Fox News Maintains the Overton Window for “Conservatives”

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This post gives an assortment of interviews of conservative guests by Maria Bartiromo of Fox News. In each case it is clear that Maria has sharply defined lines that her guests may not cross and she believes that it is her job to thought-police her guests. When one watches the video at the bottom of the page, it is clear Maria is a CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) shill. The CFR is a center for elitist (invitation only) globalist thinking in America.

The “Overton Window”

Overton’s Mackinac Center for Public Policy defines the Overton Window as:

“a model for understanding how ideas in society change over time and influence politics. The core concept is that politicians are limited in what policy ideas they can support — they generally only pursue policies that are widely accepted throughout society as legitimate policy options. These policies lie inside the Overton Window. Other policy ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if they champion these ideas. These policies lie outside the Overton Window.”

Who controls the Overton Window? The news media, Hollywood, television shows, and the education establishment control the Overton Window. At least up until social media came upon the scene. That’s why we have “fact-checkers” and “terms of service” on big social media: The establishment wants to diminish or eliminate the influence ordinary people and non-establishment influencers have on the Overton Window. True free speech platforms such as are studiously ignored for fear of giving them any attention.

What some conservatives do not understand is that while Fox News does present the conservative viewpoint – Fox News also limits and contains said conservative viewpoint. For instance, the New York Post is owned by the same company as Fox News. When Seth Grossman said “Diversity is a bunch of crap and un-American” – it was the New York Post who swiftly moved in for the rebuke. The New York post went so far as to put a picture of Seth as a caveman on the cover. When the establishment really needs to sock it to a conservative, they will use Fox News types of media to do the job.

Click here to see new post and to see very concretely how Fox News presents conservative voices while preventing such viewpoints from being expressed with sufficient force to overcome the globalists.

  • David Goloff

    The news is supposed to give us facts about reality. helps you discover and expose the facts about the news.

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