NJ Energy Report for August 2024

NJ Energy Report – August  2024

Actions and comments affecting the New Jersey energy supply.



Little action occurred in August though several issues reappeared.   A new wind port has suddenly been proposed which could affect the New Jersey wind port



  • The state believes this summer heat wave was caused by ‘climate change’ even though plausible other causes exist and contradictory information is emerging.
  • The state Republicans called for  review of electric rate increases. The state and environmental groups claim the increases are caused by fossil fuels, increased energy use and grid infrastructure upgrades. Ignored are renewable energy subsidies.
  • Governor Murphy previously authorized $500m to build a wind port which the other eastern states would use to build their offshore wind turbines.  However, virtually all the other states have built wind ports!  Who will use New Jersy wind port now?
  • Congressman Jeff Van Drew organized another anti-wind rally.
  • The NJDEP issued a 1000 page draft for coastal land use regulations. The regulations are based upon an incorrect high estimate of sea level rise by 2100


The Monthly Fear Notice

New Jersey Summer Temperatures are caused by Climate Change!!!!

The blog (1) is a series of comments and facts which are not well connected. It implies the high summer temperatures were unique and caused by climate change which increased ocean water temperature. Two more plausible explanations for increasing temperatures are ENSO and solar heating (2) and the Hunga – Tonga Volcano (3)

An important Ignored factor is the Atlantic Ocean water temperature began falling in June at the equator (4) for unknown reasons. Falling and rising water temperature at the same time and in different locations mean the cause is local and not climate change. .



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/nj-sets-records-as-climate-change-heats-up/

(2`) https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/09/a-tale-of-2-opposing-ocean-warming-narratives/

(3`) https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/09/hunga-tonga-volcano-impact-on-record-warming/

(4) https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/atlantic-ocean-mystery-what-caused-the-unprecedented-cooling/ar-AA1pFxXk


Electric Rate Increases

State Republicans are calling for an investigation (1) of rising electric rates, some significant (2). The  state and environmental groups claim the increases are caused by fossil fuels, increased use of electricity and grid infrastructure upgrades.  What is ignored is subsidies for renewable energy.(3)

These subsidies include

  • Solar subsidies – about $800m per year
  • Solar connection costs – unknown
  • EV car subsidies – about $50-60m per year
  • EV truck subsidies – Unknown
  • Storage battery subsidies – unknown
  • Wind port subsidies – about $540m
  • Wind turbine monopile manufacturing plant – about $250m
  • Offshore wind substation in north Jersey to bring wind ashore. About $500m
  • Nuclear – $300m per year.  This subsidy  has been recently transferred to the federal government

All subsidies for each fuel type should be identified and quantified and a transparent report completed. Who will perform this study is unknown?  Democrats’ have-not supported this investigation.


(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/critics-target-bpu-as-residents-see-higher-electric-bills/

(2`) https://climatechangedispatch.com/thanks-to-gov-murphys-green-energy-nightmare-new-jerseyans-electric-bills-have-doubled/

(3) https://www.manhattancontrarian.com/blog/2024-8-31-renewables-are-they-really-cheaper



Energy Supply

Offshore Wind Turbines

Wind Port Viability?

Governor Murphy has stated New Jersey will be the center of east coast offshore wind development. He has pledged in excess $500 million  of tax payer money to build a wind port just north of the Hope Creek  Nuclear plant. The state has also provided $250 million to develop a monopile manufacturing plant near Gibbstown.  These facilities are to entice east coast wind developers to assemble their wind turbines in New Jersey.

However, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts  and Virginia are building wind ports.  Now Maryland (1) is building a wind port and monopile plant at Sparrow Point in Baltimore.  Who remains as a possible client for the New Jersey wind port, perhaps Delaware? If no one comes except New Jersey wind developers, who is paying for the assembly plants?

The governor and wind advocates should provide a financial report identifying the proposed clients and payments for the New Jersey wind port.


(1`) https://live-masterresource.pantheonsite.io/offshore-windpower-issues/offshore-wind-update-august-2024


Anti Wind Rally

Congressman Jeff Van Drew held a rally(1) against the offshore wind projects. His arguments were there will be thousands of tall wind turbines off the coast.  These machines can pollute the ocean, as shown near Nantucket, and they will decimate the fishing industry. Also, the time is becoming short to stop the wind complexes.


(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/van-drew-uses-forum-to-slam-nj-offshore-wind-projects/



Sea Level Rises

Coastal Development Guidelines


In May the NJDEP proposed guidelines on coastal buildings which were incorrect and unjustified.  (See the May Energy Report).  In August the NJDEP issued a 1000 page draft report (1) (2) incorporating regulations based on the incorrect five foot (5) sea level rise by 2100. This regulation imposes unnecessary costs on tax payers and individuals.  A pushback on the regulations has begun.



(1`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/proposed-dep-rules-spark-debate-on-development-resiliency/

(2`) https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/dep-proposes-new-land-use-rules-for-jersey-shore/


We are a group of about 200 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.  Thanks.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director



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