Nobody better at legally working the election cycles than ‘get-out-the-vote’ expert, Craig Callaway.
Even with the recent, questionable arrest of Callaway, he’s still the keynote speaker at the upcoming FEB. 17, 2024 Liberty and Prosperity fundraiser.
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024. 9:30a
Josie Kelly’s Public House
908 Shore Rd, Somers Point, NJ.

Is Callaway’s arrest just another smear against a black man that sometimes helps Republican candidates?
Editorial guy, Kevin Post, has been let go from the Press of AC. Watch how the Press of AC goes further woke.
At recent Hardrock Casino concert, Rob Thomas (of Matchbox 20 band fame) noted the 5 Atlantic City murders in just the first month of January 2024.
India Republic Day. Prime Minister Modi dedicated a new Hindu temple, allegedly built on top of Muslim land. India stood firm. Muslims back down. Fighting back works. India is fighting back. Israel fighting back too. But oddly, Christians don’t fight back against Muslim jihadis. When you fight back, you’re actually safer.
Islam. Meaning of the word ‘jihad’. Kill non-believers. Radical sect of Islam wants to kill non-believers.
Apologists are seen as weak.
Track all sides of the news on MyTake.Live
AC ‘Road diet’ is moving forward. 4 lanes down to 2. Let’s punish those who drive.
L & P lawsuit over casino taxes. Case to be finally heard by a judge on March 20.