On This Day in 1776, Americans Held These Truths to be “Self-Evident”.

We are all created equal. ? We are each endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. . . To secure these rights, governments are instituted among us, exercising their just powers from the consent of the governed.

July 4 is our most important American holiday. It celebrates?the publication of the Declaration of Independence and the creation of our nation on July 4, 1776.

When Abraham Lincoln stopped in Philadelphia before?being sworn in as President, he spoke about the Declaration of Independence.? Lincoln said, “I never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence”.? He said “the sentiments” of that Declaration involved much more than “the mere separation of the 13 English colonies from the motherland”.

Lincoln said the Declaration of July 4, 1776 “gave liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but, I hope, to the world. . . and that in due time the weight would be lifted from the shoulders of all men”.

Lincoln referred to that Declaration?again during the Civil War when he dedicated a cemetery for Americans killed in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Lincoln described America as “a new nation, conceived in liberty and?dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”.

“Four score and seven (87) years after the Declaration of Independence, Lincoln?urged Americans?to dedicate themselves to?winning the Civil War so that America would have “a new birth of freedom”.? That would including the?end slavery and three amendments to the?Constitution that would guarantee equal rights to blacks.

It is no longer enough to?celebrate July 4 with a day at the beach, barbecues, ice cream and fireworks. That was only OK before the?1960’s. That was when?most Americans agreed that our country was good, and that?our Declaration of Independence on July 4th was something to celebrate.

However, some 50 years ago,?our schools, colleges, media, and Hollywood/TV pop culture began a relentless campaign of fake news and fake history?that falsely blames America for almost every problem in the world. We must therefore at some point on?July 4 to tell?our children and grandchildren what they did not learn from school, TV, or the movies. We must tell them the great things about America that we remember.

We must teach them what we were taught — including?”the sentiments” of the Declaration of Independence that inspired Abraham Lincoln.

Please http://libertyandprosperity.org/july-4-independence-day-abraham-lincoln-said-far-mere-separation-13-english-colonies-motherland/http://libertyandprosperity.org/july-4-independence-day-abraham-lincoln-said-far-mere-separation-13-english-colonies-motherland/for details.

If you agree, here are some suggestions on what you can do this July 4.

Pick up and pass out our special July 4 Postcard. We have 3,000 colorful and beautifully designed cards that recite the key words of our Declaration of Independence on one side, and this message on the other:

“AMERICA is NOT perfect! ? But when we understood and respected our Constitution and founding principles of liberty, America brought more wealth, opportunity and justice to more people than any other nation in history. ?That is the meaning of ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, New Jersey’s motto since 1776”.

To pick up your postcards or have them delivered before July 4, please contact Seth Grossman at (609) 927-7333.

Join groups of volunteers passing out our July 4 Postcards?next Tuesday, July 4. So far, roughly a dozen volunteers agreed to?hand out our postcards at the Ocean City and Sea Isle City Boardwalks, at the Cape May Promenade, and at the Margate, Avalon, and Stone Harbor beaches before the fireworks. Contact Seth Grossman if you and/or family members can help.

Hear our special July 4 radio presentation 7AM to 10AM.? ?Seth Grossman, our Executive Director will be hosting Don Williams Talk Radio Program from 7AM to 10AM on Tuesday, July 4.

Rick Rosenberg, the manager of Jack Ciattarelli’s campaign for NJ Governor, died last Saturday at age 31. This was a devastating loss to anyone who supports decent government in New Jersey–not just Republicans.

JBS Seminar on NAFTA and proposed North American Union.? Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 28 at 7PM.? Somers Point Diner, One MacArthur Blvd. (by Ocean City Bridge), Somers Point, NJ.

Find out why the European Union and NAFTA are even worse than you though.? And why the people running?both are actively lobbying for?a “North American Union” ?that would use treaties to nullify most of the U.S. Constitution and make us part of Mexico and Canada.

Respectfully submitted,

Seth Grossman, Executive Director



  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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