Egg Harbor Township dumbs down math instruction to comply with “Common Core”

Parents, teachers, and students have every right to be angry with the Egg Harbor Township public schools.?? Their best students will no longer be taught advanced skills in mathematics and other important subjects needed to invent, create, think, and succeed on their own.

Several hundred parents and teachers signed petitions and attended meetings of the Egg Harbor Township School Board during the past month. ? Many are expected to attend a work session of ?the EHT Board of Education Curriculum Committee tonight, Tuesday, June 17 at 7 PM. ? The meeting will be held at the Board Room of the Alder Avenue Middle School, 25 Alder Avenue, in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.

These parents and teachers are up against stiff opposition from the highly paid school administrators who should be helping them.

That is because Democratic President Barak Obama hijacked New Jersey?s public schools as part of a deal he made with Republican Governor Chris Christie.?? Obama gave New Jersey public schools hundreds of millions of federal tax money.? In return, Christie agreed to dumb down every student in the state, by forcing every public school in New Jersey to comply with Obama?s Common Core Curriculum and even more ridiculous standardized tests.

For details on these events in Egg Harbor Township, see?

To see the ugly George Orwell side of Common Core, see?

Learn what you can do to stop this.? Meet us for breakfast at nine-thirty this Saturday morning at the Shore Diner, Tilton and Fire Roads, by Parkway Exit-36 in Egg harbor Township. ???Or join us online at liberty-and-prosperity dot org.

We don?t get a nickel from the Koch Brothers or any other billionaires.? ?So please, donate $30 so we can boost messages like this on Facebook, and broadcast them on local radio stations. ? ?Liberty and prosperity dot org thanks you for your support.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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2 thoughts on “Egg Harbor Township dumbs down math instruction to comply with “Common Core””

  1. Common Core is the direct consequence of President George W’s act of “No Child Left Behind.” The Republican Congress voted to continue to fund W’s “No Child Left Behind Act” in addition to the Common Core program, which is an essential ingredient of the W’s education act. To facilitate W’s “No Child Left Behind Act,” funds normally utilized for excelerated programs for above-average students are being diverted to fund and implement the “No Child Left Behind Act.” This means programs in foreign language are being terminated,including in the most affluent townships like Moorestown. Excelerated math programs are being discontinued to fund the “No Child Left Behind Act.” History, art, and music courses are also being terminated. Common Core is an integral component of the “No Child Left Behind Act.” To blame Obama is ridiculous. The Common Core program and standardized testing are all contracted out to private for-profit contractors. If you want to blame any entity, blame the private sector for hijacking the public sector. One can blame Obama for a lot of things like being a shill for the wealthy Chicago families like the family, which created the Hyatt Hotel dynasty that became involved in the assisted living for the elderly scandal. As for Governor Christie, he’s a political animal, meaning he works for #1, himself.

  2. While the “Tea Party” began during April, 2009, shortly after Democrat Barack Obama became President, Liberty and Prosperity was organized six years earlier, in 2003, when Republican George Bush was President, together with Republican control of both houses of Congress. We recognized then that those Republicans did not respect the Constitution or basic principles of liberty, did not support limited government, reduced government spending and debt, or enforcement of immigration laws. We understand most of our problems today began with those Bush Republicans, and that Obama Democrats expanded what those Republicans already started.

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