New Jersey Energy Report – June 2024

NJ Energy Report – June  2024

Actions and comments affecting the New Jersey energy supply.



Few actions occurred in June but several actions were demanded.  Understanding these demands is necessary to prevent their implementation.


The Monthly Fear Notice

New Jersey Pension Fund Divesting  (1)

New Jersey residents are no strangers to climate disaster. From the repeated bouts of flooding that have turned our streets into rivers, to storms like Ida and Sandy that racked up massive costs to our communities, we’re feeling the effects of our changing climate firsthand.

This op-ed is the monthly fear notice. The world will end, at least in New Jersey, if we do not stop using fossil fuels and holding oil company stocks in the pension fund.

As usual reality intrudes. If fossil fuels are killing everyone where are the bodies?

  • Why has human life increase in length, numbers and quality since fossil fuels have been widely used?
  • Why have environmental deaths deceased by 98% over the last century? (2)
  • Oil stocks have been financially beneficial to retirees because the companies provide a product that people want and improves their lives.(3)
  • Should retirees accept lower pension payments to satisfy this divestiture demand?
  • If oil use is creating a catastrophe, why doesn’t everyone stop buying it? (4) (5) (6)








Oil Price Collusion

Congressman Frank Pallone wants Congress to investigate the oil industry to determine if the they are colluding to raise oil prices.(1)   This demands ignores the effect  global economic forces and particularly Biden government actions have on prices .

Higher gas prices have been the policy of the Biden administration (2).  This was done to decrease supply and force buying of electric vehicles. (3) The actions have been successful in raising gas prices but Congressman Pallone is now concerned people may not agree and may hold Democrats responsible for the increased prices. (4).







Electric Vehicles (Cars)

Electric Vehicle Phaseout (1)

The state is proposing to phase out (ban) the sale of gas cars in the state by 2035. On June 17 people  rallied outside of the state house protesting the legislature to ban gas cars. Proponents of a gas car phase out claim it is not the same as a ban on gas car sales.

“These mandates are not bans,” said Pam Frank, CEO of the not-for-profit group ChargEVC. “The opposition likes to call them bans because that gets people crazy and excited.” (1)

A forced phase out is a ban implemented over time.  Claiming otherwise is New Speak. This proposed ban is to force the purchase of inferior EV cars, deny people the freedom to choose their car, and overload the grid. (2)




Electric Vehicles (Buses)

Electric School Bus Purchases (1)

The state senate is advancing a bill to increase subsides to extend service and lease agreements for electric school buses. Instead of providing subsides the state should perform cost benefit analysis and comparison of fossil fuel school buses and EV buses. While gas powered buses have a danger of fumes, the electric buses have the danger of fire, which is being ignored. All costs and dangers should be presented, compared, and discussed publicly. l




Sea Level Rises

Sea Level and Replenishing Beaches

An article was written discussing the problems of replenishing and replacing New Jersey beaches.(1)  Naturally, it had the requisite assertion implying climate change is the cause of the problem.  This is incorrect.

The 1.5 feet (18 inches) relative sea level rise over the past 110 years is correct but it ignores  the 4-9 inch  land subsistence that has occurred.(2)(3) New Jersey is slowly sinking into the sea. Removing the sinking land effect shows the sea has risen at its historical rate of about 12 inches per century.

The assertion the sea level will rise by 5 feet by 2100 is based on a 2019 Rutger’s  report full of computer modeling. The underlying emissions assumption for this modeling was shown to be incorrect by Judith Curry. (4). Simply the projected sea level rise is too high.

Replenishing beaches is an expensive and difficult project when the sea is naturally rising and the land is sinking, but to claim this problem is due to climate change lacks the facts.







We are a group of about 200 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.  Thanks.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director


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