Bruce Barkoff of Egg Harbor Twp, Jackie Fattibene of Williamstown honored with Special Recognition Awards was founded in 2003 and is now in its 13th year.?? During that time, many other similar groups have come and gone.?? One important reason we have succeeded for so long is that we make all decisions at regular business meetings run by parliamentary procedure on the second Saturday of every month.? Because of this, all members participate in making proposals, discussing those proposals, and taking final votes to reach final decisions.?? Because of this, our recording secretary has the thankless, but essential job of taking accurate minutes of all meetings. ?? Jackie Fattibene of Williamstown has been doing that since 2012.

The job of treasurer is also of critical importance.?? We receive and spend more than $20,000 each year.??? Because we are a tax-exempt education organization, all donations and expenses must be carefully recorded, and all bills must be paid as approved at our business meetings.?? This is a tedious, time-consuming job.?? Fortunately, Bruce Barkoff stepped forward to do this job since 2012.?? Bruce Barkoff has also earned a reputation as peacemaker without our organization.?? On countless occasions, Bruce Barkoff suggested fair and reasonable compromises that resolved major disagreements among our members.? 2016-0221-seth-bruce-award

Both Jackie and Bruce have also volunteered for numerous projects over the years, and have fully supported our major fundraising events.

For their outstanding work and dedication to our organization, the members surprised both Jackie Fattibene and Bruce Barkoff this afternoon by giving them each a Special Recognition Award for their contributions to our group.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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2 thoughts on “Bruce Barkoff of Egg Harbor Twp, Jackie Fattibene of Williamstown honored with Special Recognition Awards”

  1. Seth Grossman, who is also my lawyer, is on the right track but may be missing an opportunity to capitalize on his “diversity” remarks. Try “celebrate unity but respect diversity”. Advocate healing – which is something many want to hear. (I don’t think your opponents are that smart.)

    Diversity emphasizes differences, which leads to “us v them”, leading to dehumanizing “them”, which justifies the “us” demonizing, hating, and wishing destruction on the “them”. Diversity then becomes the foundation for genocide. It happened that way in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Nazi Germany. Unity and brotherhood leads to mutual respect, humanity, prosperity, and peace – the main message of Martin Luther King Jr. That also provides a foundation for promoting programs that lift people out of poverty to achieve dignity (as opposed to endless welfare payments).
    Hope you can use this.

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