We tell the truth not published by daily?Press of Atlantic City which is now owned by Obama’s billionaire Warren Buffett.?? No prosperity without liberty.??? And liberty means being free to keep most of the money we earn for the things we want and need.??? There can be no liberty or prosperity?with $8,000/year taxes for simple one bedroom condo, $120,000/year for small restaurant/bed and breakfast etc.?? And we can’t cut these taxes until we cut the spending.?? Thanks to Robert Fleisher for representing www.libertyandprosperity at today’s rally attended by more than one hundred local home and business owners from all parts of town–and handing out?45 flyers that he designed and printed himself.???Please make whatever donation you can to help us do more.?? Please meet us?for breakfast any Saturday at Shore Diner by Parkway Exit 36 in Egg Harbor Township, 9:30AM to 10:30AM.?? Please use the PayPal button on this page or mail it to LibertyandProsperity.org, 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ? 08244 or call (609) 927-7333.