Do You Want Your Public School Teaching This To Your Fifth Grader?

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New Standards – 5th Grade

Masturbation, Gender Identity and Eliminating Parents

We are going over the standards grade by grade that are upcoming for the 2022/2023 school year. If you are looking for all of the changes in standards, click here. I know it says “2020” but the implementation of the standards was delayed because of outrage and COVID.

Many of the changes in standards seem fine like the following:

2.1.5.PGD.3: Explain the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and why the onset and progression of puberty can vary.

However, by the end of the 5th grade there are some very sketchy standards:

2.1.5.PGD.4: Explain common human sexual development and the role of hormones (e.g., romantic and sexual feelings, masturbation, mood swings, timing of pubertal onset).

2.1.5.PGD.5: Identify trusted adults, including family members, caregivers, school staff, and health care professionals, whom students can talk to about relationships and ask questions about puberty and adolescent health.

2.1.5.PP.1: Explain the relationship between sexual intercourse and human reproduction.

2.1.5.PP.2: Explain the range of ways pregnancy can occur (e.g., IVF, surrogacy).

2.1.5.SSH.1: Describe gender-role stereotypes and their potential impact on self and others.

2.1.5.SSH.2: Differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity.

2.1.5.SSH.3: Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for all people (e.g. sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, differing ability, immigration status, family configuration).

Did you ever hear of the “Penis Game”? It’s a game played by 5th graders where the kids (mostly boys) keep saying “penis” louder and louder in the classroom until someone gets in trouble. Recently, in Williamstown Middle school, a bunch of boys were playing this game and one of the boys was sent to principal’s office and given lunch detention by the administrator, Ms. Fox, who told his mom that saying “penis” could be considered “Sexual Harassment.” So someone needs to explain to me how masturbation and the below worksheet can be presented in class if its sexual harassment for a 5th grader to say “penis” in a classroom. These administrators are so spun around they can’t even make sense of their own standards and rules. How will the 11-year-old kids fill out this worksheet from the state if ‘penis’ is sexual harassment?

Convenient though that the kids will be able to find out all about choaking the chicken on their chrome books from website called Amaze, that is approved for above 9 in the NJ Schools. Check out this really gross video where the penis nosed boy is jerking off under the covers: Puberty: Masturbation: Totally Normal – amaze / USA. Make sure your Superintendent has this site blocked on the kid’s computers.

Another problem with these standards is that they tend to take parents out of the picture. The standard wants your child to find “trusted adults”, however, “parents” are not specified on that list. I realize ‘family’ includes parents; however, they need to specify parents first since we are still our children’s primary caregiver and champion, this is not the role of all family members.

Finally the largest problem with the standards is the gender identity theory that is now considered science in public schools. The standards on “difference between, sexual intercourse and human reproduction” and explaining that there are alternative ways pregnancy can occur (e.g., IVF, surrogacy) are under the same idea of gender identity. They want to make it clear that a “person with a uterus” has a baby, not a mother.

Their first step was to take your 1st grader and give them a lesson on gender identity, the second step is to provide your 5th grader with a list of alternative genders that they can choose from, just in case they don’t really feel like they fit those gender stereotypes that they have been learning about for the past 5 years.

Below is lesson suggested from the state to satisfy the above gender identity theory standard.

The kids can communicate with the school that these sex and gender conversations are uncomfortable and the school is crossing some serious boundaries and they do not consent to participation because its not respectful of their own personal boundaries.

May be an image of text that says 'Q: What do you call a grown man who teaches your daughter the definition of masturbation? A: In NJ we call him teacher chaosandcontrol.'

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  • Mr Seth Grossman

    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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