–Are We Ready for Big League Ball?

1.? We will find out in two weeks!??? Our major fundraiser is Sunday, February 26, at the Carisbrooke Inn, 105 S. Little Rock Ave., Ventnor, NJ.?? Each of the ten tickets for breakfast with State Senator Mike Doherty is at 11 AM is $250.??? Tickets for the 2PM to 4PM wine/cheese/gourmet appetizer/dessert reception with Senator Doherty, also at the Carisbrooke Inn later that day are $100 per couple, $75 per individual.

2.? Why is this fundraiser so important??? For eight years, we could only complain of? how the failure by government in New Jersey to apply basic principles of liberty, was killing the prosperity we once enjoyed here.??? We did not have enough members or money to convince government officials to do the right thing.??? Now, with more than 50,000 people reading the Liberty and Prosperity newspaper column each week,? 1,600 people get this email update twice each month, and several thousand hear us on the radio each week.?? We are finally? strong enough to make some serious changes in government?if we have enough money to get our message on radio and TV.

3.? Right now, we have $16,000 in our treasury on the eve of our major fundraiser?twice as much as we ever had.?? Our goal is to raise $12,500 from that fundraiser, and collect $30 dues from over 100 more members? in the next two weeks so we have more than $30,000 in the bank by March 1.??? With this money, we can make liberty known and respected in South Jersey once again.

4.? This is a very modest goal–But we need your help.?? Please buy a ticket?or sell one!? And if you open our emails, read our newspaper columns, or hear us on the radio, please donate $30 each year (less than 60 cents a week) so we can be effective.


A.??? Public hearings on ?Smart Growth? this Monday, February 13, at , 6PM at Stockton College, in Galloway Township.??? The NJ Department of Environmental Protection under? ?Progressive? Republican Governor Chris Christie is proposing radical changes to zoning laws that are designed to replace the American Dream where each family decides where and how to live, with a ?collective? nightmare.??? State government plans to drive up land and home prices with ?open space? purchases and oppressive regulations, so only the rich could afford cars and one family homes.?? State officials? describe their ?State Strategic Plan? (Part of United Nations ?Agenda 21?) at But you can learn the basics in a short video at

B.? Please do some Google Searches on ?Smart Growth? and ?Agenda 21?, and give your opinions at that hearing!???? We will discuss these issues in our breakfast discussions for the next several Saturdays.

C.? Stockton College has become a real stone in our shoe lately.??? During the past two years, it has borrowed and spent $225 million on projects that do nothing to benefit students, and is now charging students and their families $24,000 per year for tuition, room, and board?double what it should be charging!??? But it is also indoctrinating students to support new laws that will double our electric bills again.

D.?? Right now, we in New Jersey pay double what we should pay for electricity, because 99% of electric customers are forced to pay hundreds of dollars every time ?green energy? producers make $60 worth of electricity.??? But there are new laws that will double electric rates again so that windmills can be built in the ocean, and solar panels can cover acres of farmland.

E.?? On Friday, February 22, 2012, Stockton College is presenting a ?Green Energy? symposium featuring President Obama?s Environmental Protection Administrator Lisa Jackson from 8AM to 3:30 P.M.?? Stockton invited 13 speakers.?? Every speaker is in favor of doubling electric rates again to pay for more ?green energy?.? Two of them represent ?green energy? corporations that will make huge profits if the new laws are past.??? Not one opponent of this ?rip-off? legislation was invited to speak.?? Last year, Stockton College bragged that it got a one million dollar gift from an ?anonymous? donor.?? Now that Stockton is pushing for laws that will make huge profits for a handful of people, shouldn?t we know who that donor is?

F.? What to do???? It is obvious that Governor Christie and his Republicans? support both ?Agenda 21? and the ?Green Energy? rip-offs as much as Democrats like Senate President Steve Sweeney.

G.? Both the Republican and Democratic Parties are controlled by ?County Chairmen? and ?County Committee? members elected to four year terms in the June 5 Primary elections.? One U.S. Senator in New Jersey and all members of Congress are up for election.?? The deadline for filing nominating petitions for any office is? 64 days in advance, or 4PM of April 2, 2012.?? For instructions on how to file a nominating petition, go to is NOT a political organization.?? We do not support or opposed any candidates for public office.?? But we do teach candidates how to run effective campaigns so they can win! ????????? 5.? BUSINESS AND BOARD MEETING ON THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH (THIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11) AT 10:45 A.M.,? IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BREAKFAST DISCUSSION.?? Business and Board meetings are open to all paid voting and non-voting members, although only voting member can vote.? At business meetings, we decide which events to sponsor,? who should take charge of them, and how our limited funds should be spent, etc.

6.? SETH GROSSMAN RADIO PROGRAM:?? SATURDAY, 8AM to 9AM on WVLT, 92.1, Vineland.? The on air call-in number is 856-696-0092.?? This station is heard in most of South Jersey, Philadelphia, and Wilmington, Delaware.??? Jesse Kurtz of Atlantic City hosted the program last Saturday when Seth Grossman was on vacation.?? We also sponsor a two minute presentation every day during the Rush Limbaugh program on WMID 1340AM Atlantic City and 1230AM Cape May.

