July South Jersey Gas Bill Raises Interesting Political Questions

  • Why is my monthly “customer charge” of $44.55 for July $10.80 or 32% higher than my monthly “customer charge” of $33.75 last month? What does that “customer charge” pay for?  I expect my gas bill to change each month because I burn different amounts of natural gas each month. But why does my “customer charge” change?  If it is to pay for reading my meter and sending out my bills, what caused that 32% increase since last month?  How did the NJ Board of Public Utilities find that raising my “customer charge” by 32% is fair, reasonable, and “in the public interest”?  Is the extra money promoting some “woke agenda”.  Is it paying for fake “green” energy like wind turbines? Is it giving free service to people in “underserved communities” who don’t pay their bills? It is paying to hire unqualified employees to promote “DEI” (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)?

  • Why are we using electricity and batteries to run our newest cars instead of natural gas? The average gasoline powered vehicle costs $48,644.  The average electric vehicle costs $56,371, or $7,727 more.

The average cost of converting a gasoline powered car to natural gas is between $2,000 and $4,000.  However natural gas is far cheaper than gasoline.  Natural gas is measured in “therms” which are roughly equivalent to one gallon of gasoline.  According to my July bill, the “Gas Charge” for one therm of Natural Gas is 42 cents, and the  “Delivery Charge” for one therm is $1.11, for a total of $1.53 per therm.  Wouldn’t I be much better off paying $1.53 for a therm of natural gas for my car instead of $3.39 for a gallon of gasoline?

  • Finally, my July gas bill stated that the average temperature for July, 2024 was 76.58 degrees. This was 0.18 of a degree higher than the average temperature for July 2023 which was 76.40 degrees.  However, it was 0.69 degrees cooler than July 2022, and a full 1.18 degrees cooler than July of 2020!  Are we in the middle of a Climate Crisis with rapidly rising temperatures?  If so, you wouldn’t know it from my monthly gas bill.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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