Don’t Let This One Jerk Ruin A Great Movement In Ocean City, NJ.

Above Featured Image from Ocean City Sentinel (  Greg Quinlan was one of several speakers at a rally held in Ocean City, NJ last September 8.  He was invited only because respected education expert, Shawn Hyland of the Family Policy Alliance was not available.  That rally was sponsored by Ocean City community leaders, including school board candidates Robin Shaffer, Cathy Panico, and Liz Nicoletti.  The rally was held to explain how new sex-education “standards” narrowly approved by the Ocean City Board of Education harm young children.  Rally organizers had no idea that Quinlan had an extreme, offensive, and much different personal agenda.  They did not know Quinlan had nothing to do with Shawn Hyland’s mainstream family values group since 2015.  Those who invited Quinlan were surprised and disappointed when he said little about the Student Learning Standards they opposed, but instead went into an offensive, off-topic rant.  Click here for link to the article in the Ocean City Sentinel describing the incident. It appears that Quinlan’s “Christian family advocacy group” has fewer than ten members.

By making himself and his offensive remarks the center of media attention, Quinlan enabled the NJEA, school administrators, and radical left proponents to falsely accuse parents and community leaders who opposed the new sex-education “standards” as being “haters”.  Thanks to Quinlan, there was a rally on the Ocean City Boardwalk last Sunday to ignore harmful new “Student Learning Standards” and to instead “support LGBTQ+ students at Ocean City High School” and “push back on anti-gay rhetoric.  Click here for link to article in Ocean City Sentinel describing it.

In response, Seth Grossman submitted the below opinion to the editors of the Ocean City Sentinel.  Hopefully, they will publish it next week.    

During the past month, a handful of smart, dedicated, parents in Ocean city did valuable research and made us aware of vital information about our public schools.

They showed how the new state “Health and Physical Education Student Learning Standards” (SLS) greatly harm children and needlessly complicate their relationships with their parents and each other.  The new “standards” sexualize children and promote gender confusion at a much too early and vulnerable age.  They normalize sexual practices that are not normal, and often dangerous to teenagers.

During the past month, they exposed how the NJEA teachers’ union, highly paid administrators, and certain school board members secretly worked against parents and their children.  Three of those parents, Robin Shaffer, Cathy Panico, and Liz Nicoletti proved themselves to be highly qualified candidates for the Ocean City School Board in the November election where early voting is already underway.

Sadly, all their hard work is now in danger.  That is because of what Greg Quinlan, one self-absorbed, dishonest jerk from North Jersey, said at a September 8 rally of parents in Ocean City.  I know about Quinlan because I was involved in New Jersey state politics for many years.  Sadly, the people who invited him knew nothing about him.

They had invited Shawn Hyland from the NJ Family Policy Alliance, a respected and reliable organization.  However, Hyland was not available.  As a result, a well meaning friend of some Ocean City parents recommended Greg Quinlan as a substitute.  That friend did not realize that Quinlan had nothing to do with Shawn Hyland’s group. Quinlan had to leave Hyland’s group seven years ago for saying the same ignorant and hateful things that offended me and so many others on September 8.  Quinlan is also dishonest by pretending he is still part of the mainstream Christian and pro-family groups who want no part of him.

I urge Ocean City residents to focus on the real and serious dangers of the proposed “Health” Student Learning Standards.  They fully described in previously published letters by Jennifer Shirk and John Henry.

I also invite Ocean City residents to take a closer look at other “SLS” Student Learning Standards that are just as dangerous.  Their “Amistad curriculum” promotes a hateful political agenda that “cancels” the true history of how and why the great majority of white, Christian Americans, including Richard Somers of Somers Point, fought and died to end slavery in America and the rest of the world. Their “Holocaust curriculum” promotes an extreme-left agenda that ignores scholars like Goetz-Aly who explain that left-wing socialism politicized envy and led to the National Socialism of Hitler.  Their “Climate Change” curriculum ignores the “Global Warming” that ended the Ice Age 10,000 years ago and the basic science that “sunshine and breezes” can never replace nuclear, gas, and oil to power a modern civilized society. Hopefully, thousands will sign petitions demanding that Ocean City reject the curricula of those “Student Education Standards” (SES) as well.

Seth Grossman is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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