Candidates recognized for supporting?Liberty and Prosperity activities and/or positions marked with (*).? Results indicate voting machine results on election day only, and do NOT include mail or provisional paper ballots.? Winning candidates in bold.??
Atlantic County Executive
Rep – Dennis LEVINSON*??25,305? 62.96%
Dem – James SCHROEDER???14,868??37.00%
Atlantic County Surrogate
Rep – James CURCIO*???? 20,812?? 52.16%
Dem – Jim CARNEY??????? 19,080???47.81%
Atlantic City Council Ward 5
Dem – Chuen ‘Jimmy’ Cheng ?330???55.37%
Rep – Sharon ZAPPIA*?????? 266???44.63%??
Atlantic City Council Ward 6
Rep – Jesse O KURTZ*?????? 691?? 71.31%
Dem – David LEE????????????276?? 28.48%
Egg Harbor Township Board of Education (Vote for 3)
PETE CASTELLANO*???????? 3,382??? 24.09%
AMBER UMPHLETT*????????? 2,812????20.03%
JOHN (JACK) HAINES*????? 2,567??? 18.28%
LISA C. DAGIT??????????? 2,158????15.37%
GARY R. BATTISTI???????? 1,917??? 13.65%
MIKE PRICE?????????????? 1,188?????8.46%
Linwood Representative to Mainland Regional High School Board of Education
JILL OJSERKIS??????????????891???? 60.53%
DIANA GURWICZ*???????????? 580?????39.40%?
Did we learn anything about the head of the atlantic county democratic party
Seth, I heard that a couple of those winners on the EHT School Board aligned with Democrats before the election. True?????
I believe Pete Castellano is a Democrat. Don’t know party affiliation of the others. Seth Grossman