Breakfast discussions 9:30 AM every Saturday, Shore Diner, Tilton & Fire Roads,? Egg Harbor Township by Parkway Exit 36.?? Board/Business Meetings 2d Saturday of month. (Apr 12)
Our slogan is??Do more than vote!???? Last?Saturday, Barbara Brown of Absecon and Vikki DeFilippo of Brigantine did that?and became?candidates for two Atlantic County freeholder seats in June 3 primary election.
They are running as Republicans?against two current?Republican freeholders,? John Risley and Alex Marino.? A third freeholder seat for Atlantic County?District 3 that covers Egg Harbor Twp./Hamilton Twp. (Mays Landing) is also up for election.
The nine freeholders in Atlantic County?have very limited duties.? They?approve budgets, borrow money, create and dissolve county agencies like the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA), Atlantic County Improvement Authority (ACIA) two county-wide schools, etc.???? They do not hire, fire, or supervise departments and employees as in most counties.?? In Atlantic County, that is done by a? County Executive–now?Republican Dennis Levinson.
The Democratic Party also has a Primary Election June 3 to pick its candidates.?? The winners of the Republican Primary will run against the winners of the Democratic Primary in the??General Election? on November 4.?? Greens, Libertarians, Conservatives, Constitution Party,etc do NOT have primary elections.
At last three Saturday breakfasts, we talked a lot about how Atlantic County freeholders–?Republicans and Democrats–?lobbied?state BPU (Board of Public Utilities) for even higher electric bills to pay for new wind turbines in the ocean.?? There was a lot of anger at ?Republican Freeholder Frank Formica’s?plan to force?county taxpayers to guarantee a billion dollars of new debt to bail out even more ?public private partnerships? like failed Revel Casino, Atlantic City baseball stadium, etc.
(Formica Brothers Bakery in Atlantic City was just approved for $2.24 million loan from the ?NJ Economic Development Authority for inventory and operating expenses..?? The loan has zero interest, with no principal payments for 24 months.??? Formica Brothers Bakery also got a $50,000 gift that does not?get paid back at all.)
In the past,?Republican Freeholders Jim Curcio and Joe McDevitt publicly opposed these things.?? But Curcio left freeholders to become Surrogate.???McDevitt was removed by Republican leaders in last year?s June Primary election.? He was replaced with? Will Pauls, a former Democrat and paid business agent of Steve Sweeney?s Ironworker?s Union who ran as a Republican.??Now, there is no freeholder opposition to these things.
?Liberty and Prosperity?as an organization?cannot and does not endorse or support any candidates!?But we do and can teach?why it is important to?understand and be active in politics.
Liberty (limited government, low taxes, laws applied equally to everyone) brings prosperity wherever it exists.???But we can only?enjoy liberty, when we elect?officials who understand and respect the Constitution,? apply all laws and taxes equally to everyone, and let each of us free to make the most important choices that affect our own lives.
We teach that when a handful of insiders pick all the candidates for both Republicans and Democrats, we end up with officials who use their power to pay back their friends rather than equally protect liberty for everyone–unless we “do more than vote”!
What’s the point of voting for either Republicans or Democrats in November if the handpicked candidates for each party run unopposed in June–because we did nothing to help good candidates get on the ballot in March?
The local newspapers and TV often report falsely that Republicans and Democrats pick their candidates at county conventions or local Republican or Democratic Club meetings.????They often fail to mention that more than 100 years ago, NJ law was changed to pick candidates through government-supervised,?secret ballot primary elections in June.?? That is ?because club meetings and county conventions were rigged back then–as they often are today.
To be a Republican or Democratic candidate, you do NOT have be a member of or pay dues to any political club, or go to any party convention.??? You just?fill out a form declaring that?you are a voter who chooses that?party, and get a?nominating petition signed by at least 100 voters who also chose that?party or who are ??independents? not registered with any party.?? All nominating petitions?must be filed with the County Clerk by Monday, March 31.?? You can switch to sign a petition and vote in a different party on?June 3 by sending a written request to the County Election Office by April 8.?? The form is at
If you want to help Barbara Brown or Vikki Defilippo get the 100 signatures they need to get on the ballot, please contact them at or (609) 703-5274.
Connie Hare Murray also announced last week that she is running for freeholder as a conservative in the June 3 Republican Primary in Burlington County.?? If you want to help her get 100 signatures in Burlington County, please email her?at
If you or anyone you support wants to reach the 1700 people on our email list for help in circulating nominating petitions and getting on the June 3 Primary Election ballot by March 31, please contact us at or (609) 927-7333.? We will be happy to give you or your candidate the same opportunity we just gave Barbara Btrown, Vikki Defilippo, and Connie Hare Murray.
