June 11, 2011 Breakfast Meeting Agenda


453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ? 08244

609-927-7333 ? 609-927-7755 (fax) ? www.libertyandprosperity.org

Dennis Mahon ? President?? Seth Grossman ? Executive Director

Shore Diner 6710 Tilton Road Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

Agenda June 11,2011


1) The Pledge of Allegiance

2) Introductions

3) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men

???? are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain

???? unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

???? Happiness.

4) 10? principles of Liberty approved at our last board meeting

????? 1)? No eminent domain for private gain.

????? 2)? Enforce federal immigration laws.?? No amnesty.?? Deport illegal aliens.

?????? 3) Make tax and zoning laws fair, simple, and apply them equally to

???? everyone.

????? 4) Cut taxes by cutting government spending.

????? 5) Post all government salaries, contracts, and budgets online.

????? 6) Repudiate (refuse to pay) all state government debts incurred without

?????????? voter approval in violation of our State Constitution.? Repudiate all federal

?????????? government debts incurred for purposes not permitted by Article I,

?????????? Section 8 of our Federal Constitution.

??? 7) Bring ?government of the people, by the people, and for the people? back

????????? to our public schools and local governments.?Let parents apply taxpayer

??? ??????money spent to educate their children to the qualified schools they choose.

????????? Don?t force public employees to pay dues to unions they don?t want to

????????? join.?Let elected officials again decide what salaries, pensions, and benefits

???? ????to pay our public ?servants?.

??? 8) Hold frequent non-binding referendums (public votes) on

???? all issues of public importance.

??? 9)???? Term limits for all elected officials.? Pensions for none.

?? 10) Make a public audit of the Federal Reserve Banking System.

????????? Audit, reform, or abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System and

????????? have Congress establish a stable currency secured by precious

????????? metals, or assets with recognized and stable values.? Have the

????????? United States withdraw from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

????????? and any Organization which purports to require the U.S. Government

????????? to spend money without appropriation by Congress pursuant to the

????????? U.S. Constitution.”


5) Liberty and Prosperity has a new website: www.libertyandprosperity.org


6) Radio shows: Saturday morning WVLT 92.1 FM 8:00 ? 9: 00 Am

??? http://wvlt.com/listenlive.html


??? Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 4 PM on 1400 WOND

??? WOND is now under new ownership and they have now fixed their

??? Internet connection: http://tunein.com/tuner/?StationId=21757&


??? If you would like to purchase inexpensive advertisements, contact Seth

??? Grossman at the phone numbers listed [above] or email him directly at:

??? sethgrossman49@gmail.com


7) Events:


??? a) June 11 10:45 AM Board and Membership meeting


??? b) June 18th, L&P will setup a table at the Salem County Fair Grounds for

?????????? a large tea party event and need volunteers to man the table. Contact

?????????? Dennis at dmahon1@yahoo.com


??? c) June 25th, Campaign School sponsored by the Atlantic County Republican

???????? Party to be held at GOP Campaign HQ located next to Forman Mills in Egg

???????? Harbor Township. L & P is a non-profit apolitical organization and will

???????? accept free training from all parties. The class will run from 9 AM to 3 PM


?? d) Movie Night Movie for rest of year:

??????? ?1.?? 07/13/11 ? “Nine Days That Changed The World”? http://youtu.be/u-KirlURR2A

???????? 2.? 08/24/11 “Amazing Grace”??? http://youtu.be/Q6Cv5P9H9qU

???????? 3.? 09/14/11 “The Birth of Freedom”? http://youtu.be/QLpGs5zlcxM

???????? 4.? 10/19/11 “A City Upon A Hill”??? http://youtu.be/oQsCW1hbOGw

???????? 5.? 11/16/11 “Fire From The Heartland”? http://youtu.be/JqmPm-AfGqg

???????? 6.? 12/14/11 “In the Face Of Evil”?? http://youtu.be/cOi4VaFpzvM

8)???? Discussion topics

1) The New Republican Party of Northfield using the principles of Liberty

????????? was able to unseat long term wasteful spending politicians in the primary.

????????? As we teach people how to run for office, these instructions were employed to meet with

????????? the residents of Northfield to win this race.


??? 2) Guest Speaker: Senator Mike Doherty

Background Information:? ?Born 1963

Education: B.S. United States Military Academy at West Point

J.D. Seton Hall University School of Law

Occupation: Patent Attorney, Doherty IP Law Group LLC

????????? Public Service:? ?Warren County Board of Freeholders, Director

???????? ?2002-2003 Deputy Director 2001

????????? Military Service: ?U.S. Army 1985-1989, Reserve 1989-93 Captain

Legislative Service:? http://doherty.senatenj.com/biography.php

Married to Linda and have three sons:

Matthew is in the U.S Army

???? ?????Ryan is in the U.S Marines

????????? Jared is in the U.S. Air Force


What is Senator Mike Doherty doing to help you?


1)??? Taking on the invasive TSA Screening that would be considered

????? illegal in NJ. He would remove any type of immunity that the

????? agents enjoy when violating NJ law during unnecessary and

????? invasive airport screenings.


2)??? Wants fundamental reforms for NJ Education funding system for

???? public schools


3)??? Wants Rutgers Univ. to be subject to open public bidding

??????????????????????? processes. Stop no bid contracting.


4)??? Wants to work with the State colleges to reduce the cost of getting a degree


5)??? Wants to stop the practice of high payouts for towns for unused sick time. South Brunswick had to borrow ? million dollars to pay sick time for 18 employees.

6)??? Taking on the practice of private entities from getting state funded pension. So if you are a private consultant doing work for a town, you should not receive a pension from the state?

7)??? As a member of the Budget Committee, Senator Doherty is

???? working to fund the Transportation Trust fund without raising

???? taxes.

8)??? Taking on Senator Lautenberg who is going after Gov. Christie for

???? killing the tunnel project and forcing NJ residents to pay for this

???? fiasco.

9)??? Taking on Planned Parenthood endorsement of Child trafficking

???????????????????????? and Sexual Slavery demanding a federal investigation of this

?? ??????????????????????organization.

10)????????????? Wants to cap all government salaries to that of the Governor?s at $175,000. No one in the state should be paid more than the highest position within the state.

.?????????????????? 11) May 26, 2011:? ?Senator Doherty proposes Amendment to State

?????????????????????? Constitution to prevent NJ Supreme Court from mandating that

??????????????????????? 2/3 of State?s income tax be spent on just 31 ?Abbott? school

??????????????????????? districts which include Pleasantville, Millville, Vineland,

??????????????????????? Bridgeton, and Camden.

????????????????? 12)? May 26, 2011:? Senator Doherty supports Governor Christie?s

???? decision to remove New Jersey from RGGI program that already

???? gave New Jersey 4thhighest electric rates in nation.


??????????????? ?13) May 9, 2011:?Senator Doherty? submits legislation to force Rutgers

?????????????????????? to follow same open public bidding and contracting procedures as

?????????????????????? other? state colleges.?


14)???? April 26, 2011:? Supports legislation to eliminate large payouts to

?????? retiring public employees with unused ?sick? time. . .


Come and talk with Senator Doherty and his work in saving this state at the Shore Diner 6710 Tilton Road Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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