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Half The Truth Is A Whole Lie. Three examples of no national TV coverage of attacks against non-Muslims around the world during the past four weeks.
- No national TV News reported that Muslim mobs murdered 1,000 Hindus in Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) during the past four weeks. You have an Islamic Jihad political party there that wants to wipe the 10% Hindu minority in Bangladesh the way they wiped out most of the Hindu minority in Pakistan back in 1948. Yet not one word of this published or broadcast on ABC national news, on CNN or MSNBC or any other mainstream TV network.
- No headline TV news about the 400 to 500 Christian men, women and children who were murdered on August 24 in the small African nation of Burkino Faso. When we Boomers grew up we knew that area as Upper Volta in French Africa. They were systematically murdered by an Islamic jihad movement there. Again, no major TV network reported any of this.
- Then a week and a half ago, a Palestinian suicide bomber came from Jenin in the West Bank near Israel came to a crowded synagogue in Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest city. He walked up to the synagogue, but somehow hit the wrong button and blew up the bomb before he got inside. It was a terrific explosion that cause damage on the whole block. But fortunately, only the Arab bomber was killed. And again, not one word of that was headline news in our mainstream media at TV networks.
So what was national headline TV news? When Israel fought back, and sent its army into the West Bank to arrest and kill the terrorists who built the bomb and sent that suicide bomber to a crowded synagogue in Tel Aviv. The mainstream media made it sound like Israel and just decided to expand the war from Gaza to the West Bank.
We have this Jewish expression: “Halbe emmess iz gantze liega” (Half the truth is a whole lie.) You see how by leaving out important truth, you create a false perception of reality.
And of course, the same news media is doing the same thing to distort the truth about the Presidential campaign. I see the Kamala Harris commercials on the mainstream TV news claiming “Donald Trump killed a bipartisan bill that would have sealed the border!”
The Democrats are getting away with that lie only because the mainstream news only told half the truth about that immigration bill. The main TV networks never reported that the immigration bill was never bi-partisan. You had one or two Republican hacks signed up to a bill made up by Democrats. Even worse, the TV networks never reported that we don’t need any new laws to stop illegal immigration. We just need a President to enforce the laws we already have. We are flooded with 8 to 10 million illegal immigrants because President Biden and Kamela Harris are deliberately breaking the law. They deliberately allow illegal immigrants to qualify for asylum, amnesty and parole. How can a Muslim from a 95% Muslim country come to a mostly Christian country like America and claim a need for asylum?
The borders are open because President Biden ordered the Border Patrol to let everybody in. Then we give illegal immigrants immediate legal status, cash, free food, free housing, free medical care, driver’s licenses and so on.
But because the mainstream news only tells half the truth and deliberately distorts reality, a lot of people believe the lies in those Democrat political ads. Again the media rarely tells us information that is false. Their worst lies are when they fail to tell us important facts that are true.
Labor Day. As we approach Labor Day, we see again how fake history and fake news are used to change the politics of America.
Ten years ago, roughly 46% of Americans had negative opinions about unions. Today, only 26% do. What changed?
Unions use member dues to promote woke politics. Americans have very good reasons to have negative opinions of unions. These unions are using their members’ dues to destroy the country with “woke” politics. They’re the ones pushing the Green New Deal and high electric bills. They’re the ones who stopped the fracking and raised gasoline and natural gas bills and everything we buy. They’re the ones pushing for the open borders. They’re the ones pushing the diversity, the high taxes, the high debt, the lawsuits, the permits, the laws that make it almost impossible to fire bad workers. All this is why we have inflation. This is why gold is at $2,500 an ounce. An ounce of gold went up a thousand dollars in the last few years. Silver is now at $29 an ounce.
Much of the inflation is because government has made everything more expensive to make. Gas, oil and electricity are more expensive than they have to be. Companies can no longer hire the best workers and are often forced to promote bad ones.
But a lot of the inflation is because the dollar is less valuable. The government is simply printing dollars to pay for stuff. Each time it does that, every dollar has less value.
But more people support unions because they believe the fake history we are taught. They believe unions created the American middle class. They believe unions gave us high wages, shorter hours, weekends off and vacations. None of that is true. Unions had nothing to do with any of that. America’s unique middle class began in the 1920’s when unions were weak and almost non-existent.
America’s great middle class began when we limited immigration in 1920. That created a shortage of workers. Businesses were forced to raise wages and offer shorter hours to get qualified people. Then, to make a profit, businesses had to make each worker more productive. And so America invented and invested in these incredible machines to efficiently mass produce things. Workers earned more because they had more skills and produced more.
For years, American union leaders knew that. Do you know why America has Labor Day in September? Every other union and labor organization in the world has its union holiday on May First. They use that May First holiday to promote socialism–they want labor unions to run the country and the economy.