If you want to file a petition to run for any local office or “county committee”, the organizations that run the Republican and Democratic parties in?your community,?contact your local city, town, township, or borough clerk.
Our purpose is not to help any particular candidate,?but to teach every citizen how primary elections work, and why they are so important.?? Only about 10% of voters take part in primary elections.? Your vote has ten times more power in June than in November!
????????? ?Growth Ahead in Atlantic City.?? CRDA backs gym, light show at Trop, rental units in Inlet. . . Nonprofit agency tasked with luring conventions?.?? Front Page ?News? of Press of Atlantic City,? 3/19/2014.???? Wonder why?nothing but good “news” about the great job our government officials are doing?in our daily newspaper, talk radio, and local TV????Wonder why?they report how state and local government programs are causing?all the good things, while?bad things caused by someone else??? Business is bad because of Hurricane Sandy–not high taxes, tolls, fees, bad roads, high electric bills, pay-to-play politics, etc.?? 47% tax hike caused by casino tax appeals–not out-of-control government spending in Atlantic City.???Wonder why comments of only?government officials, or leaders?of groups friendly to government officials are published, while our opinions are ignored except for letters to the editor?
? Is it because the media is bought and paid for by the politicians who run the government???? Who decides which newspapers, radio, and TV stations get the $25 million tax dollars per year for the ?Do AC? ads???? Or the $5 million of federal ?disaster relief? money for advertising???? Or the paid ads telling us about the virtues of the Motor Vehicles Division??? Or the paid county ads for traffic safety???? How much radio, TV, and newspaper advertising comes from hospitals, banks, and and utility companies that depend on government funds and permits??? If you owned a newspaper, radio, or TV station, would you let your news department run stories that make enemies of the politicians who give you most of your advertising money?
Why are state?politicians pushing for another ?hike in gasoline?tax???? Because all the money from current gas?tax is?being used to pay back?money that was?borrowed years ago through Wall Street bonds without voter approval in violation of NJ Constitution.??One of our? basic principles is:? “Repudiate (refuse to pay) unconstitutional debt”.?? Don’t raise gas tax.?? Use current gas tax money to build and repair roads rather than repay unconstitutional debt!.
If you like the information you get in these updates, please go to an pay at least the $30 non-voting member dues so we can keep sending these messages by email, Facebook, and radio spots.
News Items:? ?99 affordable homes planned for Hamilton (Mays Landing)?.? Press of Atlantic City 3/17/2014.??? ?February?s 4,800 statewide foreclosures filings were more than double the number for February 2013?.?? NJ Law Journal 3/17/2014.?? ?Americans are moving out of New Jersey faster than any other state.?? New Jersey has now taken the top spot among states that saw net outbound moves for three of the past four years, according to United Van Lines.? The Garden State registered 63.5% of its total moves as outbound, compared with just 36.5% inbound.?? Question:?? If banks are taking back so many houses, and selling them cheap, and if so many people are moving out of New Jersey, why is our government spending so much money to build so much new low income housing?? Qui bono? (Who benefits?)
Do you agree with us on any of these issues???Then please don’t keep it to yourself!??? Forward this email to your friends, share it on Facebook.?? Post it on your “Patch” or other local blog.?? Most important, repackage it?as a 150 to 200 word Letter to the Editor of your local paper.?? You have our permission!? If you need more back-up info, contact us at or (609) 927-7333.? Tips for good letters and email addresses of major NJ papers are posted on home page of and will soon be posted in “Learn” and “Engage” sections linked to home page.
Be a liberty candidate.? Help a liberty candidate.?? Most Americans, even here in New Jersey, support most of our Eight Point Liberty Program posted in the lower right corner of? But most members of the Republican and Democrat political elites oppose us.? It is nothing personal, just business.?? Independent, self-reliant, informed citizens who don?t want or need favors from politicians are a threat to their money and power.? But being an effective, winning candidate takes planning and skill.? As with everything else, failing to plan means planning to fail.
There are real opportunities for conservatives to win in the low-turnout, low budget primary elections on June 3.?? Nominating petitions must be filed by March 31.?? Forms requesting slogans and bracketed slates must be filed by April 2.
Please report any errors, including failed links to Please also use that email address to report any items that should be posted on our website or Liberty and Prosperity facebook page or in our next email update.? Thanks.???? Seth Grossman, Executive Director