How will Republican Congressman Frank LoBiondo spin his sell-out this year?

Listen on radio at 1450 am in Atlantic City area or online at Call on-air to ?(609) 407-1450 with your questions.

Frank LoBiondo was one of the 150 Republican sell-outs who voted for House Speaker Paul Ryan?s $1.1 billion omnibus spending law that busted the budget, will jack the unsustainable $18 trillion debt even higher,?and gave Obama Democrats everything they wanted.Lobiondo

The bill includes?full funding of ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood, housing and welfare benefits for thousands more Muslim immigrants, new tax breaks and welfare for illegal immigrants, more money for “sanctuary cities”, etc.

To understand how bad this is, read what Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart and others had to say at these links:

We don?t expect you or anyone to hit a ?home run??call?to the Congressman.???? LoBiondo and the other 149 sell-outs carefully avoided the public until they were carefully? prepped by consultants and spin experts to tell you what they think the public wants to hear.

But you can get a base hit and gather important information we can use later.? If possible, please record the program,? let us know how we can reach you for a copy of your recording.? Thanks.bilde

After his?budget sell-out last year, LoBiondo said could not support?Republican Senator Ted Cruz in the back because ?it was not the right time?.

LoBiondo’s exact words last year were that?he and House Speaker John Boehner were ?playing chess? while Ted Cruz was playing ?Russian roulette?.???? LoBiondo said last year that unlike Cruz, he and the John Boehner/Paul Ryan Republicans were carefully putting together a plan to cut the deficit and stop Obama?s agenda.?? Last year, all two hundred sell-out Republicans used this?exact same language to explain their votes to constituents all over the country.

Now we see?it was all a big lie.?? This Republican sell-out did not happen overnight.??? Frank LoBiondo and the 200 others were?planning it all year!? (It looks like 50 of those sell-out Republicans in “difficult” districts?got establishment permission to vote against this deal because their votes?were not needed).

It is obvious?why Congressman Frank LoBiondo and the others do this.??? There are no consequences for betraying conservative Republicans.?? That will not change unless conservatives in this district (and elsewhere) create consequences for LoBiondo and the others.

There are 600,000 people in this Congressional District.??? This includes?350,000 voting adults who are legally qualified to run against Frank LoBiondo in the June Primary Election.???? By bracketing with a Presidential candidate, an unknown candidate can upset LoBiondo?this year.

Are you qualified??? Do you know anyone who is qualified to be an effective candidate???? What does it take to be a candidate?

The Bible tells how Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, ?gave these four important qualifications to Moses 3,200 years ago.? They?are found in Chapter 18, Verse 21 of the Old Testament Book of Exodus:

Jethro told Moses he could not lead 600,000 people all by himself, and need other officials to help him.??? When?Moses asked who to choose,?Jethro suggested these four qualifications:

(1) People of accomplishment?people who succeeded in something other than government and politics.

(2) People who ?fear God?. (Note that Jethro? didn?t say people who love God or who are religious.?? He suggested that fearing God is enough, because people who fear God will?do the right thing?even when?nobody is looking and they can?t get caught.)

(3) People who speak? the truth.

(4) People who aren?t in it for the money.

These four qualities are what is important.?? Everything else is a skill that can be quickly learned.

Next year?s Primary Election for President, Congress, and various county and local offices is June 7.?? That is also the filing deadline for most elected schoolboards.??? The deadline for filing petitions is roughly two months before.?? However, if you want to be a serious candidate for any office, you must commit and prepare now.

We will have our regular breakfast meeting at the Shore Diner this Saturday, December 26 from 9:30 AM to 10:30AM.?? We specifically invite any college kids or other family members home for the holidays.???? The Shore Diner is in front of the Days Inn Motel at Tilton and Fire Roads by Parkway Exit 36 in Northfield/Egg Harbor Township, NJ.

In his typical fashion, Congressman Frank LoBiondo did not do or say anything to alert his constituents of the important $1.1 trillion vote he knew was coming up.??? Below is word for word his entire constituent newsletter for December 15, together with the link.

To help us reach more people without spending money, please forward this email to your friends and ask them to sign up for our newsletter at
Also ask them to visit and “like” our Liberty and Prosperity Facebook Page at?

We also invite you to make an online donation to our group through the PayPal button on our website?so we can?deliver our?message with radio spots, postcards,?Comcast TV ads, and Facebook boosts.?? Thanks—and Merry Christmas!

Respectfully submitted,

Seth Grossman, Executive Director

email: ?

(That?s all he wrote to his constituents days before his most important vote all year!)

Christmas and New Years are right around the corner. In accordance with the federal holidays, my offices in Mays Landing and Washington?will be closed on Friday, December 25th and Friday,?January 1st.?They will be open on?the days preceding for normal business hours to assist South Jersey residents& answer your questions. Furthermore, I encourage you to forward these e-newsletters to your friends and family so that they too can?sign-up for updates.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and safe Happy New Year!


Happening now, the application period for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program is currently open and will run through January 15th. More than $25 million has been awarded to South Jersey fire and emergency services departments since 2001. It?s a great opportunity for our local first responders, particularly volunteer units that are common in many of our communities, to acquire critical life-saving equipment. More information and how to apply can?be found here.

Included in the recent National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was a provision I authored that allows for the adoption of military war dogs by their servicemember handler upon return from overseas. Prior to my bipartisan effort with Senator McCaskill to amend the law, these military canines were not guaranteed a return to the U.S. or adoption upon their retirement from the battlefield.

Research has shown that the reuniting of military dogs with their handlers can have positive affects in treating medical conditions common to veterans, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The American Humane Association applauded the change in policy, saying??the language in the NDAA is about healing, healing veterans and their families. These dogs have so much love to give?it’s time we show some in return.”?Read here.

Find news reports on issues I am involved with?on my website.

Stopped by the Tuckerton Elementary School for the ?Hour of Code? event focused on computer education. The 6th grade students showed me their latest lessons?in coding and computer sciences.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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