Last Year Was GOP Disaster. National, NJ State Leaders Still Clueless.

Until I injected MAGA into October 2018 Stockton U. Debate, No Republican ever pushed? back against “unbeatable” Democrat Jeff Van Drew (Photo by Stockton U.)

Last year was a disaster for Republicans.? Republicans lost 40 seats to Democrats in the House of Representatives.? Republicans lost 5 winnable seats here in New Jersey.

The NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) in Washington and State GOP leaders here in NJ failed miserably.

Yet they learned nothing and refuse to take responsibility.? They are now preparing to make the same mistakes in 2020 when the future of our nation is at risk.

Last year, I took a leave of absence from Liberty and Prosperity to be a candidate for Congress.? I ran in the South Jersey District that includes Atlantic City, Cape May and Vineland.?? I ran as a pro-Trump, pro-Constitution Republican with a campaign of issues and ideas.? I loudly and forcefully demanded enforcement of immigration laws, the repeal of Obamacare, and the federal protection of 2d Amendment rights.? I publicly opposed Democrat obstruction, fake impeachment charges, and the government and media persecution of President Trump and everyone close to him.? I opposed government funding of colleges that bashed America and gave their students little but indoctrination and debt.

My Democrat opponent was an established NJ State Senator.?? For 17 years he made deals with Cape May Republicans and used backing of Sweeney-Norcross Democrats to defeat every GOP candidate who ran against him.? National and NJ leaders called him so ?unbeatable?, that they never planned a serious campaign against him.

I won a contested GOP Primary to run against him.? However, I narrowly lost in November.? That was because NRCC GOP leaders in Washington and NJ GOP leaders in Trenton did everything they could to sabotage my campaign.

One month after I won the June Primary, National and NJ GOP leaders publicly repeated radical left Democrat lies about me.?? They refused to answer phone calls when I urged them to join me in refuting them.? They instead privately advised GOP leaders and donors in every county not to help me in any way or even be seen with me! ?They forced me to spend most of my campaign winning back Republicans, rather than pick up new support from Democrats, Independents and mail-in ballots.

President Trump and Melania raised millions for the NRCC.? Much of this was donated by conservatives here in South Jersey.? Yet the NRCC didn?t give me a dime! ?I had to raise $300,000 in mostly small donations on my own.? Meanwhile, Democrats all over America gave my opponent more than $2 million!

In spite of all that, I got 117,000 votes.? I was just over 6% short.? I did better than most others in NJ who got full GOP support and funding.

I reached out to National and NJ State GOP leaders after the election.? I hoped they would work with me and other MAGA conservatives to win back NJ and GOP control of Congress.? ?However, they refuse to meet with me or anyone on my team.

Instead, they are now persuading two completely unknowns to move to South Jersey to run against Van Drew next year!? They are duping them into thinking they have a better chance of winning here than in their home districts.? National and NJ GOP leaders are now saying last year?s election was close because Van Drew was weak.?? They refuse to admit the truth:? That I and MAGA ideas were strong!

I am not playing political games with National and State GOP leaders this year.? ?I am instead working with to campaign for these ideas.

#1.? Keep telling the truth about Kate Smith. She was a Civil Rights pioneer who never sang ?racist? songs.?? When mainstream GOP leaders failed to defend Kate Smith, the far-left moved on to attack Betsy Ross!

#2.? Recognize and fight the far-left propaganda that appears as Fake News every day on radio, TV and our local newspapers.

#3. Enforce immigration laws with internal enforcement as well as wall. Repeal the 1965 expansion and asylum laws that make enforcement almost impossible.

#4. Stop raising gas and electric bills to bail out fake ?green energy? projects.

#5. Cut Taxes. Repudiate Unconstitutional Debt.

#6. Cut State College Tuitions so a summer of work again pays for a year of college. No more student loans.

#7. Affirmative action to hire conservative professors and teachers in NJ state colleges and public schools.

#8. Restore 2d Amendment Rights to NJ.

We need large numbers of ordinary people understand and strongly support us on these issues this year.?? That is our only hope for getting National and State GOP leaders to pay attention to them next year.

Please give us time and financial support.? If you haven?t done so already, please subscribe to our email updates, join us for breakfast, and tell us how you can help.?? Thanks.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director

453 Shore Road

Somers Point, NJ? 08244

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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