To be effective, we need at least 20 people to march with us along crowded?1/3 mile parade route in Smithville.??This is because we want to carry the?forgotten flags, banners, and symbols of the American Revolution of 1776.
Parade starts?9:00 AM? this Thursday, July 4, at Foodtown Shopping Center Parking Lot by Smithville Blvd. and Route 9 (New York Road) in Galloway Township, Atlantic County, NJ.???? But please meet us?at?7:45 AM.?? The big?shopping center parking lot will be?closed for the parade.?? It will take longer than you think to park car and find us.??(Look for the?group?carrying long wooden poles draped with red liberty caps!)
Please take a bottle of water.?? And please use bathroom before you leave, since you may be away from bathroom facilities for 90 minutes.
Why are we doing this??? Abraham Lincoln said it best when he spoke at?Independence Hall in Philadelphia on February 22, 1861:
“All the political sentiments I entertain have been drawn. . . from the sentiments which originated and were given to the world from this hall. I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. I have often pondered over the dangers which were incurred by the men who assembled here, and framed and adopted that Declaration of Independence. I have pondered over the toils that were endured by the officers and soldiers of the army who achieved that Independence. I have often inquired of myself what great principle or idea it was that kept this Confederacy so long together. It was not the mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the motherland; but that sentiment in the Declaration of Independence which gave liberty, not alone to the people of thiscountry, but, I hope, to the world, for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weight would be lifted from the shoulders of all men”.
To keep this spirit alive, we carry symbols that were popular during the American Revolution.??? One of them is the soft red cap called the “Liberty Cap” or “Phrygian Cap”.??? This cap was worn by freed slaves in ancient Rome as a badge of their new freedom.
A second symbol is the wooden pike.?? In Europe, this was the only weapon most farmers or tradesmen could afford, or were permitted to have.?? In the hands of one man trying to defend just his own freedom or property, it was useless against an armed knight on horseback.?? But if every man in the county turned out with his simple wooden pike to defend the liberty and property of any family that was threatened, they could knock the knights off their horses and protect their freedom and their property.
Americans in 1776 often placed the red liberty cap on top of a wooden pike to demonstrate that we could enjoy liberty only if every citizen were willing to defend the liberty of every citizen–not just his or her own self-interest.?? Thosesymbols appear today on the New Jersey state flag. New Jersey took those symbols one step further by having the Roman goddess of prosperity, with her cornucopia (horn of plenty) standing next to Goddess of Liberty on its official state seal in 1777.?? That is how New Jersey got the motto “Liberty and Prosperity”.? Our founders wanted to demonstrate that when every citizen could enjoy liberty, every citizen could also enjoy comfort and wealth.
After the parade, we will gather to publicly read the Declaration of Independence, just as Americans did on July 4, 1776.
Compare this true history of America with what is being taught by our public schools, colleges, and Hollywood and TV pop culture today.
Last night, I saw the video of “Cloud Atlas”, last year’s popular movie starring Tom Hanks and Halle Berry.??? Like most Hollywood movies today, it goes out of its way to slander all white Americans–especially white American men–and completely distort American history.
Like “Django Unchained”, “Les Miserables”, and many popular Hollywood movies, “Cloud Atlas” uses the same movie techniques first used by American “Progressives” in the hate movie “Birth of a Nation” of 1915 to slander blacks and poison race relations for nearly 100 years.? These techniques were admired by Nazi propaganda genius Joseph Goebbels and used in Nazi hate movies against Jews in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
“Cloud Atlas”? depicts almost all American white men as?greedy, dishonest, and violent bigots.?? The 1849 segment shows?San Francisco, California merchants and sea captains?as racist, murderous slave traders, even though anti-slave activity in California was so strong in 1849, that California almost caused the Civil War 10 years early when it became a free state in 1850.
The 1936 composer without talent and who relies on lies, intimidation, connections, and stealing ideas from others is old, white, and straight.?? The true genius who is honest and virtuous is young and gay.
The 1973 terrorists who lie, cheat, intimidate,?bribe politicians and police, and?murder dozens of innocent people and almost blow up a nuclear power plant to kill thousands more are neither communists nor Arabs– but white, American “big oil” executives!?? And to make things worse, the top executive even insults illegal Mexican immigrants!
There is a 2144 segment of an evil, futuristic police state in Asia, where people are recycled into protein when they are no longer useful.??? Of course, that future Asian society does not evolve from a military dictatorship like today’s?China, where political prisoners are murdered so their organs can be sold for medical?for transplants, or where girl babies are routinely murdered after birth.?? Nope.?? The evil future society in Asia?is “Neo Seoul, Korea” –? a prosperous free-market country!
And to finish things off,? the barbarian tribe of cannibals who remain on the Big Island of the future, 106 years after most civilization on earth is destroyed are white, while the last civilized people on earth are multi-racial folks like?Halle Berry.
To us, movies like “Cloud Atlas” are annoying, and even ridiculous.??? But to young people indoctrinated in our public schools and colleges, and to “low information voters” in America and around the world, these movies tell the truth about what America was, and what it is today.
That is why it is important to not only join us at Smithville?this Thursday, but to bring your friends, your neighbors, and your kids with you.??? The event will be over by?11 AM, so there will have the rest of the day for beach, boats, and barbecues.
What better way to show them that while America was never perfect,??it was created as a constitutional republic “conceived in liberty”.??? Although we had injustice in certain places from time to time, Americans acted quickly to right those wrongs because we pledged allegiance to “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all”.
Because I was doing other things for the past 20 weeks, this information is not yet posted on the website or facebook page.?? So for more information or directions, please contact me?directly at? 927-7333.?? Also, please RSVP so we know how many people to expect.??? Thanks.?? ?And if I don’t meet you there, please have a happy, and meaningful, Fourth of July wherever you are!
Seth Grossman, Executive Director