Media Attack “Student Loan Industry”, But Not Bloated, Overpriced Colleges!

Why Does Media Attack “Student Loan Industry”, But Not Bloated, Overpriced Colleges?  Because the “Woke” Left doesn’t care about the “victims” they champion! They only fight for selected “victims” whose grievances can be used to win political support and weaken their enemies.

The “Woke” Left will never complain about paying college professors $160,000 per year, with lavish pensions, vacations and benefits, to teach a few hours a week, nine months a year.  They will never complain about college presidents getting $600,000 per year plus pensions and benefits including cars and houses.  Or the amounts paid to countless useless administrators and staff.  Or the favoritism and bias in hiring for these jobs.

Those those privileged college elites will be protected and immune from criticism.  As long as they keep teaching their students to hate America.  As long as they falsely blame Republicans, whites, and Trump for every problem in their lives–including the high price of college and uselessness of most degrees!  As long as they are useful in getting “woke” Democrats elected.  (Or until the money runs out and the whole system collapses, which is now a real possibility.)

Boomers like me remember when a summer of work at almost any job on the Atlantic City Boardwalk was more than enough to pay for a year of college.  In 1971, most summer jobs paid roughly $1,200 a summer, and state colleges like Rutgers and Stockton charged roughly $800 for a year of room, board, and tuition.  All that changed because the cost (and price) of college exploded during the next 50 year.  When Stockton University did its “Economic Inequality” project five years ago, it never mentioned how colleges destroyed the middle class with student debt by raising employee salaries, pensions and benefits, building luxury buildings at far more than the cost of living for everything else.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

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    Atlantic City, NJ Attorney since 1975. Executive Director of Liberty and Prosperity since 2003. GOP Candidate for Congress, NJ State 2021, 2018. Adjunct Professor of Government & History at Atlantic Cape Community College 2010-2017. Contact (609) 927-7333

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