Local Jewish Leaders Weak And Ineffective At Israel ‘Solidarity’ Rally

Above Image:  Program and Flyer For “Service of Solidarity and Support for Israel and the Jewish Community held at Beth Israel Synagogue in Northfield, NJ on October 17, 2023.

Jews and Christians throughout the world are in great danger. There is more hatred, violence, and murder against Jews today, than at any time since World War II. There is more hatred, violence and murder against Christians than at any time since the Islamic persecutions provoked Christians into responding with the Crusades a thousand years ago.  A big part of this danger is the failure of too many Jewish and Christian community leaders to recognize and respond to these threats.

One perfect example was the event last Tuesday in Northfield, a suburb of Atlantic City, New Jersey. It was the “Service of Solidarity and Support for Israel and the Jewish Community” sponsored by some 18 local synagogues and other organizations.

(Above image from PressofAtlanticCity.com)

Three speakers at the event were on message and said what had to be said.  They were Rabbi David Weiss, former rabbi of the Beth Israel synagogue, Rev. Victoria Ney of the Margate Community Church, and Kaleem Shabazz, an Atlantic City councilman and local NAACP Chapter President.

(Above image from PressofAtlanticCity.com)

However, the rest of the program was pathetic. Fortunately, the article in the Press of Atlantic City did not give enough details to notice this.

Click Here For Link To: Jewish community seeks comfort amid latest Israel-Hamas war (pressofatlanticcity.com)

There were 90 minutes of speeches, songs and prayers by politicians, clergy, and community leaders. Only three delivered a coherent message on how we should respond to the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

Five politicians either spoke, delivered messages, or were otherwise recognized.  All five were Democrats.  They included U.S. Senator Cory Booker and two Democratic Atlantic County officials, including Cara Fitzpatrick, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in Atlantic County, and Eric Sheffler, the Democratic Sheriff who is up for re-election.

Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew was not invited. Neither was Republican Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson nor any of the seven Republican county commissioners. Republican State Senator Vince Polistina was not invited, nor were Republican State Assembly members Don Guardian or Claire Swift. Several event organizers even personally spoke to many of the Republican officials they snubbed when they were all together at the funeral of Jewish Community leader Gail Rosenthal two days before the event.

Above Image: Soon after Adrienne Epstein read a statement from Cory Booker, the Democratic U.S. Senator tweeted this message from President Biden sabotaging efforts by Israel to eliminate Hamas in Gaza.

The snub of Republican leaders was politically ignorant. Most of them consistently support Israel, while most Democrats depend on votes from many who do not. Democrat State Senate candidate Cara Fitzpatrick failed to articulate any defense of Israel. Cory Booker publicly supports President Biden in sabotaging Israel’s efforts to eliminate Hamas.

The biggest problem facing Jews, Christians, Israel and America today is the hatred of us and our values systematically taught in our schools and colleges for the past 30 years.  We saw that in the many demonstrations in favor of the Hamas murderers and against Israel in colleges throughout America.

We also saw it in a recent CNN poll.

It showed that while 81% of Americans age 65 years or older believed Israel’s military response to Hamas attacks was justified, only 27% of Americans age 18 to 34 agree.

(Above image from PressofAtlanticCity.com)

One of the speakers at the event was Samantha Bell, President of the Hillel Jewish Students Association.  She was a very nice person. However, she obviously no leader and no other students from Stockton appeared to be with her.  She said absolutely nothing of the active anti-Israel movement at Stockton University or how to respond to it.  No other representatives of the administration, faculty, or students at Stockton University spoke up for Israel.

Not a single representative of the Roman Catholic Church was there to speak in defense of Israel. We were told that the priest for Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in nearby Linwood was invited, but that “he was told to attend a meeting with his bishop instead”. There was no explanation as to why no other Roman Catholic priest in the county was available.  This was ominous.

Even worse than important people missing from last Tuesday’s event were important facts and messages.  Last week, I posted an essay in American Thinker entitled “13 Important Facts To Defend Israel”.

Click here for the Link to that post.  These 13 Key Facts About Israel Are Known By Very Few Americans – Liberty and Prosperity

Very few Americans and very few Jews know those facts.  It is vitally important to know them and to teach them.  Yet not one of them was mentioned anywhere in the program.

It is also vital to understand propaganda and ideological subversion.  Yuri Bezmenov explained this in great detail when he left the Russian Communist KGB in 1970 to warn Americans what they were doing to weaken, divide, and take control of almost every country in the world.

Click here for link to several of his videos:  Bezmenov: Here’s How We Take Over Countries Without War: 1-20 Years of “Demoralization”, 2-5 Years of “Destabilization”, then 6 Weeks of “Crisis”. – Liberty and Prosperity

None of this was mentioned anywhere in the program.

What is going on in Israel is classic “asymmetrical war”. It is a sophisticated which depends heavily on psychological warfare and deception. Hamas deliberately murdered 1,300 innocent Israelis to force Israel to defend itself by attacking them.  It deliberately launches its rockets, fires its weapons, and stores its ammunition in mosques, hospitals, schools, and other places where there are thousands of women and children. Hamas knows that no military in the world can defend itself and kill or capture the soldiers attacking it without killing or hurting some of those civilians.  In World War II, America could not defeat Nazis and Japanese and stop their mass murder without killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of civilians.  However, if we did not do that, those regimes would still be in power today.

We need to prepare Jews, Christians and Americans how to fight and win this kind of war.  We must especially teach this to our young people.  Only three speakers at last Tuesday’s event spoke of this.  However, this vitally important message was not even mentioned by anyone else.

(Above image from PressofAtlanticCity.com)

The most cringeworthy part of the program was the presentation by Valerie Braunstein, a therapist for Jewish Family Services. She cheerfully urged us not to become too emotionally angry, upset, or depressed by the television news from Israel we were watching.  She announced that her agency was offering a free counseling and therapy session to help us calm down and cope with the events two days later.

Evangelical Christians are the biggest and most reliable friends of Jews and Israel. They are also victims of hate, ridicule and abuse in America. No pastors or other representatives from the New Life Assembly or other evangelical churches in Atlantic County spoke.  Were they invited?

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) was one of the sponsors of last Tuesday’s event.  One of its leaders is a fellow attorney and friend of mine. I approached him and again asked why I was excluded from meetings and events to defend Israel and the Jewish community, he said it was because I “didn’t behave”. I asked him what that meant. He said I can participate when I “stop associating with election deniers”.  I personally believe that Trump and other Republicans lost elections in 2020 and 2022 because they ran poor campaigns did not adapt to new vote by mail methods that have become more important during the past 20 years. However, I know that nearly half of all Americans do question the integrity of our elections. Did this prominent leader tell me that he does not want to reach out to them?  Is it really smart for American Jews to depend only on Democrats for our safety and survival?

The Jewish community need to do better than this. Christian communities need to learn from our mistakes.  We are running out of time.  Before things get even worse, we need to either wake up our leaders. Or choose new ones.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director



(609) 927-7333




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