Until the 1990’s Unions in America never wanted socialism. They didn’t want the unions or the government to run the companies they worked for. Until the 1990’s, great American union leaders like Sam Gompers and George Meany wanted the companies they worked for to make lots of money, and to reward workers with better pay and more time off. They didn’t want union members using a May First holiday to demand socialism like workers in the rest of the world. They wanted American workers to have a three-day weekend to go to the beach and have picnics!
Since the 1990s, most American union leaders have been socialists. They now control the Democratic Party, and they use the Democratic Party to control the government. And they want the government to run the companies they work for and the whole economy. They now want high taxes, high debt, inflation and everything that makes the companies they work for go broke. And when their companies that hire them go broke, they want the government to raise taxes and debt to bail them out!
Richard Somers Day: September 4 by statue and mural across from Charlies in Somers Point. 4pm. At 5pm, fundraiser at Josie
Kelly’s. Lite Bites, $40. We have a dramatic reading of the story. We are looking for students to participate: $50 to $100. Stipend.
Please contact me if interested.
The Richard Somers story tells you all the history you need to understand what made America great. The story begins with the Quakers, an oppressed minority in England. But the Quakers didn’t demand DEI, affirmative action, or reparations. All they wanted was a chance to move to America and be left alone. They wanted to be free to do the work they wanted. They didn’t want to pay politicians, lawyers, and government officials huge fees and bribes to get permits to start a farm or a business. They didn’t want to pay high taxes. They wanted to keep must of what they earned and decide for themselves how to spend their money. In just a few generations, these Quakers who came to America with nothing were wealthy.
The Quakers didn’t own slaves and didn’t take land from Indians. Liberty gave them prosperity. When the British wanted to take over and bring their system of government permits and high taxes to America, these Quakers, like most Americans declare our independence.
When we won our independence in 1783, we immediately got rid of our entire navy and most of our army. Americans thought that if we didn’t bother anybody else, nobody would bother us. We were completely wrong. As soon as we declared our independence, Americans were attacked, robbed, and enslaved all over the world. We had no army or navy to protect them. For years, twenty percent of the federal budget was spent on bribes and ransom to get our people back and tribute to have our people left alone. However, in 1798, Americans said “Millions for defense, not one sent for tribute”. We build a navy. Richard Somers of Somers Point was one of the first to join. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson sent our new navy to protect Americans from Muslim warships near Spain, Portugal, Italy and North Africa. Richard Somers died at age 26 by “the shores of Tripoli” on September 4, 1804. We hold a ceremony at 4pm in Somers Point every year on September 4. Please join us this year. We also have a fundraiser at 5pm at nearby Josie Kelly’s to help pay our expenses. Please click this link for details: Remember Richard Somers! 4pm Ceremony At Statue, 5pm $40 “Lite Bites” Cash Bar Fundraiser At Josie Kelly’s – Liberty and Prosperity
Somers Point Historical Society–Nothing.
Richard Somers not taught partly because we are only teaching half-history today. Same thing happened to Davy Crockett. Fort Mims Massacre. August 30, 1813. Until Fort Mims, most whites and Indians lived peacefully along the frontier. There was plenty of land for everyone.
Ocean City Historical Museum: Summer lecture series.
- Battle of Turtle Gut
- Journal of a Sailor’s Life
- A time on the Strand
- Seaside Amusements
- Railroads
- Legendary Hessian Island
- Black Ash Baskets
- Great Storms.
Why isn’t Richard Somers on this list? Why won’t the Atlantic County or Atlantic City libraries sponsor any events to remember and learn about Richard Somers? Even the Somers Point Historical Society has no programs to tell the story of Richard Somers this year!
Richard Somers not taught partly because we are only teaching half-history today. Same thing happened to Davy Crockett. Fort Mims Massacre. August 30, 1813. Until Fort Mims, most whites and Indians lived peacefully along the frontier. There was plenty of land for everyone. Click here for link to full post: They Cancelled Indian Massacre of 500 Men, Women & Children At Ft Mims. Then They Cancelled Davy Crockett. – Liberty and Prosperity
Pope Francis: Anyone who wants to deport illegal immigrants is committing a grievous sin. Vatican City is the only country in the
world completely surrounded by a wall. That wall was built 700 years ago to keep out Muslim invaders!
Four Years Ago, Governor Phil Murphy and Democrats cancelled the word “freeholder” in New Jersey. Is Our New Jersey “Liberty Prosperity” State Flag next? Click here for link to full post: Is NJ’s “Liberty And Prosperity” State Flag About To Be Cancelled? – Liberty and Prosperity
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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
(609) 927-7333