April 29, 2012 Update Update

  1. SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER this Saturday Morning, May 5?JOE KYRILLOS, candidate for U.S. Senate in the June 5 Republican primary election.??? The winner of that election will run against incumbent liberal Democratic Senator Bob Menendez in November.?? Kyrillos is a close personal friend of Republican Governor Chris Christie and is endorsed by most Republican organizations.??? Both State Senator Mike Doherty and Anna Little dropped out of the race.?? Bader Quarmout, another candidate spoke to us last week.?? Joe Rullo is scheduled to speak to us on May 19.? Neither of them are running serious campaigns.?? Whether or not you choose to support JOE KYRILLOS, it is very important to attend this Saturday morning.??? After the breakfast this Saturday?JOE KYRILLOS will tell his friend Governor Christie and other Republican leaders how strong (or how weak) we are.


2.?????? MONDAY, MAY 7? at 7:00 P.M.:? AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY ECONOMIC FREEDOM TOUR at Ocean City Library, 1735 Simpson (17thStreet), Ocean City, NJ.??? Learn about economic freedom and how liberty and freedom creates prosperity.?? Then learn important Facebook and Twitter techniques to be more effective in delivering our message of liberty and prosperity to others.??? For details, go to


3.???? TUESDAY, MAY 8, at 6:30 P.M.:?? THE SAME AFP ECONOMIC FREEDOM TOUR will be at the Absecon Clarion Suites, 342 White Horse Pike, Absecon, NJ.??? We are grateful to Steve Lonegan for giving us two opportunities to achieve our dual mission:??? Learn how? and why liberty brings prosperity?and how and why tyranny and despotism destroy it.?? And how to effectively teach our message of liberty.


4.? WHY ARE REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR CHRISTIE, AND REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLYMEN CHRIS BROWN AND JOHN AMODEO STILL SILENT????? On State Plan to use another gimmick to borrow? $2 billion without voter approval.? The money will be used to bail out banks again by paying top dollar for foreclosed homes in good suburban neighborhoods.? And then rent those homes to ?hard to house? people?like criminals released from prison, juveniles coming out foster homes and youth detention centers, ?recovering? drug addicts and sex offenders, etc.???? Democrat Senator Ray Lesniak publicly denounced Steve Lonegan for making this secret plan public and said, ?There is a special place in Hell for Steve Lonegan?.???? But liberal Democrats like Ray Lesniak (and Republicans who enable them) have turned New Jersey into Hell.???? Senator Lesniak sponsored the special legislation that stripped Atlantic City residents of their right to vote on special tax breaks for the Revel Casino.?? When Seth Grossman testified against Lesniak?s plan two years ago, Lesniak ordered State Senate Security to physically remove Grossman from the microphone.

5.?? THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO MADE OUR LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY PRESENTATION AT BAYFEST SUCH A SUCCESS IN SOMERS POINT LAST SATURDAY.??? Ocean City High School Student Matt Lewis beat the drum while Mark Hutchinson and Bob Glaser dressed in colonial garb.? This attracted a big crowd that allowed them and Dennis Mahon,? Clarence Abbott, Bruce Barkoff, Mary Kazmarck, Doug Stroz and others to hand out more literature and talk to more people?especially young people?than ever before.

6.???? Liberty and Prosperity on the Radio.?? Our Executive Director, Seth Grossman will be a guest on the Larry Trulli and Dan Klein programs on 1020AM WIBG Radio (Ocean City and much of South Jersey) Mondays ?from 8AM to 10 AM until further notice.?? Grossman also hosts his own program on 92.1FM Radio (Vineland and most of South Jersey) Saturdays from 8AM to 9AM.?? We also hold a breakfast discussion every Saturday morning from 9:30 A.M. to 10:30AM that is open to everyone who wants to learn more about liberty.?? It is held at the Shore Diner, Tilton and Fire Roads by Parkway Exit 36 in Egg Harbor Township.


7.???? IMPORTANT BUSINESS MEETING:?? SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH?RIGHT AFTER THE BREAKFAST ENDS AT 10:30 A.M.??? Many of you are now attending our breakfasts on a regular basis.? Why not take the next step and become a voting member?or even a leadership position as an officer or director?? If interest, please contact Dennis Mahon, Seth Grossman, or any voting member.
8.???? GO TO OUR WEBSITE?at If you like what you see, forward this e-mail to others.?? If not, tell us so we can do a better job.


