Important New Facts on Illegal Foreigners in U.S.

(Second Liberty Principle: Enforce federal immigration laws. No amnesty. Deport illegal aliens.)

Important New Facts on Illegal Foreigners in U.S.

When the Government Fears the People, there is Liberty.”
“When the People Fear the Government, there is Tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson
United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001
Those who expect to reap the blessings of liberty, must undergo the fatigues of supporting it.
Thomas Paine


*****If, Congress, gives illegal aliens amnesty, and, we have no secured borders and no local immigration enforcement, what is to stop the next wave of illegal aliens.?


Lead Story

Local Mayors are afraid to enforce immigration laws because they are afraid they will be sued.
Federal Law
8 USC Sec 1325 – Illegal Entry
Any alien who enters U.S. other than at A port of entry by false or misleading representation shall be subject to civil and criminal penalties can be fined and imprisoned

Section 1324a? Hiring – Harboring – Transporting any illegal alien
Any person who knowingly hires/harbors/transports any illegal alien is guilty of a felony punishable by 10 years jail + $2,000 fine per illegal alien + forfeiture of vehicle or property used to commit the crime.
Section 1324c? Law officers have authority to make arrests…
?All officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws shall have authority to make arrests for violation of any provision of this section??? (affirmed US vs. Perez-Gonzalez 2002 Fed App 0360, 6th Circ.) Section 1324a Hiring – Harboring – Transporting any illegal alien.
Section 1644
?No local ordinance, rule, or measure shall stop law enforcement officers from enforcement of this section” (affirmed Southern District Court of NY, US vs. Rudy Giuliani, 1996).
NOTE: all immigration violations are criminal – not civil offenses.


Police Cooperate With Immigration Authorities – In Mexico!
If the U.S. ever gets serious about immigration control, it has to improve cooperation between state and local police and immigration authorities ? the way Mexico does.
And by the way, here in Mexico, local police are not only allowed, but required to enforce Mexican immigration law.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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