7.?? ABOUT STATE SENATOR MIKE DOHERTY?OUR FEATURED GUEST FOR OUR FEBRUARY 26 FUNDRAISER: ? Mike Doherty is 48 years old, and a? graduate of West Point.?? As an army captain, he commanded a battery of nuclear missiles in West Germany.?? He then went to law school and became a patent attorney specializing? in semiconductor and medical technology. ? In 2000,? Doherty was elected freeholder in Warren County.? In 2002, he became Freeholder Director.??? In his three year term, Doherty?s Republican majority cut the tax rate by 23%, and paid down the county debt.? ? When a judge ordered Warren County freeholders to borrow $5 million for an unnecessary expansion of the county college,? Doherty defied that judge until the NJ Supreme Court agreed that the judge lacked power to issue the order. ? Doherty was elected to the Assembly in 2001.? In 2009, he ran for the State Senate seat vacated by Leonard Lance.???? He won even though he was opposed by Republican Party leaders and ran ?off the line?. ? In 2011, Doherty proposed the ?Fair School Funding? Plan to distribute all state income tax equally per student.?? Doherty may seek the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate against Democratic incumbent Bob Menendez. ? ????????? 8.?? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2012:?? RALLY IN FRONT OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT? TO? OPPOSE? OBAMA?S UNCONSTITUTIONAL TAXES ON RENTS,? AND BEING FORCED TO BUY EXPENSIVE GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH INSURANCE???? Steve Lonegan of Americans for Prosperity is running buses to the event for $10 per person.?? However, if you register through us, that $10 will be paid to Liberty and Prosperity!??? Find out how to be part of this historic event?and help our organization at the same time!

9.?? SETH GROSSMAN COLUMN WAS ?BUMPED? FROM MOST PRINT EDITIONS OF THE CURRENT AND GAZETTE NEWSPAPERS THIS WEEK.??? The papers were filled with advertisements for Valentine?s Day.??? However it did appear in some Atlantic County print editions and online at See? also ?Three years after George Washington retired as our first president, he was still in excellent health at age 67. He rode on horseback around his large farm almost every day to inspect his fields, fences, buildings and livestock. ?But after being out for five hours in heavy rain and snow on Dec. 12, 1799, Washington came down with a very bad cold, cough, and sore throat. Some of the best doctors in America rushed to treat him. ?Today, we know that this is usually caused by germs that attack our bodies. The best treatment is rest, nourishment and liquids that help our immune system put white cells and other defenses into our bloodstream. ?But Washington?s doctors were certain that ?bad blood? was making him sick. So they cut Washington?s veins and removed more than five pints of his blood. Washington died from loss of blood within two days of this ?treatment.? ?George Washington?s doctors remind me of the clueless ?experts? that Republican Gov. Christie hired to cure Atlantic City during the past two years. . . ? For full column, go to See? also

10. Liberty and Prosperity Ten Point Program:

I. No eminent domain for private gain. II. Enforce federal immigration laws. No amnesty. Deport illegal aliens. III. Make tax and zoning laws fair, simple, and apply them equally to everyone. IV. Cut taxes by cutting government spending. V. Post all government salaries, contracts and budgets online. VI. Repudiate (refuse to pay) all state government debts incurred without voter approval in violation of our State Constitution. Repudiate all federal government debts incurred for purposes not permitted by Article I, Section 8 of our Federal Constitution. VII. Bring “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” back to our public schools and local governments. Let parents apply taxpayer money spent to educate their children to the qualified schools they choose. Don’t force public employees to pay dues to unions they don’t want to join. Let elected officials again decide what salaries, pensions, and benefits to pay our public “servants”. VIII. Hold frequent non-binding referendums (public votes) on all issues of public importance. IX. Term limits for all elected officials. Pensions for none. X. Audit, reform or abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System and have Congress establish a stable currency secured by precious metals or assets with recognized and stable values. Have the United States withdraw from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and any organization which purports to require the U.S. Government to spend money without appropriation by Congress pursuant to the U.S. Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. is a non-profit, education organization. We are registered and recognized by both the State of New Jersey and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. ?Our mission is to learn and teach why ‘Liberty and Prosperity’, New Jersey’s motto since 1776, is still true and relevant today — and how Americans can again be free and effective citizens.”

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Voting Members: $60 dues; attend 3 business meetings per year; work on one board approved project per year. Non-Voting Members: $30 per year; no attendance or volunteer requirements.

WHY ARE YOU RECEIVING THIS E-MAIL? At some point during the past three years, you, or someone who knew you, asked that we put your name on our e-mail list. If for any reason, you do not want to receive these communications from us, please contact us and we will immediately remove you from our list. If you agree with our mission, please forward this message to your friends and family. Thanks! Respectfully submitted: Seth Grossman, Executive Director, 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ 08244, (609) 927-7333.

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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