey. Right? You can vote on election day. I like doing it at 6 AM. I’m usually one of the first people in my in my polling place. I like to vote in person. However, stuff happens on election day. We’ve seen it. We saw it just 4 years ago. Computers, the machines, they go down. They run out of ink. There are issues with provisional ballots. So if you’re able to vote early or if you’re able to vote by mail, do it. Bank your vote. And in New Jersey, you can go on New Jersey elections website to validate that your vote has been recorded. And it’s just you have to get out and vote. You have get your friends, your family, drag your kids, drag your nieces and nephews, your grandkids, get them to vote, and get them to vote for Donald Trump. Not gonna vote for Donald Trump. Convince them that their vote doesn’t matter and to stay home. What, what else is going on? I understand that, there’s an issue with the electric bills in in South Jersey. Are you talking about that today? Yes. We are talking about that today. We have been talking about that, liberty and Prosperity. You can find a lot of details on Congressman Jeff Andrew has also had, attention brought to this and to whether or not there’s some questionable things going on as to why rates are so high. And if you look at your bill, there’s all these fees. There’s all these added lines that we need to figure out and uncover. And if anyone has any information that they wanna share that they’ve personally experienced, come out to Liberty and Prosperity on Saturday mornings at 9:30 at Sal’s in in Summers Point, and talk about this. Because, obviously, we know this from an energy standpoint, and we can do comparisons to other places in the country as well as across the world. We know that we have potential in Salem where there’s nuclear facilities, and power plants that can basically do elect that can provide energy for the entire, probably, 60% of the state on just 2 units. And yet we have all these things that are going on that are that are not financially savvy, that, you know, there’s questionable things going on that we need to investigate. But all those things I mean, for for god’s sakes, we have nuclear subs, that have been going on for decades from an energy standpoint, and yet we try to stay away from things that work, that are cheap. Natural gas, obviously, is another one. And yet we just do not learn that here in New Jersey, unfortunately, because we are a deep dark blue state on the path of failed blue state status. Boy. I I saw where Jeff Van Drew congressman Van Drew is, having a federal probe into this. I mean, this is Yes. This is really serious. And, usually, regardless of party, regardless of individual, regardless of district, if you’re opening a federal probe into something like this, and I’m I’m confident that congressman Van Drew has his ducks in a row because you wouldn’t do these kinds of things unless there wasn’t something there. There’s clearly a there there, and we need to investigate. We need to understand, and we need to inform. And, obviously, if there’s repercussions of any kind of wrongdoing or any other kind of, questionable tactics, then, obviously, there should be accountability for that. I mean, this is it affects everybody. Not only, like, we were talking about in the in the economic impacts of everything with regard to inflation and things are just so much more expensive. This directly impacts every single person in South Jersey because it’s in the form of higher rates every month that they pay their electric bill, and you need to understand what’s going on. Right. Quickly, you got about 2 minutes. What else, what else will we will you be talking about today? So, again, we always try to find ways from a liberty and prosperity standpoint. Right? New Jersey’s motto, what can we do to inform and educate citizens about government and politics? Because a lot of the stuff most people pay attention to is on the federal level. And yet, that’s flashy. That’s exciting. The stuff that matters the most is in your backyard. It’s those local races. It’s your municipal and city council races. It’s your county government. It’s your state legislators. All those things we try to emphasize and talk that’s not just the federal stuff. That’s always exciting, especially around presidential times. What’s going on in your own backyard? What’s going on in Mays Landing? What’s going on in Niagara Harbor Township? What’s going on in Galloway, Somers Point, etcetera? What is going on that you can make an impact and inform? Because most of the time, you have city council meetings, you know, twice a month, and minutes are posted. How many people how many citizens, how many people reside in that municipality, pull those meeting minutes, and read what’s going on. You know, there are pages and pages, and people only wanna go out for a few hours on an evening to actually witness, government going on. So we try to emphasize, do as much as you can to inform and educate yourself because knowledge, obviously, is power, and you can make the best decisions for you and, your family and those around you by being informed. And that’s the mantra we continue to talk about just generically about the issues that are at hand. Brian, thank you for filling in today. Yeah. You’ve done a good job. If if Seth has to go away, you can fill in anytime. Alright? Thanks, John. Thanks for calling in and and participating here. Brian Fitzherbert for Seth Grossman here at is the website. Morning, John. It’s a great day in the city of Brigantine. Yes. It is. Not a great day in the city of Atlantic City. Has This, Marty Small thing, it’s not why I called, but I’ll talk about this briefly. They are the architects of their own demise, the Small’s. They’ve done this to themselves. If they had done nothing wrong, then why did the principal of the school cover it up, failed to report it? It’s a real mess. You don’t drag your daughter around on the ground by her hair and beat hell out of her. As far as this supposed great job Marty Small has done with Atlantic City, anybody who’s driven through Atlantic City lately knows that that’s ridiculous. I mean, it’s basically a walk in sewer. Drug addicts, prostitutes, it’s filthy. It’s dirty. It’s a third world country. The roads are like driving on the surface of the moon. So, I am no fan of governor Murphy at all. I I loathe the man, but, and I’m not gonna defend him. But, you know, when you’ve got accusations like this, and, it’s credible, what what how can this person run the city? He couldn’t even run it before this happened. I mean, it is a toilet. It really is. It’s a shame what’s happened to Atlantic City.
  • Brian Fitzherbert

    Brian T. Fitzherbert is the President and Treasurer of Liberty and Prosperity. He leads its weekly Saturday Morning Breakfast Meetings in Somers Point. Fitzherbert also manages social media, radio messaging and special events for the organization. Since 2019, Fitzherbert has been a regular guest every Friday on “Talking with Anne” on WOND News Talk Radio 1400AM and 92.3FM in the Atlantic City, New Jersey area. Fitzherbert is currently a Program Manager employed by a defense contractor supporting the United States Navy building undersea vehicles. Fitzherbert was previously employed by L3Harris Technologies and Textron. Fitzherbert grew up in North Jersey, and bought his first home in South Jersey in 2012. He revived the Atlantic County Young Republican organization and formed the South Jersey Political Action Committee in 2018. Fitzherbert graduated from Miami University (Ohio) in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and supply chain management. In 2014, he obtained a master’s degree in Technical Management from the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Brian Fitzherbert is married and has one child. He resides in Atlantic County. Fitzherbert is an amateur hockey player and 4th degree black belt in Jido Kwan Tae Kwon Do (Korean Karate).

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