‘Liberty and Prosperity Republicans’ measure conservative base in Atlantic County at 14%


(Iconic 1936 poster from Spanish Civil War asks in Catalan dialect: ?”And you? ?What have you done?”)

Only 5,100 people voted in the Republican Primary Election in Atlantic County last Tuesday. ? Barbara Brown who ran as a ‘Liberty and Prosperity Republican’ ?got 730 votes, or 14% of that vote. ? Her running-mate Vikki DeFelippo also got 14% with 719 votes.

Barbara was too busy to campaign. ? ?A great opportunity just before the election let her move her British Connection to a better location in Central Square in Linwood–and open a new co-op in Ocean City. ?Vikki was also hit with new commitments in her real-work, non-government job.

And so the two of them got only one $100 donation, and spent less than $200. ? But they did get enough signatures to get on the ballot. They did put “Liberty and Prosperity” in their slogan, and bracketed their names together to form a four-candidate conservative column with conservative candidates for U.S. Senate and Congress. They did set up a Facebook page, and they did give a fact-based, principled conservative message when they spoke to reporters.

By doing this, Barbara Brown and ?Vikki DeFilippo measured the rock-bottom conservative base of the Republican Party in Atlantic County at 14%. Now other conservatives have 12 months to get candidate training, raise enough money to run a real campaign, and win next year.

We thank them for doing this. ? As a non-political education organization, we cannot support or oppose any candidates. ? But we can and do help qualified people with a commitment to American liberty get the training and skills they need to be effective.

(Image source -?http://therefinedinvestor.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/sisyphus.jpg)

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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