IN 1970, THE FIRST EARTH DAY TAUGHT A LOT OF THINGS THAT WERE TRUE.?? BUT TODAY, EARTH DAY TEACHES LIES.??? (Please email your comments, corrections, and suggestions to sethgrossman49@gmail.combefore 11:AM tomorrow (Monday).?? Thanks.

On January 28, 1969, an offshore oil rig six miles off the coast of? hit a pocket of high gas pressure and blew out.?? Some 210,000 barrels of crude oil poured into the ocean each day.???? It took ten days to seal the well, and stop the oil from pouring through nearby cracks in the ocean floor.

The enormous spill covered miles of nearby? beaches crude oil and tar.? Thousands of birds and hundreds of seals, dolphins, and sea lions suffered slow and painful deaths.?? Every day, the TV news showed graphic photos of dead and dying birds.? And of area school children in tears over what they saw.?? Government and oil industry? officials appeared heartless when they took pride in quickly stopping the leak without the loss of a single human life.
Most Americans were convinced that there was urgent crisis, and that drastic government action was needed.?? Liberal college professors blamed the Vietnam War on corporate greed now accused big corporations of destroying the planet.
Democrats saw this crisis as an opportunity to win back young voters who had turned against Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey to allow Republican Richard Nixon to win the election in 1968.???? In September of 1969, Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin spoke to the UAW (United Auto Workers) convention in Atlantic City.??? He urged every college in the country to devote one day the following spring? for a ?teach-in? to ?bring an overall insistence of the new generation to stem the tide of environmental disaster?.

The New York Times and the ABC-CBS-NBC? TV networks gave Nelson?s speech ?and other environmental disaster stories– non-stop front-page/prime time national coverage for the next seven months.
April 22, 1970 was supposedly picked as the date for this ?teach-in? because it was warm enough for outdoor events, and did not interfere with either? Easter Break or cramming for final exams.??? But some argue that the left leaning professors who picked the date must have known that Communist leader Vladimir Lenin was born on that date exactly 100 years earlier.

Organizers claimed 20 million Americans in 2,000 colleges and 10,000 public schools took part in that first Earth Day in 1970.
The event was so successful that few people noticed that the massive oil spill near Santa Barbara had completely disappeared, causing little, if any, long term damage to the environment.??? Virtually no fish were killed or made toxic.???? Oil-eating bacteria removed virtually all oil and tar from the ocean and beaches within a year.???? Bird and marine mammal populations quickly returned to pre-spill levels.

Still, I and many conservatives supported the Earth Day movement back then.??? Traditional principals of American liberty never said it was OK to dump raw sewage into the back bays of Atlantic City.?? (which gave anyone who swam in the the bay at low tide? ?the doggies?, a skin rash.)?? Or that it was OK to dump and burn trash right in town where the Harrah?s and Borgata casinos stand today.?? Or OK to? poison wells with toxic chemicals dumped? in the pine woods.
And so I supported the goals of that first Earth Day of the 1970?s.??? We needed county government (but not an un-elected Atlantic County Utilities Authority) to spend public money to process our sewage and dump the mostly clean water deep out in the ocean.?? And a county dump so we would not dump and burn trash within Atlantic City.?? And a safe way to process toxic chemicals.

But? power and money corrupt everyone?including ?friends of the earth?.?????? When they succeeded in giving us the cleanest air and water Americans enjoyed since the Civil War, they demanded even more power and money.
In the 1990?s, they said we needed new laws to control carbon dioxide?the essential gas of life that we breathe out, and that plants breathe in.?? They said there was a danger of global cooling and a new Ice Age.??? Then they said It was causing Global Warming.????? The truth is that the earth has warmed and cooled for billions of years long before we were here.

Today, Earth Day teaches lies about the environment to scare us into giving up our liberty?and prosperity.?? Its sponsors this year were monopolies or government agencies we are forced to pay for.?? Like Atlantic City Electric (4thhighest electric rates in? country), the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (overpriced monopoly on trash business), Stockton College, and our public schools (high tuition and property taxes).

Respectfully submitted,

SETH GROSSMAN, Executive Director

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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