Mark Your Calendar. Invite Your Friends. Help Us Un-Cancel Local Hero Richard Somers. 3pm This Labor Day Sunday, September 4, 2022

Above Image:  Join us 3pm On Sunday, September 4 When We Again Tell Remarkable Story of Local Hero Richard Somers.  Here At His Mural And Monument, 801 Shore Road and New Jersey Avenue, Somers Point, NJ 08244.

Richard Somers, a remarkable American hero, was born in Somers Point, New Jersey in 1778.  He was killed at age 26 in Tripoli, North Africa on September 4, 1804, along with all aboard his ship Intrepid.  For years, his name and story were known by almost every school child in America.  Today, both Richard Somers and his story are “cancelled” and unknown.  Even most descendants of his own Somers family still living here in South Jersey never heard of him!

Please help us change that.

  1. Learn and share the Richard Somers story.  Please join us at 3pm on Sunday, September 4, 2022 at his statue and mural at 801 Shore Road and New Jersey Avenue in Somers  Point, NJ.
  2. Support our $35 fundraiser to cover our expenses with refreshments from 4pm to 5pm at nearby Sal’s Coal Fired Pizza (501 New Road). Please mail your check for $35 per person to LibertyAndProsperity to 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ    Or click the “Donate” tab at the top of and donate the appropriate amount.  We will contact you if we are not sure of the purpose of your payment.



  1. Help us post flyers announcing this event on as many bulletin boards as you can. Please distribute postcards to as many friends and family members as you can.


  1. Don’t wait until September 4 to learn more about Richard Somers. Please click this link to read some of the dozens of articles we posted about Richard Somers during the past ten years. Then you can be part of the story telling on September 4!  You searched for richard somers – Liberty and Prosperity

  1. Order and read this book “Intrepid Sailors” by historian Chipp Reid.


  1. Contact your local library and historical society and asked them to invite us to present a program on Richard Somers.


  1. Contact the teacher or principal of school that your children or grandchildren go to. Ask them to invite us to present an “Enrichment Program” about Richard Somers.  Then ask us to follow up.  Thanks.



  • When America won its independence in 1783, we tried, but failed to avoid war by disbanding most of our army and all of our navy.

Continental Navy – Wikipedia

Today in military history: Continental Army is disbanded – We Are The Mighty

  • America’s won wars before 1945 because our military culture then recognized and promoted effective commanders who succeeded, and removed those who failed.

President Bush And His Generals Lost Afghanistan As Soon We Got There. They Didn’t Learn From Richard Somers And The Barbary Wars. – Liberty and Prosperity

How Did America Win 1801 Barbary War In 5 Years. And Lose 2001 Afghanistan War in 20? – Liberty and Prosperity

  • Until 1945, America fought wars that lasted less than four years and ended in victory.

How Did America Win 1801 Barbary War In 5 Years. And Lose 2001 Afghanistan War in 20? – Liberty and Prosperity

  • During the days of Richard Somers, South Jersey was a land of boundless opportunity where most young Americans who were poor as teenagers lived prosperous and comfortable lives by their mid-twenties.

Local Hero Richard Somers: This Year, We Talked About The South Jersey He Grew Up In. An Exceptional Land of Liberty, Prosperity, and “Boundless Opportunities”– Even By Today’s “Woke Standards”! – Liberty and Prosperity

  • During the days of Richard Somers men and women married and saw themselves as equal partners in a single family unit. Benjamin Franklin then observed that an unmarried person was “like half a pair of scissors”.

Local Hero Richard Somers: This Year, We Talked About The South Jersey He Grew Up In. An Exceptional Land of Liberty, Prosperity, and “Boundless Opportunities”– Even By Today’s “Woke Standards”! – Liberty and Prosperity

  • Until the Civil War killed roughly 600,000 young American men, there was a “scarcity of women” in America. This gave most American women the choice of whom to marry.  Most women chose to marry men in their mid-twenties who were economically established.  Widows and widowers alike usually remarried quickly.

Local Hero Richard Somers: This Year, We Talked About The South Jersey He Grew Up In. An Exceptional Land of Liberty, Prosperity, and “Boundless Opportunities”– Even By Today’s “Woke Standards”! – Liberty and Prosperity

  • Liberty, not slavery, brought wealth and prosperity to America. Foreign travelers wrote that free states like New Jersey appeared prosperous, while slave states appeared poor and shabby.

In 1845, Frederick Douglass Was Surprised That Liberty, Not Slavery Created The Wealth He Saw In Slave-Free North. – Liberty and Prosperity

  • America’s 1804 war to end the enslavement of white Americans and Europeans in North Africa intensified efforts to end the enslavement of blacks in America.

When American sailors returned home, they told stories and shared sketches like those above describing the suffering of Americans and Europeans captured and held as slaves in North Africa.

  • Almost all young Americans mastered reading, writing, arithmetic, and had basic knowledge of science and history by age 16. Almost all young Americans mastered a useful trade and were supporting themselves by age 18.

Local Hero Richard Somers: This Year, We Talked About The South Jersey He Grew Up In. An Exceptional Land of Liberty, Prosperity, and “Boundless Opportunities”– Even By Today’s “Woke Standards”! – Liberty and Prosperity

  • America’s decisive defeat of the “Barbary Pirates” or “Turks” of North Africa in 1805 led to the end of a thousand years of Islamic attacks on ships and coastal villages around Europe, and the “legal” robbing enslavement of non-believers. In 1804, Pope Pius VII remarked:  “The United States, though in their infancy, had done more for the cause of Christianity than the most powerful nations of Christendom have done for ages”.

Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates | U.S. First Islamic Confrontation ( is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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